Xinyuan mansion.

Maybe it's because Si HaoChen is away. Su Xiaoxiao doesn't sleep well.

It wasn't long before she woke up.

The room was dark and quiet. Su Xiaoxiao vaguely touched his side and didn't touch Si HaoChen.

Unconsciously rubbing her eyes, she struggled and turned on the bedside lamp.

There is no shadow of Si HaoChen at all.

"Strange, where have you been?"

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed. Su Xiaoxiao went to the study. Originally thought that Si HaoChen would work overtime in the study. As a result, the light in the study was dark and empty. There was no one at all.

In my heart, I was vaguely worried.

Recently, because of the missing series, Si HaoChen, Si Haoting and Si Junqing are right.

Si Haoting's mind is narrow-minded. What tricks will he use?

Su Xiaoxiao is worried about trouble.

Thinking, Su Xiaoxiao heard the sound of a car outside. She trotted to the door and opened it. She just saw Si HaoChen take out the key.

Two people face each other with four eyes.

"Why are you awake?"

Si HaoChen came forward, grabbed Su Xiaoxiao and asked in a low voice.

Su Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows. "I didn't see you when I woke up. When I heard the sound, I came down to have a look. What about you? Where have you been so late? "

"Wife, is this a check post?"

"Bah, this is torture, okay? Say it quickly, or I won't let you in. "

Tooting his mouth, Su Xiaoxiao pretended to be angry.

However, the tenderness of her eyes and the gradual relief of her breathing exposed her tenderness of becoming less nervous and less worried.

Si HaoChen made great efforts with his arms and picked her up.

"Don't let me in, wife. Do you want something exciting to happen at the door?"

"You... Rascal."

"Open the door to the hooligans in the middle of the night, wife. It's very dangerous. Do you know?"


Su Xiaoxiao listened to Si HaoChen's words and rolled his eyes at him. The man's cheek is incomparable. Now I don't know how to argue that he is rogue and shameless.


Shaking his head, Su Xiaoxiao continued, "seriously, where have you been? Is something wrong? "

"The company has an overseas expansion project. It's very important for partners to hold a video conference temporarily. I have no choice but to go back to the company and add a small class."


"Why, don't you believe me?"

"It's a little unreliable. After all, video conferences can be held in the study. Why do you have to go to the company? It's so suspicious in the middle of the night. "

Hugging Si HaoChen's neck, Su Xiaoxiao shook her legs and said with a smile.

Si HaoChen chuckled.

He lowered his head and kissed her forehead. Si HaoChen's thin lips pressed close to her ears and whispered.

"Since you feel suspicious, you must find out. After a while, I'll take it off and smell it for you. Is there any other suspicious smell on my body, huh? "


Su Xiaoxiao's mouth is flat and doesn't answer again.

Compared with Si HaoChen, she must lose, so she doesn't continue to play.

The night is still spreading.

Si HaoChen lay in bed with Su Xiaoxiao in his arms, talking and laughing softly. Sleepy, Su Xiaoxiao soon fell asleep again. The faint halo of the bed lamp shrouded her cheek and seemed quiet.

Si HaoChen's hand slowly stroked Su Xiaoxiao's cheek.

The softness warmed his heart.

It makes him want to maintain.

No matter how many means and conspiracies Ye Jinyan has, he will break them at once. Because he forbids anyone to hurt Su Xiaoxiao for any reason or in any way.

When Si HaoChen came back, Su Xiaoxiao slept soundly.

However, Si HaoChen didn't sleep all night.

Similarly, Xia Ruobing didn't close his eyes.

He hurried back to the police station. Xia Ruobing took advantage of his identity to intervene in the murder case. Accompanied by two other forensic doctors, he personally dissected the body.

It's more than six in the morning.

The autopsy report has come out.

Xia Ruobing didn't dare to delay. She called Mo Yifeng.

At that time, Mo Yifeng was waiting outside the police station. He bought breakfast and brought it to Xia Ruobing. He took the opportunity to inquire about some internal news.

In the office, only Xia Ruobing and Mo Yifeng.

Xia Ruobing washed his hands and stuffed food into his mouth.

"I'll go. I'm just pretending. Did you really eat it? You've dissected the body and haven't taken a shower, okay? "

"I washed my hands."


Silently shrugged, Mo Yifeng turned to ask“ By the way, how was the autopsy? Are there any favorable findings? "


Xia Ruobing nodded.

She slipped a small meat bun into her mouth, and then she opened her mouth.

"I've checked and can confirm that the time of death of the deceased was between 8:30 and 9:00 last night. There was no life reaction at the gunshot wound of the deceased, that is, post-mortem injury. "

"What was the real cause of his death?"

"I dissected and found that the myocardial cells of the dead were killed and injured to varying degrees, and there were many rose colored blood spots in the myocardium."

"What does that mean?"

Xia Ruobing was too professional. Mo Yifeng didn't understand.

Hearing the question, Xia Ruobing smiled, "do you think I'm powerful now?"

"You've always been great." Treat him to obedience. There is no better woman in the world than her, okay?

"That's about the same."

Xia Ruo Bing sighed and continued.

"Judging from his symptoms, it can be determined that his myocardial fiber was torn and his heart bled, resulting in cardiac arrest and death."

"Then why does this happen?"

"To put it simply, 90% of the time, he was scared to death."

"Scared to death?"

Mo Yifeng picked his eyebrows. Some couldn't believe it.

Xia Ruobing nodded, tooted his mouth and patiently explained, "let's say, when a person is suddenly frightened by the outside world, the brain will instruct the adrenal gland to secrete a large amount of catecholamines, which will make the heart beat suddenly faster, the blood pressure rise, the oxygen consumption of myocardial metabolism increase sharply, and the too fast blood circulation will impact the heart, causing myocardial fiber tear and bleeding... And then it's over."

"That is to prove that this man's death has nothing to do with old four? This matter will not involve old four? "

In that case, things would be much easier.

However, Xia Ruobing disagreed.

"It's hard to say."


"I ask you, what kind of fright do you have to be frightened to death on the spot? What if people insist that Gu Mingshen scared him to death? "

"Isn't there other evidence?"

"That's your business. Hurry to find other evidence. Otherwise, it's not impossible to involve other cases because of this matter. At that time, Gu Mingshen can't say it clearly. "

It's about human life. No one can be careless.

Mo Yifeng also knew the power, and he nodded slightly.

"I have transferred people from the military and asked the military and police to cooperate in handling the case. I hope this matter can be found out as soon as possible."

"I hope so."

Xia Ruobing also sighed.

She really felt that Yu Wanxue's emotional road was too bumpy. I managed to escape from the sea of suffering, but I fell into another anxiety

When is it?