Hearing Gu Mingshen's voice, Si HaoChen quickly looked in his direction.

On Gu Mingshen's computer screen, a picture appeared. The person in the picture was very similar to the person in Xu Yueru's picture. But there was a long scar on the man's left face.

Si HaoChen saw this wound in a pile of historical data.

"It's a demon dragon."

"It should be," Gu Ming whispered.

Demon dragon was a famous mercenary overseas in the early years. Its combat effectiveness was amazing. It ranked first in the mercenary list. It has been maintained for more than ten years, and no one has surpassed it. But later, I don't know why, the demon dragon disappeared and never appeared again.

Unexpectedly, now these two photos bring the demon dragon back.

If the present wealth is the original demon dragon, it all makes sense. After all, he has been at the top of the mercenary list for many years and has enough money to do anything.

Thinking, Gu Mingshen heard Si HaoChen speak.

"Send this photo to boss mo. he knows how to deal with it."

If we can really confirm that wealth is a demon dragon, they will be more targeted in many subsequent investigations and the control of details.

Hearing this, Gu Mingshen quickly went to do it.

However, before the photos of Gu Mingshen were transmitted, Si HaoChen received new news from He Tao.

"What's up?"

Listening to the question, he Tao spoke quickly.

"Boss, ten minutes ago, we cracked an email in Wen Ruan's mailbox and confirmed that the sender was Wen Lan. According to the coordinate position marked by Wenlan, we found that their current position is in a resort villa not far from the moon watching cliff. "


"Yes," He Tao knew that Si HaoChen cared about it. He dared not hide it at all. He reported his control to Si HaoChen one by one. "In order to confirm the news, we tried to contact Wen Lan with a deep voice, but there was no latest news yet. However, if Wen Lan really has feelings for Shen Nian, I believe she will reply soon. "

"I see."

Si HaoChen replied with a frown. He said quickly.

"Arrange people to go by land and air, secretly approach the mountain villa at the coordinate position, arrange an exploration team and refit it to explore the news. In addition, there is a picture of the demon dragon. Gu Xiaosi will send it to you later to let the people of the exploration team keep an eye on whether they can find the demon dragon during the exploration. "

"Wealth and demon dragon are one person?"


Photos are far more illustrative than words. Si HaoChen simply didn't say much. He quickly cut off the call.

Gu Mingshen heard Si HaoChen's words. Needless to say, he directly sent the photos of the demon dragon to He Tao. For the rest, he Tao will naturally follow the arrangement after looking at the photos. They don't have to worry more.

Everything is developing in a good direction.



One day earlier than usual, he sent a message to Wen Huan, which even Wen Lan didn't expect. She did not expect that she could not wait because she was thinking of Shen.

She wants to see Wen Huan's reply and know Shen Nian's situation.

The sense of urgency suppressed in her heart made her unable to do things at ease. Finally, she sent an email.

I didn't expect to go back to my house so soon.

It's not Wen Ruan's answer, but Shen nianhui's, familiar tone and familiar greetings. Even after many years, it's still like opening a dusty album with the original appearance. All the memories of Shen Nian in my mind were like the gate was opened and poured out quickly.

Wenlan can't control herself. She misses too much.

She couldn't help but go back to Shen Nian's email.

However, she thought about the words several times, and each time she typed a few lines, she thought about deleting them.

I haven't seen her for many years. Even in these years, she only exists in the memory of Shen Nian in the way of a dead person and a dusty name. Seeing Shen Nian again after so many years, she wanted to leave a good impression on her. However, she really doesn't know how to speak, which is what he likes.

Pursed her lips, Wenlan's hand on the keyboard trembled and kept shaking.

But just then the door opened.

When she heard the news, Wenlan subconsciously looked at the door. Fortune turned his wheelchair and slowly entered the room.

Seeing wealth, Wenlan couldn't help but panic. She subconsciously turned off the computer directly. There is a self destruct program installed by herself in the computer. If it is started and closed abnormally, the file data in it will be cleared. This is her protection for herself.

The content in the computer can't be seen by wealth, not a word. Otherwise, her accident is small, and Wen Ruan and Shen Nian may not live, which she can't accept.

Thinking in her heart, Wen Lan could not help feeling more panic when she looked at wealth.

Wealth sees everything clearly.

Turning his wheelchair, he approached Wenlan a little. Fortune whispered, "what are you doing? Why is your face so ugly? "


He raised his hand and touched his face. Wen Lan took a deep breath and responded.

"I just read some latest research data and found that the condition of blood evil was not as good as I originally expected. After I looked at it, I felt a little uncomfortable and lost my attitude. "

Casually made an excuse. Wen Lan said something like that.

Wealth listens and slightly hooks his lips.

"The condition of the bloody ghost is not as good as originally expected? In what way is he still not up to standard? "

"Many aspects are not ideal."

As she spoke, Wenlan took a stack of materials on the table and handed them to wealth. Let wealth look at the materials, Wen Lan whispered.

"These data are the latest physical reports of xuesha. From the current results, his attack ability is greatly improved. However, his ability to heal after injury is far from as good as expected. Previously, we had done experiments on Yun Nianxin. According to Yun Nianxin's condition, her wounds, even severe knife wounds, can recover well in two to three days. However, in the blood evil spirit, the recovery is often delayed to between five and eight days, which is not very good.

In addition, we have also received good feedback on the life prolonging gene we changed in yunnian's mind. Although she has been unconscious, according to her physical function, I conservatively estimate that she will live for about 150 to 200 years under the current situation. But the bloody ones can't.

In addition to the blood evil spirit, I have also seen the latest results of our other samples. Overall, only the state of Yun Nianxin is the best. It can be said that yunnianxin is the most suitable experimental sample for our research. However, she is now in the hands of Si HaoChen, and we have no further possibility. "

"Yun Nianxin... Su Xiaoxiao..."

Whispering these two names, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of wealth.

"Maybe this is the power of blood? The people in their family are always better than others. These are indeed two perfect samples, but it is just as difficult to capture samples as to capture treasures... "