Chapter 355

While ah Qingge went to buy medicinal seeds, local people went to gather people from nearby villages.

These people are suffering. In the past, they could eat enough when they were here, and they also took drugs. But recently, when they were gone, Kunlong came and didn't let them plant opium poppy again, so they could only eat some locally grown food. Those drug addicts were even more miserable. They could only use opium poppy and ephedra to make their own drugs, which were very toxic, A lot of people died.

When all the villagers are called together, there will probably be more than 1000 people.

"Fellow villagers, we have a new boss here. From now on, everyone's good day has come. Our boss is comparable to a God. He is omnipotent. He has the magic medical skills of the Chinese nation. He can help you buy drugs and get rid of drug addiction. He can help you improve your health and make you more energetic. What do you do? And plant evil plants? No, from now on, we will no longer plant those evil plants here. We will resolutely put an end to poppy and ephedra. Instead, we will plant those herbs that can save people. We will teach you cultivation techniques, you will manage your own medicine fields, and then we will be responsible for the acquisition. You will have income, you can buy food, clothing, and use, and you can build schools, Let the children enjoy the same education, and you don't have to be afraid of another war, because we have the support of the national army to fight all criminal forces to the end. " Ah Qingge said.

"Brother a Qing, what you said is true?" An old man trembled.

"Yes, no more evil plants? Can you really eat enough? " One woman said.

"Can our children read? Can I go to college? "

"Can we really get rid of drugs?"

People are looking forward to it.

"Everything I said is true. I tell you that our boss is omnipotent. Now, whoever takes drugs first comes out, lines up in several rows, and waits for the boss to give you detoxification. Of course, after the boss gives you detoxification this time, if anyone dares to take drugs again, he will die." Ah Qingge said.

"We're definitely not going to smoke any more. Help us quit now."

A lot of people came forward, old and weak women and children, their faces were haggard and bony.

There are so many drug addicts. You can imagine how evil this place used to be.

"Who's going to be addicted to drugs? Don't suppress it." Playing chess.

Sure enough, there was a young man lying on the ground shaking all over and foaming in his mouth.

Yi Feng immediately went over and took out a gold needle to stab him in the head.

The main effect of drug toxins on the nervous system, people can't stop.

After stabbing the person's head, he immediately uses the weather field to absorb all the toxins in the person's body into the poison pill.

With the weather field and the golden needle, it's convenient.

It has been 30 years of professional detoxification.

After a while, all the toxins in the young man's body were removed, but his body was ruined by drugs. Huang Yi could only use gold needles to guide his essence, and at the same time introduced a small amount of Salvia miltiorrhiza to improve his blood.

Soon, the young man's face improved. When he stood up, he was at a loss. Then he knelt down and kowtowed to the chess player.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've never felt so good. I've never felt so healthy. I've never felt so beautiful in the future. You'll always be my boss."

Others are looking forward to it.

Yi Feng uses the same method to help everyone get rid of drug addiction and improve their health a little. Other people who are not addicted to drugs also help them improve their health.

All of them knelt and kowtowed to Yi Feng at the same time.

"Well, don't do that. In the future, live a good life and plant herbs well. Ah Qingge, you will be in charge of the planting business. First, plant three kinds of precious herbs I asked you to buy in the existing fields. Well, plant three kinds of Huangjing Tianma Sanqi." Playing chess.

"All right."

In addition to the herbs corresponding to the twelve pills, there are also medicinal seeds for strengthening vitality and improving the body, such as polygonatum, Gastrodia elata, saffron, Coptis, dodder, angelica, Cistanche deserticola, licorice, Poria cocos, Lycium barbarum, Cornus officinalis and Panax notoginseng. These herbs come from all over the world. The original growth climate is different, but Huang Yi asked, As long as they can germinate.

"Let people buy more than a dozen big fat pigs and big fat cattle, and invite everyone to have a meal today. By the way, if you want to renovate the house, you should also have it renovated quickly." Yi Feng said, "ah Qingge, I'll give you the internal affairs and logistics in the future. You don't have to think about fighting. If you help me manage this place, you can regard yourself as the prime minister."

"Thank you, brother."

Ah Qingge is very experienced in this aspect.

At this time, there was a garrison in Asia and Thailand.

Xi Kun frowned and had a meeting with the public.

Suddenly someone came in.

"Report to the general, there's something going on in the Banlong area."

"Oh? What are they doing? "

"Slaughtering pigs and cattle seems to be celebrating. By the way, that Chinese man really helped all the people to get rid of drugs. Not only that, he also made those sick people healthy. His medical skills are amazing. Look, this is the video I recorded."

When people watch the video, it's the process of many drug addicts being cured by Yi Feng, and the process of Yi Feng helping the elderly and children to cure.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Huaxia, magical Huaxia, is this ancient Chinese medicine?" Xi Kun was shocked and said, "what else? Do they still grow poppies? "

"No, the Chinese people are demanding that poppy and other drug materials be eliminated in the future. It's like a kind of medicinal material. In Chinese, it's called 'Huangjing, Tianma, Sanqi'. I don't know what it is."

"Polygonatum, Gastrodia elata and Panax notoginseng are three precious herbs. It seems that this guy really wants to change this place. It's really a good thing. Let's make it convenient for him and meet with local government officials to discuss the policy." Sikun road.

That night, the people in Banlong area were very enthusiastic and worked hard. Everyone showed a sincere smile. They sang and danced, drank and ate meat, and celebrated the whole night.

The next day, they began to plant medicinal materials. Ah Qingge learned this and was good at planting. Qi Feng also joined in planting and discussed planting techniques with ah Qingge.

After more than a month's hard work, several kinds of medicinal materials have been planted for more than 1000 mu, and the people are still vigorously planting them.

In this month, Yi Feng has done a lot of things. Ah Qingge and the government of Thailand and Asia contacted to jointly transform the Banlong area, and Xianyun planting company was established.

Li Qi trained special forces every day, contacted some weapon companies and purchased a large number of advanced weapons and equipment.

The money Yi Feng put in the Swiss bank is like running water.

He also talked to Tang Wan and others, and learned that they had established a pharmaceutical company with Catherine's help, and started production of Xianyun Baoxin Pills again, and bought a large farm to grow medicinal materials.

The appearance of a large group of Chinese beauties in Britain, and their wealth and fortune must attract some people's attention. Those rich children who claim to be gentlemen want to know all the women one after another.

Li you, Li Xue and Li Bing also went to England. He was completely relieved.

However, according to Mr. Hua, some departments have recently studied his pills and can analyze their ingredients. However, in terms of purification of medicinal power, it can not be achieved in any case. Finally, let the major ancient families of traditional Chinese medicine work together to find a way to purify medicinal power, which can really greatly improve the purity of medicinal power. However, they can not grow medicinal materials containing aura.

Finally, the target is Xianyun mountain and Gema village.

Xianyun mountain has been occupied and become a scientific research base. Many scientists have gone there to do research, and Yifeng's villa and hot spring have also been occupied; The mountainous area near Gema village has also been developed into a key medicinal material base.

All traces of Yifeng in China have been turned out, and people turn their eyes to jade, because at the beginning of planting wild Salvia miltiorrhiza, Yifeng had a big jade trade in Jiangyun City, and those jade did not enter the market.

They speculated that Yi Feng must be able to develop the energy contained in jade and use it in the cultivation of medicinal materials.

Kunlun university has also started construction. It has set up a Research Institute of traditional Chinese arts to jointly study the principles of traditional Chinese arts, and to create common skills that can be practiced by every Chinese.

Of course, it is estimated that it will take a long time for Kunlun university to start recruiting students. Now, all schools are expanding their own enrollment, so as to prepare for a larger share in Kunlun University in the future.

Huaxia is developing in a good direction.

Yi Feng suddenly felt that he was really nothing in front of a country. It didn't matter whether he was there or not.

Moreover, some Chinese people, just for their own interests, must hold the key things in their own hands.

Therefore, Hua Tianhe and others solemnly remind Yi Feng to practice hard, improve his fighting power, and try to build up his own power, so as to deal with the changes after some people can't work out the pill.

Of course, Yi Feng knew this, so he never relaxed his cultivation.

When he first entered the master's realm, he didn't understand it in many places. In particular, his skill has changed. It's not the form and meaning, it's not too urgent, it's not Wuqinxi, it's not Yongchun, but a new skill that combines the four skills organically. It has the power characteristics of these skills, the inner strength cultivation, the harmony of Taiji, the Six Harmonies Hunyuan, the burst of Yiquan and the short strength of Yongchun.

However, he has now focused on spiritual cultivation.

Because he thinks that this is the power that he can give full play to the advantages of the eight trigrams array. As long as his mental strength is strong enough, he will be more powerful in the field of weather and his self-protection ability will be stronger.

Moreover, if his weather field is strong enough, it will be more convenient to plant medicinal materials. Under the influence of weather field, the weather in the field can be changed to achieve the most suitable weather factor for the growth of medicinal materials. Such precious medicinal materials as Saussurea involucrata, which require unique climate, can also be planted anytime and anywhere.

He can't use the so-called method of immorality in Sannan. Instead, he studies his own skills. He constantly understands his soul, the sea, the pill, and the different beads. Then he combines the Taoist knowledge given by Sannan to understand a kind of upright method of cultivating spiritual power.

He's got something.

"Big brother, the medicinal seeds have sprouted." Ah Qingge said.

"OK, you go to inform Li Qi and ask them to come back here tomorrow and stop training for the time being." Playing chess.