Pingyue is very pleased that Wu Chen can make such a decision. After leaving the dungeon, Pingyue first sends a signal to Yin Zi, intending to wait for the support of the three families around the dungeon.

But on the other side, they don't know, the dinner after the Poseidon meeting has already begun, but the person who presided over this time has become Feng Qingming.

At this time, Feng Qingming stood on the stage of the banquet and said to the people on the scene: "this year's Poseidon conference has come to an end. Today is supposed to celebrate for the champion of the conference, but do you know where our champion is?"

Haishen Island owner, Yujie, langsuo and Yinzi stood together with a sad face, not the slightest sense of celebration, but more fear.

After Feng Qingming's words came out, the people who used to listen to Feng Qingming's speech could not help making noise. Because after they looked around, they didn't find Wu Chen, the champion. All of them were speculating about Wu Chen's whereabouts.

On the other side of the banquet, master Ryan also sat on one side with a dark face. He didn't know what had happened. He could not help gritting his teeth to Feng Qingming's speech.

"Where did the champion Wu Chen go?" At this time, all the people at the dinner party could not sit still. One of them stood up and asked.

"Yes! If you have anything to say, don't be so fussy

The agitation of these people made Feng Qingming happy. Then Feng Qingming motioned them to be quiet with both hands, and then said, "you don't know, this meeting of Poseidon is actually a conspiracy, a conspiracy decided by Poseidon island and the three families together!"

Feng Qingming's words were astonishing, and the noise of the dinner party was even louder. However, it was strange that the three families and the island owner of Poseidon who were slandered by Feng Qingming were silent.

They were silent and didn't say a word. Their tacit attitude made the people present very strange.

A man who spoke in the world of cultivating immortals immediately pointed to Yujie and asked, "Yujie, is what he said true?"

Yujie hesitated for a long time, but he couldn't say a word.

That person sees Yu Jie such appearance, can't help but scold: "that child on stage, you say this is a conspiracy, how is it going on?"

Feng Qingming's trademark smile didn't change, so he opened his mouth and said, "you should know about the four families a few years ago! Fengjia was slaughtered overnight. Some people may have heard that the version of Fengjia was encircled by the three families, but it's not like that in fact! "

"Is Feng Qingming going to make all our affairs public?" Lang Suo bit his teeth, and Yu Jie said in a low voice: "I knew this boy didn't have a good heart. I didn't expect that he would put us together at this time!"

"Our Fengjia family was slaughtered by a mysterious man, and the conspiracy this time is all because of this mysterious man!" Feng Qingming said: "what the mysterious man does is my extremely bright body. The one on the side can be regarded as saving me, but this mysterious man poses a great threat to the three families and the world of cultivating immortals, because he is very strong!"

At this point, the people who knew about it had a little insight, and said, "according to your opinion, the three families and the owners of Haishen island should be trying to eliminate the threat of the mysterious man in your mouth, but why do you say it's a conspiracy?"

There are a lot of people who agree with him, but Feng Qingming is not in a hurry and says: "indeed, the mysterious man is a great threat to the world of cultivating immortals. It's normal to get rid of him, but why do I say it's a conspiracy?"

With a strange smile on his face, Feng Qingming asked slowly, "do you have a strange feeling? It's like forgetting something or someone. They've seen each other not long ago, but they just forgot! Please have a good memory and see if you can think of anything

After Feng Qingming said this, the owner of Haishen Island immediately became very flustered, and then the people present also appeared a trace of pain.

They cover their heads one after another, memories suddenly gush out like water, and the forgotten memories also emerge in their minds.

In fact, this memory is not important, but it is because of the existence of this memory that the mystery of the whole thing is gradually revealed.

you 're right!

This memory is the memory of those missing players. Everyone turns a deaf ear to it, but it's actually because of being manipulated. At the beginning, Wu Chen also thought that it was the mysterious people who cast the Dharma, which made them forget the existence of those people.

But if Wu Chen thinks about it carefully, he will find that the person who will do so is obviously suspected to be the owner of Haishen island. If you want to say why, it's also because the owner of Haishen island is afraid that this matter will leak out and damage his reputation in his later years.

Feng Qingming saw that people seemed to recall the past, and said again, "remember, isn't it strange why you forget this memory? Then you should ask the people who held this conference carefully!"

In a word, they went straight to the direction of the island owner of Poseidon island. They cast a puzzled look and waited for the island owner to give them an explanation.

At this time, the struggle on the face of the island owner of Poseidon island was obvious. It took a long time for him to decide something. He said with relief, "your memory is my hands and feet. I just don't want to get a reputation of incompetence when I'm dying."

The leader of Haishen island said these words with tears and a runny nose. People like him can't raise their cultivation a little more, and they will take their reputation seriously.

Maybe some people don't understand why the island owner of Poseidon island is justifiable for all this, but why it will cause public anger after saying it.

That's because it's not easy to eliminate memory. First of all, we don't talk about the side effects on the owners of Haishen Island, but the nerves of ordinary people are very fragile.

Haishen Island owner's move is actually to make people's nerves damaged, so that they will have amnesia symptoms. When these people get old, because of this nerve damage, they may have Alzheimer's disease.

This is the side effect of amnesia. No wonder people are so angry. It's all the evil done by the owner of Haishen island.

Feng Qingming looked at the people's actions with satisfaction and immediately said, "OK! Put the blame on him aside. I haven't said what their plot is yet! "

Hearing this, people's faces became more serious, and their hearts of celebration were gone.

He heard Feng Qingming continue: "their plot is to kill the mysterious man, so they will do anything for it!"