The dazzling golden light makes people blind.

On one side, Huahua and meat ball have long been looking forward to.

According to the request of the old ancestor just now, the master wants to pinch him into an unparalleled beautiful man.

Beautiful man~~~

A man more handsome than emperor juechen.

Think about it, I'm really looking forward to it!

Finally, the golden light slowly dispersed, and the people inside finally slowly revealed.

But at this moment, Huahua and the meat ball were so surprised that they covered their mouths

Jin Guang evacuated. The man standing not far away scratched his head and wagged his tail, looked at the surprised appearance of Huahua and meat ball, and smiled.

His voice is still the voice of an old man, but that's not a thing.

Just look good.

Emperor Lao Zu raised his lips, "are you shocked by my appearance?"

There was a silence all around.

Then there was a burst of laughter!

"Ha ha! What a lovely old man! Lao Zu, you are so cute." the meat ball rushed forward and wanted to pinch emperor Lao Zu's face.

With a round face, it feels very good.

How can you be so cute and funny?

The face looked like a child, but the hair and beard were white.

Use one word to describe it, that is, he FA Tong Yan!

old man?!


Emperor Lao Zu's eyebrows moved.

He remembered that he asked the Chuge girl to pinch him into an unparalleled beautiful man. How could he become an old man?

Regardless of others, Emperor Lao Zu Yang rose and leaped to the holy water pool not far away.

Under the reflection, a lovely old man slowly appeared in the lake.

I saw the old man's round face and eyes. As soon as he laughed, his eyes narrowed, and he suddenly looked funny!

Emperor Lao Zu's eyes widened with surprise. At the same time, the little old man in the water also stared round!

"Ah ah!! who is this!" the roar spread all over the colorful space in an instant.

"Laozu, are you satisfied with your image?" Feng Chuge took two steps forward and looked at the little old man with Hefa Tongyan.

"It's not me, it must not be me." emperor Laozu didn't hear Feng Chuge's words. He just looked at the reflection in the water and kept pulling his beard and hair.

But it turns out that this is him!

"Oh, don't waste your energy. How suitable and lovely this image is for you." Feng Chuge narrowed her eyes and said with a smile.

That's the image that suits the character of my grandfather.

After several struggles, Emperor Lao Zu finally accepted his fate.

He turned his eyes and looked sadly at Feng Chu song. "Girl, what about the beautiful man?"

"It's a beautiful man, but I'm a little older. If you're 50 years younger, it's definitely the beauty of everyone." Feng Chuge turned her head and said. "Besides, you who have lived for so many years occupy a young body. Others don't treat you as a monster!"

My ancestors are very sad. "Girl, you are unkind... Didn't I make your eyes bigger and your nose stronger..."

"Isn't the eye big enough? Isn't the nose strong enough?" Feng Chuge blinked and looked at the flowers and meat balls who had been laughing. "You say, is Lao Zu so handsome? Are his eyes big? Is his nose very?"

Aware of Feng Chuge's eyes, Huahua and the meat ball immediately stopped laughing.

"Yes, very handsome. I haven't seen such a handsome little old man for a long time."

My grandfather was speechless.

He turned his head and looked at the old man in the reflection and collapsed again