Chapter 344

"Find the way to control the West Kunlun array!" Great master road of Longmen.

"The key is that there is not much knowledge about arrays in all schools. Even if we gather all the knowledge about arrays, it is still very difficult for us to understand this kind of mysterious array and explain the scientific geomagnetic principle."

"Yes, we clearly know that the reason why xikunlun is so miraculous is because of this array. However, after studying it for such a long time, we still can't understand it or find the array. I guess we can control this array only after we can get rid of the mind through the mind."

"Don't worry, we have already found our eyes in Longmen. Do you know that we also have a Longmen array?"

"Of course, I know that this is the evolution of the military array. The location of your Longmen is the eye of the Longmen array. Have you studied it?"

"Yes, we learned something."

"Fierce, Longmen is worthy of the inheritance left by the first emperor of Qin. There are many talents. Can you tell us the key to the array? As you know, we all have arrays. "

"Of course, the key to an array lies in the jade. The ancestral place of each sect is a large area of jade mines, and the array is arranged according to these jade mines. Many of the key points are artificially placed, and the highest quality jade is placed. These points are the array eyes. If you control the array eyes, you control the array changes and move them, We have records in Longmen. In ancient times, there were those who were strong enough to communicate with gods, who refined Lingyu into Yufu, and set up a large array to welcome warlords. We guess that those who were strong enough to communicate with gods could refine high-quality Lingyu into Yufu, and integrate it into their Yuanshen power, which is equivalent to the magic weapon in legend. They can control an array by themselves, We don't have this ability, but we can find the eyes of the West Kunlun array. If we control these eyes, we should be able to control some changes. " Great master road of Longmen.

"The key is, how can we find the array eyes? I believe that the array eye must be buried in the ground. "

"I'll solve this problem. I'll get geological experts to look for array eyes with the most advanced geological detectors. Moreover, array eyes are the highest quality jade, which should be easier to find." Gao Tianming.

Underground, Yifeng and donglingmeng are not ashamed to do sports. After a long time, Yifeng is fresh and fresh, and donglingmeng is paralyzed in bed.

"Little dream, you wild cat, take it now! You have a rest. I'm going to do something bad. " Playing chess is very important.

The chess front sits on the ground, and the invisible eight trigrams are sent out, deep into the cave wall and underground.

what the fuck! A lot of jade, they are all suet jade, NIMA's, isn't the whole mountain jade?

Rich, rich.

The dragon shaped lanzhiyu and Qilin jadeite in the sea of knowledge are active and eager.

"Go back, it's not time for you to eat." The way of playing chess.

He didn't dare to absorb it, because he was afraid that after absorbing it, the whole mountain would collapse and he and donglingmeng would be buried alive.

Since the last time I used my soul to control the dragon shaped lanzhiyu and Qilin jadeite in the sea of knowledge, now they have become very miraculous. It seems that they can express some original information as if they had intelligence.

Nature is really amazing.

It's like this whole Yushan.

I don't know how it came into being.

With the development of his eight trigrams, Yi Feng was more and more shocked. This jade mountain is so big that it covers the whole west Kunlun.

What's more, it only covers the West Kunlun. Out of this range, there are only scattered jade.

"No wonder the West Kunlun Mountains are different from other mountains. The four seasons here are like spring and never change. There used to be such a jade mountain, but what is the power to form such a jade mountain? Why? What's that? Twelve pieces of jade similar to the dragon shaped lanzhiyu Yi Feng was shocked.

After he got the dragon shaped tallow jade and Kirin jade, he went to Myanmar so many times, and never found any similar jade.

This kind of jade is Linghua. In common, it is the essence of jade.

He can get two pieces. He thinks it's bad luck. There are twelve pieces here?

I have to get it, but it's too deep. How can I get it out?

All of a sudden, he found that the arrangement of these jade stones was very strange. In the middle were three pieces of jade. One was like a dragon, one was like a Phoenix, and the other was like a unicorn, forming a tripartite confrontation.

The nine pieces outside are also animals, one is like a cow, the other is like a mouse, the other is like a dog, the other is like a pig

"Zodiac? Is it like the zodiac in ancient times? There are nine dragon, horse and chicken out there. Is it possible that the three dragon shaped jade in the middle represent the Dragon zodiac, the Phoenix jade represents the chicken zodiac, and the unicorn represents the horse zodiac? They all hold their heads up, as if looking at the sky, right, right... They are swallowing the aura elements that exist in the air! That's it. There is a force field between them. This force field is similar to the eight trigrams array of medicine and witchcraft. This is an array

This is an array! Yi Feng was very excited.

This is the second array he saw.

And this array is huge, including a mountain.

Yi Feng guesses that the key to this array is twelve pieces of Lingyu.

"No, why is there no Lingyu in my eight trigrams array? Is it because it has not been unsealed? Is the Lingyu, who forms the eight trigrams of medicine and witchcraft, too advanced? No matter. I'll try to collect the Lingyu first. " The way of playing chess.

A Kirin jade and a dragon shaped sheep fat jade bring Huang Yi so many benefits that he can refine so many pills. If he gets these 12 pieces of spirit jade again, he can refine hundreds of pills in the future?

Ha ha ha, what will happen to the eight trigrams array?

But the key question is, how can we get these Lingyu? And if he took Lingyu away, what would be the impact? mountains fall and the earth splits?

To tell the truth, he is not willing to destroy this array, because it is a mythical treasure.

However, Xie Kong told him that he also wanted Gao Tianming to find this array, and he must try to control it. If they do, how can I mix in the future?

No, absolutely not.

He decided to think it over.

He walked out of the cave and found that the air outside was more turbid than that inside.

"Stop, you can't go out." The gloomy great master said.

"I'm just making a phone call. Besides, I want to go out. You can't stop me. Don't worry, I won't leave. My woman is still in it." Playing chess.

He called and learned that they had arrived in England, and Catherine had arranged for them to stay.

And Catherine's real identity shocked him, this girl is the youngest princess of the English royal family? It's hidden all the time, so she can study in China.

He was a little relieved. At the same time, he told Tang Wan that they should work hard and become masters as soon as possible to protect themselves.

He called Catherine.

"Hello, dear princess," Playing chess.

"Asshole!" Catherine said angrily, "when are you coming out?"

"Still don't understand, classmate Catherine, listen to your tone, how seem very angry appearance?" Playing chess.

"You are a big sex wolf, a big bastard, a big stallion. Look at your family. How many top beauties are there? You even let me receive you? " Catherine said.

"Well! Catherine, you are my only friend abroad. I can only find you Yi Feng said, "no, how can I smell sour vinegar? Catherine, you're not going to fall in love with me, are you

"Gui Cai falls in love with you. Hum, you don't know what Xiaoya's mood is after seeing them. She has been waiting for you for so long, so you give her such a result. Is it a demonstration in front of her? Do you want to say that you've had a better life since you left her? " Catherine said.

"How is Xiaoya?" Yi Feng said dully.

"She's very good. Now I know your women. Well, forget it. Since the day I saw you last time, I know that you are not ordinary people. If you don't talk about it, I will help you settle them down." Catherine said.

"Thank you, your highness. Can you help me buy an island? It's better to have a good infrastructure, a better location and a bigger size. " Playing chess.

"I'll help you find it. Someone wants to sell an island, but it may cost hundreds of millions of dollars."

"Well, buy it. I don't need money."

"I know you're not bad for money. I heard that you've ruined all the jewelry stores in Asia. You're wanted all over the world now. Hehe, many killer organizations have already hung your photos. It's said that the bounty can rank in the top ten. You're the only one who hasn't been listed on the bounty list after you've done a good job in the world, and you're Chinese. Now you're famous in disguise, So, your family, when they come out, are not very safe, but I can guarantee their safety as long as they are still in England. " Catherine said.

"Damn, when I'm free, I'll patronize these killer organizations." Yi Feng said, "let's do this first. I have something to do first."

Yi Feng found several planes parked in the sky, put down some equipment, and then slowly landed.

Those people are ordinary people, and they start all kinds of exclamations as soon as they come down.

"Miracle, miracle, there is such a place in the snow mountain. The geology must be different. Hurry to explore."

Yi Feng walks over.

"Teachers, what kind of equipment are these?"

"This is the most advanced geological exploration equipment. Someone asked us to explore the geology here and see why it is different from other places. Young man, what do you study here? There are so many people over there. What do they study? " An old man said, he is a scholar.

"They are here to hold a martial arts meeting. You can see that they have nothing to do. They are a bunch of brainless people who can only fight and kill." Playing chess.

"Young man, you are really joking. Stop talking and start exploring."

Yi Feng thinks that Gao Tianming must have invited these people to explore the jade.

No, I have to do something.