"Are you going to the Poseidon convention?"

Chu Zhongtian and old Ryan trembled at the same time and looked at Wu Chen in shock. The former is shocked by Wu Chen's low strength but wants to participate in the competition, while the latter is sad for those competitors.

You know, Wu Chen's strength, but once really killed a monk in Yuanying realm! In this strength stage, he is the invincible strong!

"Yes, I want to participate in this Poseidon conference. I want to challenge myself, and more importantly, I want to use this opportunity to find my partner. "

Master Ryan and Chu Zhongtian looked at the people around them and said, "let's not be here. Let's go to the back hall to have a rest. If you don't have a place to live, young Xia, you might as well stay with my inspector. "

Seeing master Ryan's eyes, Wu Chencai nodded and said with a smile, "OK, thank you very much, Lord Chu."

"How dare you? It's clear that we made mistakes first. This is just an opportunity for me to make amends. "

Wu Chen knew that Chu Zhongtian was also looking at master Ryan's face, so he just pretended to be powerful, nodded his head, and said to them: "brothers, don't you thank me?"

Bear bear two quickly nodded thanks, and snow Qian is slightly jaw head, to show respect.

When he got to the back hall, Ryan took Wu Chen's hand and asked him about his recent experience. Wu Chen answered one by one, but omitted some details.

Half way through, Wu Chen suddenly said to Ryan, "brother, I want to ask you something."

"You say it." When Ryan looked at Wu Chen, he immediately guessed his mind and whispered, "boy, what do you want me to make for you?"

After knowing the identity of Ryan, Xiong Da Xiong Er, like Chu Zhongtian, becomes frightened. He stares at Ryan and Wu Chen, holding his breath and listening to their conversation.

Wu Chen took a look at Xue Qian and said, "brother, I want a sword array. It's better to have 36 flying swords, which can be combined to form a sword array to defend the enemy. "

"You're talking about something that can be manipulated by mind?" Ryan looked at Wu Chen in surprise, "can you really manipulate it? That thing is very difficult. "

"Don't worry about this. I can exercise my mental strength slowly, but for my plan, thirty-six are just right."

Master Lane shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "it's not that I don't help. The problem is... He needs drawings for this sword array. Therefore, we must first find a reasonable template, only in this way can we proceed to the next step. I don't have any drawings! "

"Yes, brother, we've heard about this sword formation." Xiong Da opened his mouth and explained: "this kind of sword array, if you don't have a suitable drawing, even if you have 36 flying swords, it's still useless. As long as there is no way to build the level and three-dimensional sense, this kind of flying sword is only 36 ordinary long swords, which can't have the lethality of sword array. "

Wu Chen nodded and thought carefully for a while. According to their description, the drawing of the flying sword should be a very precious existence. I'm afraid it's hard to find something valuable now. If you want to find it now, it's really a bit difficult.

However, Chu Zhongtian, who was silent all the time, suddenly said, "brother, it's like this... I really have a drawing of sword formation here, and I can give it to you."

Wu Chen and Ryan look at Chu Zhongtian at the same time, and their eyes are full of hope. No wonder that people like Chu Zhongtian don't have drawings!

As the director of the inspection department on Haishen Island, there are a lot of collections. However, it can be seen that this guy will definitely put forward some conditions. After all, there is no free lunch in this world.

"Well, I'll take your gun." Ryan patted his chest and said to Chu Zhongtian, "as long as you let out the drawing, I'll give you a piece of armor!"

These people are smart people who know what they want from each other. Hearing Ryan's uninvited and frank reply, Chu Zhongtian put on airs and laughed: "well, since the master is so frank, brother, I'll give up my love and give you the drawing!"

At this point, he gently stroked his storage ring, summoned out a piece of kraft paper and handed it to Wu Chen, "brother, you can have a look. I got this drawing from a relic. I didn't use a sword, so it didn't work. You see, is it still useful for you? "

Wu Chen took the drawing and looked at it curiously, which made Wu Chen completely stupid.

He stared at the words and pictures on the drawing in shock and muttered to himself: "zhutianjian formation?"

Zhutian sword array consists of 49 flying swords, and each one is a magic weapon. These 49 pieces have their own characteristics. Together, they form a variety of combinations, which are changeable and can make people defenseless.

The reason why they dare to be called Zhutian is that they have very high requirements for operators. Just imagine, 49 flying swords at the same time constitute a sword array, the control of spiritual power, must reach the peak of proficiency, it is possible not to make mistakes.

What's more, not making mistakes is one aspect. It's another concept to combine and change them according to your own mind!

Seeing the sky killing sword array on the drawing, Wu Chen handed the drawing to master lane and asked curiously, "brother lane, our sword array... Have a look, is there any problem?"

After watching it, Ryan was very excited from carelessness to the end. The whole process was wonderful. He grabbed the drawing and laughed: "yes, that's it! What I want is challenging. If not, it's not enough to interest me! "

He said to the heaven in Chu: "Mr. Chu, do you know where the best blacksmith shop is on Haishen island? Please provide me with a place where I can actually operate. I'll fight out the heaven killing sword array first, and then forge a long gun for you. How about that? "

"Of course." Chu Zhongtian knew that old Ryan had the most reputation and said: "as long as master Ryan doesn't forget what he promised me, it's enough! As for when to help me forge, that's OK. "

Speaking of this, he said to his servants, "go to the warehouse and see if the deep-sea iron essence I stored before is still there. Send it to master Ryan. Let's witness the birth of the artifact together!"