The dragon's belly is very strong no matter from any direction. There is no way to kill it from inside. And Wu Chen still needs to separate out part of his spiritual power to resist the corrosive liquid in the dragon's stomach, so his strength and physical strength are gradually reduced.

However, Wu Chen found a very strange thing - the Dragon seemed to be moving constantly, so that its body was always in a state of wriggling and winding. Even though it was separated from the thick skin, it still had a clear feeling.

The dragon is not staying in its cave. Where is it going?

I don't know how long later, Wu Chen suddenly felt that the corrosive liquid in Jiaolong's stomach was quietly fading away. Instead, it was intense exercise, which made Wu Chen keep rolling out.

The next moment, he saw Jiaolong's big mouth. As soon as Wu Chen's eyes brightened, he jumped out of the room, rolled around and quickly separated from Jiaolong.

However, there was an old voice behind him: "young man, who are you?"

Wu Chen looked back and saw an old man in gorgeous clothes standing behind him, looking at himself with a kind eye. He waved to himself and said with a smile, "young man, welcome to my world. I didn't expect to see a living life after such a long time. It's really changeable and fate makes people happy. "

"Who are you, master?"

Wu Chen asked tentatively, and at the same time, he watched the Dragon beside the old man with alert eyes. It can be seen that this dragon should be his pet, otherwise it would not have been so obedient to bring himself to the old man.

Although the other party seems amiable, his purpose is not clear. Wu Chen can't treat him with 100% trust, and he can't have too much contact with him for fear that this person will cheat him.

"I am the master of this place. Some people once called me Hades. I think I should have been a overlord at the beginning. I didn't expect that I would be reduced to the present situation. I can only keep watch in this dark place all the time. "

After hearing the word "Hades", Wu Chen immediately thought of the skeletons, soldiers and Jiaolong. It didn't look like they were done by the right people.

Could it be that the man in front of him is practicing the ghost way, that is to say, the hungry ghost way among the six ways? I didn't expect that this kind of heresy would be used!

Thinking of this, Wu Chen tentatively gazed at the old man with his psychic eyes, only to find some amazing secrets - he clearly saw that the old man's lower body had been broken by someone's waist, not like what he was now showing.

He was all slovenly and unkempt, lying on the ground, staring at himself with venomous eyes.

It turns out that this is his true face, and the image he is using now is just a mirage of it. So what does the old man want to do?

Wu Chen does not say that. He wants to see what the other party's real purpose is. He does not hesitate to show himself in such an image, but also wants to say something to himself.

He doesn't look like a good man anyway.

"Child, let me tell you... I'm the most miserable saint in the world. It can also be said that we hungry ghosts are not welcomed by other people by nature, so that the world misunderstands us. At that time, I was also forced to be held here, and I had no way to leave here. "

Although he didn't trust this man very much, Wu Chen had a strong interest in his words. He said that he was imprisoned here. What kind of person could he hold a saint? Is it hard to be the top strong man in the world?

"In fact, you can see that I'm not who I am now." The underworld suddenly said to Wu Chen, "my true face is a person that even I want to spit on. For my final dignity, I can only show it with such a face."

As soon as his voice fell, he became what he should be now, that is, the half body disabled Wu Chen saw with his psychic eyes. This guy looks very sad, but also let Wu Chen a little moved.

"So who hurt you like this? I always can't believe that there will be someone stronger than a saint! Saints should be regarded as gods, and they are the top among gods. "

"No, you are all wrong. All saints are just Mahayana. And the real God has already gone beyond all levels, which is a kind of belief level, which is different from ours. "

The old man's tone was pathetic. He sighed helplessly, "even ten saints like me can't be compared with a true God. The true God is the only existence in the world. In those days, many people went to the Tongtian tower, and we all went to the last level together. We went through a lot of hardships.... "

"But I didn't expect that at the end of the day, one of the guys became a God. That guy was so mean that he put us all here and became his slaves."

Wu Chen asked suspiciously, "you mean... All of them are held here. What about the others?"

The old man gave Wu Chen a light look and said with a sneer, "I have already died. If I hadn't practiced the hungry ghost way, I wouldn't have lived to this day! The true God keeps us here to suck our energy. He devours our energy, and then his own strength will become stronger and stronger, so that he can always maintain and consolidate the laws of the world and his dominance. "

Wu Chen suddenly thought of something. He had a question - if the true God was not the corpse collector, then who was the corpse collector?

"Master, I want to ask, is that true God still in the world of heavenly script? Or has he gone up? "

The underworld took a look at Wu Chen and said with a smile, "boy, I think you are also a spiritual cultivation in a fit environment. You should also know that our world needs to ascend by attacking the white tower, which is the only condition for our city. But do you know why no one has been a God for so many years? "

"That's because... The real God is waiting for you on the last floor! In other words, to be the God of the world, the price you pay is to stay on the last level forever, guard the order here, and not let anyone rise until you die. "

Speaking of this, he paused, looked at Wu Chen with a kind of insidious eyes, and said with a smile, "boy, are you afraid? I can also tell you. The guy on the last floor has never left the world from the beginning to the end! Everything... Is just a hoax. "