"Oh?" Mo Xiaoyu picked a provocative, that appearance where there is half shy, it looks like endless snobbery.

Mo Yangtian looked around. After confirming that there were no others around, he approached Mo Xiaoyu and said something in her ear.

Even though the voice was very small, it was clearly heard by the divine knowledge of Feng Chu song.

"Second sister, as long as the rice is cooked at that time, even if he doesn't want to marry, he has to marry. Why don't we tonight..."

Mo Yangtian and Mo Xiaoyu continued talking, and Feng Chuge couldn't help laughing.

Mo Yangtian! Mo Xiaoyu! What a good calculation!

However, if you want to touch her and her man, you have to ask her if she wants to!

Feng Chuge finally took back the released divine consciousness. In the room, she suddenly opened her eyes! Fundus, cold light everywhere!

"What did you find?" emperor juechen turned his head, looked at Feng Chuge and asked.

Feng Chuge's beautiful face showed an exaggerated smile. "Tonight, let's give some big gifts to those brothers and sisters! Dust, in the evening, we have to cooperate well."

"Well, good, husband and wife match, not tired to work." emperor juechen answered.

Feng Chuge: "


Night, silence.

It has already entered late autumn. The night seems particularly peaceful. There is no chirping of insects and birds. There is only the sound of wind blowing trees and leaves rustling to the ground.

In such a night sky, two black figures flitted by.

It's so fast that people can't find it.

Earlier, my ancestors had located the location of the Holy Spirit water that day. In this way, it took almost no effort to reach the treasure house of Mo's family!

Outside the treasure house, there are heavy soldiers.

Emperor juechen got up, and his figure passed through the group, causing a stir.

The guards outside the treasure house immediately raised their vigilance. "Who?"

After hearing the sound, the shadow seemed to flee with fear.

Seeing this, two people were busy chasing up the door! "Stop, don't run!"

The guard was set aside, and Feng Chuge entered the treasure house without any effort.

In the treasure house, Feng Chuge glanced around twice and turned his eyes. "This piece of rubbish, that Mo Su even takes them as treasure?"

"Girl, do you think everyone can refine pills like you?" emperor Laozu said.

"Well, hurry up. Where's the holy water you want? I have something to do later." Feng Chuge urged.

My grandfather pondered for a moment and finally locked a direction. "It's in the corner. Go and have a look."

Following what the old ancestor pointed out, Feng Chuge walked over, and sure enough, he saw a red sandalwood box in a dark box in the corner of the wall.

At the moment, the box was covered with faint cold fragrance. When I opened the box, I saw a transparent bottle.

With this, Feng Chuge feels comfortable all over her.

Even she could not help sighing the efficacy of the holy water!

At this moment, the purple liquid in the bottle is flashing a little light.

The cold light is beautiful!

"That's it!" Lao Zu was overjoyed.

"OK!" Feng Chuge accepted the holy water of the heavenly spirit, then looked around, raised his hand fiercely, and knocked all the objects on all the shelves in the treasure house to the ground.

When everything was finished, she left here at a high speed.

Now, she has more important things to do!

That is, deal with Mo Yangtian and Mo Xiaoyu!
