Listening to Si HaoChen's words, Su Xiaoxiao, Shen Nian and Yun Nianxin all nodded. They all know what's going on, so they won't be careless.

Before long, Si HaoChen took the lead and wanted to enter the tomb.

He held Su Xiaoxiao's hand tightly and didn't loosen it for half a minute. As for Yun Nianxin and Shen Nian, he followed Su Xiaoxiao closely behind him. They all have some skills. In this way, protecting Su Xiaoxiao in the middle is the most intimate protection.

The secret passage of the tomb is narrow when you first enter it.

However, the wider the road and the more inward it goes, the more night pearls are dotted on the walls on both sides, and the tomb no longer looks so dark. Looking at the scene, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help smacking her tongue.

"Maybe this is really the treasure of the cloud family."

She has only seen it in novels and television, but now she has seen it with her own eyes.

The cloud family can build such a tomb, which is enough to show its family background.

Hearing this, Yun Nianxin sighed slightly. She took Su Xiaoxiao's hand and sighed in a deep voice.

"Maybe, but what if it is? Now that it has been sealed in the tomb, it should sleep forever with our ancestors. Instead of in the name of treasure, it caused another bloody storm. "

For this so-called treasure, their home was broken, and she followed for a long time. Su Xiaoxiao was in danger repeatedly, lost a child, and many innocent people. They could have lived a stable life, but they were involved in this storm because of their wealth and their inflated selfishness.

Human life is actually more valuable than treasure.

If she could, she would rather that the cloud family had never had these things. In that case, maybe everything would not be different.

Yun Nianxin didn't say a lot, but they were all in the Bureau and everyone understood.

Su Xiaoxiao held Yun Nianxin's hand tightly.

"Sister, everything will be fine."

They can't control the past, but the future is in their hands. It's no use feeling about the past. All they can do is do well in the present and make the future better.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't say much, but she comforted Yun Nianxin.

The four of them followed the secret passage and walked quickly in.

The secret passage of the tomb is very empty. Occasionally, it will be closed and blocked. However, because of the jade pendant in Si HaoChen's hand, these mechanisms are not difficult to crack. After walking around for an hour, they entered the center of the tomb.

In the center of the tomb, there is a golden coffin, which is very large and luxurious.

In addition to the golden coffin, on the west wall behind the golden coffin, there is a red sandalwood cabinet. The cabinet is very empty. There is only the top floor. There is a box that seems to be made of jade. There is nothing else. If it is a treasure, whether it is a golden coffin, a jade box, or those night pearls, it is also invaluable. However, compared with the legendary wealth, people flocking and crazy, it is still far from enough.

Looking at everything in the tomb, Si HaoChen and Su Xiaoxiao, as well as Shen Nian and Yun Nianxin, all had some doubts.

"Is there something wrong with the news of wealth and Feng Shuyuan?"

Listening to Shen Nian's words, Yun Nian frowned. "I don't know. Let's look around first. Or maybe there are other secret ways that we haven't found. "


Almost at the moment when yunnianxin's voice fell, Si HaoChen opened his mouth and responded.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxiao and Yun Nianxin couldn't help looking at Si HaoChen with doubts on their faces. Seeing this, Si HaoChen didn't hide it. He said quickly.

"From the perspective of Feng Shui, our current position is the middle of the tomb, which is the best position. If it is a treasure, as a burial object, it should be nearby. There will be no other choice. From the location of the terrain, the entrance of the tomb is at the middle of Yundu mountain, and our location is under Yundu mountain. With financial and human resources, it is not easy to dig deep into the mountain. If we continue, we will spend a lot of energy, but the effect is not very good. After all, we are just looking for worse positions. So on the whole... The tomb is true, but the treasure is false. "

It is likely that wealth and Feng Shuyuan's lifelong pursuit are just legends.

Listening to this, everyone's heart can't help feeling a little heavy.

It's not that their hearts are all thinking about treasure and gold, silver and jewelry. However, if the storm stirred by wealth is ultimately just an absurd legend, it's a kind of sadness for them, but why not for them?

This result is cruel to everyone.

Su Xiaoxiao frowned and whispered, "anyway, since you're here, let's look around. HaoChen, my sister and I worship our ancestors. You and my brother-in-law have a look around. "

"OK, you two be careful."

Whispering, Si HaoChen subconsciously looked at Yun Nianxin.

Yun Nianxin looked and nodded knowingly. Because of Wen Lan's transformation, her body function has reached the best state, even stronger than Si HaoChen and Shen Nian. She can replace Si HaoChen and protect Su Xiaoxiao's safety.

With yunnianxin's response, Si HaoChen and Shen Nian quickly walked away.

The two of them went straight to the jade box.

This jade box is not an ordinary product. As soon as they walked in, Si HaoChen and Shen Nian found that it was a superior lanolin jade. Looking at it, it was crystal white, delicate and moist, almost flawless. It's really rare to see such a large piece of jade used to make a jade box.

Si HaoChen stretched out his hand, carefully took down the box and gently opened it.

Placed in the box is a pile of neat jade cards. These jade cards are very thin and engraved with dense characters, all of which are seal characters. Si HaoChen and Shen Nian took it out and looked at it one by one. They soon found out what the so-called treasure of the cloud family is?

It's the jade plate. It's the word on the jade plate. It's the medicine handed down by the cloud family.

The origin of the cloud family is also recorded on the jade plate.

The cloud family comes from an offshore island, called Changsheng island. The ancestors of the cloud family probably answered the word Changsheng and lived a long life. The cloud family once analyzed their own blood and thought that the reason why the cloud family lived long was related to the blood of the cloud family. But later, my grandparents found that this statement was not accurate.

The people who built the tomb finally felt that they wanted to get rid of unrealistic delusions, urge their children and grandchildren to learn medicine, and get the way to cure and save people, rather than spend all their energy on absurd speculation. Therefore, he made a jade card for practicing medicine and passed it on from generation to generation. Similarly, the helmsman of each generation of the cloud family will also make a jade plaque of his lifelong research on medical technology and place it in the tomb for future generations to inherit.

What the cloud family left behind was originally a skill to save people and a treasure to save lives.

But wealth was blindfolded and eroded by interests, and countless people were killed in pursuit of the so-called treasure of the art of saving people.

This result made Si HaoChen feel very uncomfortable.

Similarly, Yun Nianxin and Su Xiaoxiao, the two real cloud families, feel even worse. So that when they came out of the tomb with those jade cards for practicing medicine, they were depressed and didn't speak for a long time.

Finally, Si HaoChen made the decision and donated these jade medals.

Medical skill should never be hidden in a dark tomb. On the contrary, it should be known by more people and inherited by more people.

Si HaoChen donated these jade medals to the medical research center to facilitate their research.

This is the best result for the cloud family and everyone.