Chi Jiansheng's face was cold. His eyes made Gu Gu feel a little guilty. He couldn't help whispering, "I'm sorry, uncle. I'll continue to do it now."

Chi Jiansheng got up, "No. I'm full and have no appetite when I see you. Eat by yourself."

Gu Xi opened her mouth and watched Chi Jiansheng leave the restaurant. She looked down at her bowl and bit her lips for a long time without talking.

Housekeeper Zhong is very helpless. These two people are generally stubborn. He thought Gu Xi would at least be very considerate in order to please Chi Jiansheng. As a result, Gu Xi just took his usual state of life. How can this be done.

Gu Xi suddenly sighed, went to Chi Jiansheng's seat, took a bowl full of dishes and put it on the plate, "where does uncle usually go after dinner?"

The bell housekeeper looked at the bronze bell, "usually it's either in the garden or in the study. But if you don't eat, it should be in the study."

Gu Xi nodded and walked to the study with a plate.

Housekeeper Zhong hurriedly said, "the old man is angry now. Miss Gu should not go."

Gu Xi hesitated. "It's all right. I'll go to the study. Look."

Gu Xi asked about the location of the next bell housekeeper's study and walked towards the second floor. When he came to the door, he heard a rustling sound. Gu Xi strangely put his head in through the crack of the door and saw that the old man was squatting on the ground to pack his things.

The book Pavilion is very large. There are more than a dozen bookcases wrongly placed in the room, and it is the kind of ceiling standing bookcase that Gu Xi especially likes. Many places need to climb ladders to reach it.

When Gu Xi saw Chi Jiansheng clean up, he put it on the table and looked at it. His expression was slightly sad.

This expression once again made Gu Xi feel a little sigh. She felt countless times that people like Chi Jiansheng were really lonely. She lost her favorite woman, her two sons were in discord with him, and her current wife was a person with an unpleasant character.

No wonder Chi Jiansheng couldn't understand her. He was always trapped in his own world.

Such a big home, but it's cold without any warmth.

Gu Xi gently knocked on the door. Chi Jiansheng sat back in his chair and said, "come in."

Gu Ku appeared at the door with a plate. Chi Jiansheng immediately accepted the expression and turned into a cold faced king of hell. His voice was even more mean and frightening, "what are you doing?"

"Deliver the rice." Gu Xi took the rice to Chi Jiansheng, sighed again, frowned and stammered: "It was my fault just now. I didn't think well enough. I was a little petty, so I didn't do things in an atmosphere. I hope you don't hurt your body because of this. Don't be hungry when you are old. Although I don't eat very well, I should still be able to import. If you like, I can try my best to cook well..."

"Who's old?"

Gu Xi was stunned. Unexpectedly, Chi Jiansheng asked a rhetorical question because of this sentence.

Finally, she coughed slightly and said awkwardly, "no, not much... But since she is my elder, I have to respect her."

"You also know respect."

Gu Xi was helpless. Sure enough, the father and son were generally indifferent from the beginning, and their words were thorny. Fortunately, she had been hit by Chi Jingyao from the beginning. She was very used to it. She put her meal in front of Chi Jiansheng, "I won't disturb you..."

Chi Jiansheng shouted at the pace she turned to walk, "wait a minute."

Gu Xi turned around inexplicably, "uncle, what else?"

"This study is too messy. Please clean it up for me." Chi Jiansheng pointed to the inside of the study. She looked arrogant and smelly. Gu Xi really wanted to continue fighting with him. Considering that the other party is really Chi Jingyao's father, she must be patient and patient.

Chi Jiansheng looked at Gu Xi's body, "forget it, I'll let others clean it up."

"No!" Gu Xi said hurriedly, "I have done a lot of things since I was a child. I am not delicate at all. I have no problem."

She was a little confused when she was cooking just now. Now she dares to go out at will.

Gu Xi hurried through the partition, entered the study and looked up at this kind of ultra-high bookcase. He had never seen such a bookcase before. He felt overwhelmed by books. It would be very hard to clean and maintain this kind of study alone.

She thought Chi Jiansheng was a martial artist. She didn't expect such a good book.

Gu Xi picked up a few books from the corner next to her, found a gap and stuffed them in. In an instant, a burst of smoke and dust hit her nose and almost didn't choke her.

Sure enough, it is estimated that the study has not been cleaned for a long time, especially in the corner, where the sun shines, there seems to be faint white smoke.

Gu cuoman wants to ask: Hey, old man, how long haven't you cleaned your room? Are you really going to kill me, a pregnant woman?

Later, I thought that I had to rely on others. First, I'd better be cautious in my words and deeds and less complaints. Therefore, Gu Xi took down the cleaning tools from the windowsill of the study, took a rubber band and tied her hair, and began to clean layer by layer.

Glancing over the books above, literature and history, economy and military are stacked neatly, classified like a small library.

Later, she removed the floating ash she could hold on the lower floors. Gu Xiyu Guang happened to see Chi Jiansheng sitting in the outside room eating. He didn't seem to be in a bad mood and holding a book in his hand.

Gu Xi smiled and felt that the old man didn't seem so difficult to conquer.

After sweeping around, she suddenly stopped in front of a bookcase. Unexpectedly, this floor was something like Chi's genealogy and diary?

Of course, Gu Xi suddenly became interested. Seeing that Chi Jiansheng didn't supervise his cleaning, he wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand and took down his diary.

As soon as he opened the first page of his diary, Gu Xi was suddenly stunned.

The small letters written by flies are very serious. Gu Xi can see the little person who was still sitting at the table through these handwriting.

"Today, 50% of the books my father asked me to read couldn't be understood. I asked housekeeper Zhong, but he said he didn't understand these things at all. You said so many people didn't understand, how could dad think I could understand?"

Gu Xi laughed and almost immediately forgot the tiredness of today's day and softened his heart.

This diary is definitely Chi Jingyao's. Gu Xi can feel it by intuition. He can say such serious words, probably written by Chi Dashao when he was a child.

She turned to the second page.

"I read yesterday and worked today. My father said that they worked very hard when they were young, so he asked us to strictly implement his requirements. In fact, I really want to sleep a little more, but every time housekeeper Zhong calls me in advance, I ask him, why not call Shaojie first? Manager Zhong is very serious but also very gentle, saying: because you are a brother. Well, it seems that I am a brother For my sake, I'll get up first and let him sleep five more minutes. I think I'm a good brother. "

Gu Xi looked at this line of words and felt a gentle smile floating on her lips. She was a painful brother since childhood. Up to now, she is still a good brother and has never changed.

However, after reading this article, she can understand what Chi Jiansheng said. The people of the Chi family have been trained since childhood. No wonder Chi Jingyao often opens his eyes on time at 6 a.m. this kind of very human work and rest time makes her sometimes unable to understand. It turned out that it was trained by this family.

Later, she turned a few more pages, each of which recorded what she was doing every day, whether it was study or labor. Basically, she didn't see any content of play. It was a rare page. It was also said that her uncle came and took him and Shaojie to the seaside. Although her father was not very happy, he released it in the face of her uncle, and wrote a few words at the end: happy to play.

Gu Xi thought of what his uncle had said and sighed helplessly.

My uncle said that although I took him out, I couldn't see him smile at all. You don't know whether he is happy or not, because he has no expression at all.

If it weren't for the last five words "have a good time", my uncle would never know what little Chi Jingyao thought all his life. It's terrible to a certain extent.

Gu Xifan became addicted. Although she met Chi Jingyao late, met him at the age of 29 and achieved positive results at the age of 32, this did not prevent her from looking for the memory of that year through her diary.

The yellowing paper and the green leaves on it are all light yellow.

Gu Xi turned to a page and suddenly stopped.

It can be said that she finished reading the original ones with a smile, but she was a little sad on this page.

"I've always been a little strange. Shaojie and I are both the sons of my mother. Why is my mother always so enthusiastic about Shaojie and very indifferent to me? When my family went out together, I followed my mother and saw her holding Shaojie's hand with such a gentle expression. I really wanted her to hold my hand, but when I walked over, she took Shaojie to another direction "I've been looking at my mother's photos. I don't feel any change in my mother. Why don't you like me?"

Gu Xi's eyes are a little blurred, silly child. Of course, your father just found someone who looks like his mother, but your mother has settled down. If she knew her sister did this to you, she would be very sad.

In the next few pages, there were some ordinary contents. Gu Xi glanced at the cabinet. It was not only Chi Jingyao's, but also Chi Shaojie's childhood materials.

This made her have the impulse to take the diary back as a reading material before going to bed. In fact, she did so. After reading it for a while, she took the duster and walked to the partition. As a result, she found that Chi Jiansheng was not outside, but the dishes and chopsticks were still in place. Gu Xi blinked, walked to the table and saw the thing he was turning over just now.

It turned out to be