
When Fang Ruoxue changed her clothes and cleaned up the scene like the staff, she saw Wu Chen waiting at the gate of the scene.

He is holding a cigarette in his hand, the other side if snow smile way, "how to just come out now?"

Fang Ruoxue laughed, "don't I dress up to be more solemn? Come on, what are we going to eat? "

"To celebrate the success of your concert, let's eat something delicious... Or shall we have ice cream together?" Wu Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "you know, ice cream is delicious and very cheap. Anyway, I like it. What do you think?"

After hearing Wu Chen's words, he pouted, "you are such a big boss. Now you are so stingy. What are you going to do? I'll come here with difficulty. If you don't invite me to have some good food, then I won't be able to eat yours. "

"You're a star, you know, you need to keep in shape. Usually, can you eat ice cream? Linda will let you eat? Don't tease me. Some of them are good. Don't be choosy! " Say, Wu Chen gave Fang Ruoxue's forehead to come up a burst chestnut, jokingly way, "you this wench, don't so greedy, OK?"

"Well, I see." Fang Ruoxue nodded impatiently and handed Wu Chen the key in her hand. "This is my car key. Let's go. Let's go wherever we want. The rest, I think, will be done well by the staff of the company. "

"You girl, you are just in charge of the disaster, no matter how to deal with it."

Wu Chen teases a, completely have no blame of meaning, open square if snow beetle, left here.

This beetle was provided by Li Xiaoxi during Fang Ruoxue's visit. Fang Ruoxue asked that she didn't need a good car, which was too ostentatious and easy to attract other people's attention.

As a result, Li Xiaoxi sent such a little car which is not well-known or even beautiful.

It's very late now, about 11 o'clock.

In fact, sister Linda is not at ease. Wu Chen and Fang Ruoxue go out together. But at the thought of Wu Chen repeatedly helped Fang Ruoxue, she had to tell the other party, must pay attention to safety, not to be found by the paparazzi and so on.

Wu Chen naturally agreed. You should know, how can he be easily seen through by others? After all, psychic power has a function of concealment, which allows him to find paparazzi in advance or perfectly hide their whereabouts.

In this way, no one else knows what they want to do.

After the consumption of the concert just now, Wu Chen's spiritual power is not much. Now he also appears a little tired, but dealing with some general conditions, or handy.

Moreover, in this city, there are not so many dangers, so Wu Chen subconsciously relaxed his vigilance.

But at this time, Wu Chen suddenly saw in the beetle's rearview mirror - behind them, followed by three black cars. It seemed that they were very ordinary, but Wu Chen found some differences.

No matter how much the process increases or slows down, these cars are always running at the same speed as their cars.

Moreover, Wu Chen had tried many times and found out that these guys were coming for their beetles,

"If snow, you need to fasten your seat belt." Wu Chen frowned and said to the people beside him, "I think we may have some trouble. After a while, we must grasp the handrail beside the car to prevent being hurt by some sudden situation. Do you understand?"

Fang Ruoxue was frightened by Wu Chen's sudden gravity and seriousness. Her voice trembled and she asked carefully, "what's the matter? What's the danger? What's going on? Don't scare me, OK? "

Wu Chen shook his head heavily. He pointed to the cars in the rearview mirror and whispered, "look at those cars. They seem to be following us. I think if they are not paparazzi, they must be dangerous people coming to us. So for a while, no matter what happens, as long as you hear me tell you to run away, run quickly, don't worry about me! "

"Why? This is the center of the city. How can someone attack us? " Fang Ruoxue is still unbelievable. She carefully looks back, but suddenly sees some clues from the car——

I saw behind the car next to the glass suddenly fell down, and then stretched out a hand from there, and the hand just holding a black shiny pistol.

Fang Ruoxue exclaimed, and saw that the pistol was pulled the trigger without hesitation! The next second, a bullet came straight at their beetle and hit the windshield in the back.

"Pa", the sound of broken glass came out, Fang Ruoxue could not help but scream, subconsciously hiding in Wu Chen's arms.

"Don't be afraid. I'm trying to find a way. I'm not sure what these guys are from. I don't think they will do anything to us. Just now, it was just a warning. Now, I want to improve the operation, you must grasp the handrail!

Fang Ruoxue nodded and recovered a little calm. After all, there is a person beside her who can protect herself and is worthy of her dependence.

As long as he is around, he will feel extra safe, even if there are some lawbreakers behind, which is not a big thing for her.

"Don't worry. I've seen a lot of such scenes. It's just routine operation." With that, Wu Chen launched his own vision and easily saw the people in the three cars behind him.

He found that these people were all killers in black. They looked cold and serious. They didn't look like ordinary gangsters at all.

And the way they touch their guns is obviously a group of veterans who have been on the battlefield for a long time. If they had not been soldiers for ten years, they would never have done that.

Damn, this time I'm in a tough situation!

Wu Chen couldn't help wiping his cold sweat. Who is this? Even Fang Ruoxue wants to kill? Don't they know what kind of existence Fang Ruoxue is in the capital?

"Ruo Xue, have you offended anyone? Of course, I mean, apart from Yuancheng, have you offended anyone? "

Fang Ruoxue listened to Wu Chen's words and couldn't help shouting excitedly, "who am I? You don't know? How can I offend others at will? Brother Huzi, do something quickly. I'm so afraid... "