Seeing off Hongguang, Si HaoChen was also relieved.

It's more and more difficult for the annoying arrogant boy to rob Ye Jinyan from them.

Si HaoChen is looking forward to this big play more and more.

Without further delay, he went back to Su Xiaoxiao's ward and waited for the news from ye Jinyan while accompanying Su Xiaoxiao.

However, it was beyond Si HaoChen's expectation.

A day and a night passed. There was no movement over Ye Jinyan.

The boy said that within 30 hours... Si HaoChen calculated the time and the possibility that they would give up rescuing Ye Jinyan.

Perhaps he overestimated the importance of Ye Jinyan.

But now all he can do is wait.

But Si HaoChen never thought that there was another thing that would suddenly come out at this time point, which was beyond his expectation and disturbed his pace.

That is, Si Haoting and Xu Yueru were rescued.

But they were not completely rescued.

Because Si Haoting disappeared, and Xu Yueru's body was found in Mi County, Northeast China, 100 kilometers away from the imperial capital.

Their men followed all the way.

Finally, I only brought back Xu Yueru's body.

When I heard the news over the phone, Si HaoChen was snuggling up beside Su Xiaoxiao's bed and accompanying her to give her child prenatal education.

He was very surprised to hear the news at first.

That she forgot to avoid Su Xiaoxiao.

I'm not afraid she knows, but she can't be frightened by her current state.

Su Xiaoxiao has no feelings for Xu Yueru, but she is still a little unbelievable when she hears that she is dead.

"How could this happen?"

Looking at Si HaoChen who hung up, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help asking.

Si HaoChen frowned and shook his head slightly. "I don't know the specific situation yet. I have to go and have a look."

"Then go. I'll wait for you to come back."

If she could get out of bed, she would also like to follow.

Because, perhaps it's a woman's intuition, Su Xiaoxiao always feels that Xu Yueru's sudden death is a little strange.

It's like a dark trap waiting for them to drill in.

But if they don't go in, they don't know what's inside.

Listening to Su Xiaoxiao's words, Si HaoChen sighed slightly. He leaned and gave her a big hug.

"Have a good rest in the room. Mom will accompany you in a minute."

"I can do it myself."

"I know you can, but Huanian Jinxiu's business is not good recently. She's idle at home, so she wants to chat with you to relieve her boredom. Just don't dislike her."

Listening to Si HaoChen's words, Su Xiaoxiao's flat mouth was speechless.

Such a black ink Xinlan, he is really his own son.

However, her heart is really warm.

Mo Xinlan or Mei Caihua, including Wang Xihua and Su Tingting, of course, the most important thing is Si HaoChen

They are all very kind to her.

People say: How's your family? Try staying in bed for three years.

Su Xiaoxiao knew in her heart that she would not stay in bed for three years, but she believed that even if one day, they would treat her as always.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense. Hurry and get busy. Go early and return early."

"Then I'll go."

"Let's go."

"Good," spoiled and rubbed Su Xiaoxiao's head. Si HaoChen kissed her on her lips, and then left quickly.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the door of the ward being closed and couldn't help touching her hot lips.

Above, there is the temperature of Si HaoChen.

Place of detention.

Si HaoChen went all the way. It didn't take him long to get here.

At that time, Xu Yueru's body had been placed on the hospital bed in the lounge, covered with a layer of white cloth.

Si HaoChen opened the white cloth and saw Xu Yueru.

His face was pale, his eyes were closed, and there was a strangulation mark on his neck. There was nothing else.

If he didn't know she was dead, Si HaoChen would really think she was asleep.

"Has the cause of death been determined?"

"Not yet."

Hongli stood aside and responded in a low voice.

"Because the incident happened suddenly, I didn't inform the forensic doctor to come for autopsy, but I just gave her a preliminary test. The injury on the neck has a life reaction, which is a pre life injury, but it is not the cause of death according to the color of the strangulation mark and the time of death, combined with other reactions. No other scars have been found on her, so the cause of death cannot be directly confirmed. "

If you want to check, you must carry out a more detailed anatomy.

Of course, there is another point that Hongli suspects.

"I took some blood from her body and did a blood test. It was found that several index data in the test results were abnormal. The possibility of poisoning death was not ruled out. However, we haven't found any poison in the, so... "

This is only a speculation and cannot be confirmed.

Hongli's work is rigorous, and medicine also needs to be rigorous. Without full assurance, we can't make a conclusion.

But since he said it, Si HaoChen had a general idea of what was going on.

His face was dark, and Si HaoChen frowned.

"Where's Si Haoting? Is there any whereabouts?"

Hongli shook his head slightly, "most of our people went to guard Ye Jinyan before, so the defense here is relatively loose. We didn't expect that someone would come up with the idea of Xu Yueru and Si Haoting. When our people found out, it was already late. "

Xu Yueru can be traced because her body was exposed.

As for Si Haoting, there is really no news.

It's not easy to keep track of his news.

Si HaoChen knew all this, and it was because he knew that he was annoyed. He even began to doubt whether his ability was weakened or whether he was too lax these days.

From his hands, he took people away quietly and sent back a dead body to demonstrate

It was a disgrace to him.

He clenched his fist tightly and Si HaoChen snapped.

"Inform Ruobing to come as soon as possible and give Xu Yueru an autopsy in person. You cooperate with her. I want to know the cause of Xu Yueru's death."

Xu Yueru himself, death is not a pity.

However, behind her, there is a secret of wealth.

And his brother

As soon as Xu Yueru died, it became more difficult to investigate these things. And the cause of her death may be a breakthrough.

Listening to Si HaoChen's orders, Hongli nodded.

"I know. I'll arrange it now."


In a low voice, Si HaoChen covered Xu Yueru with a white cloth.

The deceased is gone. He will give him the respect he deserves.

Just then, the door of the rest room was knocked. Si HaoChen heard a voice and said coldly, "come in."

Soon, a gatekeeper came in carefully.

"Boss, here comes a man."


This is the secret detention point of the military. In addition to their own people, there are people with ulterior motives who pay special attention to this place. Who else can come?

Thinking, Si HaoChen heard the man speak.

"Yes... Is the chairman of Si's group... Mr. Si junqingsi..."

Hearing this, Si HaoChen's face suddenly changed.

As soon as Xu Yueru died, Si Junqing came

Is this a coincidence?

Without enough time to think, Si HaoChen quickly went to pick up Si Junqing. However, he just went out and met Si Junqing.

When the two met, Si Junqing raised his hand and slapped Si HaoChen in the face without saying a word.

Si Junqing's speed was very fast, completely beyond Si HaoChen's expectation.