Chapter 303

Qi Feng is analyzing. How can we get into this situation?

His biggest card is to control the weather when the weather is bad. But now it's sunny, with the power of the eight trigrams array of medicine and witchcraft, he can't control the mythical true fire of the sun, let alone the clouds in the sky.

Local humidity? Local high temperature? There's no way this is a threat to the fort.

The only way to do that is to break through.

But this kind of firepower network, how to break through?

It's sieved before it gets close.

The only way to do it is to wait until the fog is strong in the early morning.

He was not in a hurry. He went directly into the mountain forest, found some big poisonous snakes, and then ran to the mountain to start a fire on a big stone where he could see the fort.

"What is he doing?" He asked suspiciously.

"It's like a poisonous snake in his hand."

"Is it roast snake?"

I saw Yi Feng peel the snake cleanly and put it on the fire to bake. The oil drips down and makes a sound.

"Son of a bitch!" Chaguess was furious and slapped on the table, "what's the matter with him? At least we are also the top ten forces in the golden triangle. Are we so worthless in his eyes? We must destroy him, Gao Li. You lead the team to destroy him, and you are allowed to use rockets. "

"Brother, he can't get in anyway. Our logistics are still very full. Why go out? I think he's insulting us. You can see that he's very fast. The rocket may not hit him. " Collier.

"Yes, brother, how many days can he stay here?"

"Damn, he's standing there. Are you afraid of him when you have so many weapons? Get out of here. " Chachai said angrily.

More than a dozen big men went out carefully, rushed to the opposite mountain through the hidden forest, and walked to the top of the mountain.

"Go ahead, the other side is still roasting snakes."

There's sound coming from the headphones.

There are high mountains and dense forests here. They only know the direction of the chess front, but there are many places in the mountain that are monitored and commanded by the headquarters. They are very close to the location of the chess front.

"Be careful, the other side has hidden."

The sound from the headphones made them shake.

The other side is a master. In the surveillance, they all see that the usually powerful soldiers are not the enemy of the other side.

If the other party finds them and hides them, it's very dangerous.

"They're 50 meters north of you, firing alternately."

Pa pa pa pa... They all took heavy weapons and focused on shooting in the mountains. If the other side was in this direction, they could not escape.

"The other party has disappeared. Keep a low profile."

A voice came from the earphone.

"50 meters northeast, strafe."

"No, 30 meters due south, 20 meters southwest, get down and shoot."

It was a shock, a panic.

Pa pa pa... More than a dozen points in several directions, and then back-to-back transfer.

"It's gone again. Grenade, blow up the forest and get rid of the hidden things."

Boom boom!

More than a dozen grenades. Bomb down, a large area of trees collapsed, a large pit appeared, clearing out a place.

No one.

"Go on."

Boom boom... Another big tree collapsed.

Still no one.

"Damn it, lift the whole mountain to see where he can hide."

Boom boom! The top of the mountain was lifted. They ran up and found no sign.

"He's down, a hundred meters right behind you."

"Brother, we've run out of grenades. Ask for support." They panicked.

If in a normal campaign, in such a small area, an enemy was suppressed by such powerful firepower, it would have been blown to ashes.

But the other party was haunted, so close range shooting, he suddenly appeared in the other direction?

It's not something they can fight.

"You go out to support, surround him with ants." Chachai said angrily.

Encircle and annihilate.

Yi Feng didn't go down and tried to find the other party's monitoring equipment. He wanted to turn the mountain into a dead corner.

Just now, the other side's firepower suppression was so accurate. Obviously, his every move was seen by the other side.

Every time he appears, a monitoring device disappears.

"Attention, within 100 meters of you, the monitoring equipment has been destroyed by the other party. It's up to you." He guessed.

All of a sudden, there was a scream.

"How are you doing, Collie? Come back. " Chachai said angrily.

"I told you not to send anyone to die, but you wouldn't listen." Yi Feng picked up a headset and said, "guess, I only want you. As for other people, it's none of my business. But if you dare to come out, I don't mind sending you to the West paradise."

"Damn it, cut off his channel." Chacha was furious.

It's too damn arrogant.

He looked into the eyes of his men and knew that they were afraid, because everyone here was only a second level mercenary, and he was the only fourth level mercenary.

"Brother, you shouldn't offend Kunlong." Said the men of chacai.

"Damn, who knows Kunlong has the energy to deal with me for that? Who the hell gave me the information? Who told me that Kunlong was going to be annihilated by Chinese special forces? " Chachai said angrily.

"Big brother, it seems that ah long said it."

"Ah long, come here."

No one answered.

"Big brother, ah long has disappeared. I don't know if he was killed by that man."

"Big brother, ah long is from China. Is he an undercover agent of China? Specifically provoking the conflict between us and Kunlong? "

"Damn, he must be an undercover. He was cheated by him. That day, he brought back some pictures of Kunlong's men being annihilated by Chinese special forces, which made me believe him." Cha guessed, "it's too late to say anything now. We can only live by killing him."

"Elder brother, I suggest that we withdraw. Judging from the speed of the other side, we are at least level 4 special forces. We can only be regarded as scum."

"Pull back." He guessed.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot and a scream.

A group of people fled back, but those who were at the front were killed.

The group of living people were extremely scared, because as soon as they turned around, many people were killed and there was no time to shoot.

"Guess, for the last time, I just want to take you back and come out quickly, otherwise, after tonight, your fortress will become a dead city. Don't believe it." Playing chess.

"Well, I admit you are very powerful, but this fortress is set up with all kinds of weapons to defend against the invasion of the king of war. Are you the king of war? If we are killed by a powerful king of soldiers, we will die without regret. " He guessed.

"Yes? Then you will die without regret. " Playing chess.

Yi Feng went up to the top of the mountain again, could see the position of the fort, and began to barbecue again.

Chaguess was very angry, and his men had different ideas. However, no one dared to fight, because chaguess was a level 4 mercenary, and they were not rivals.

Chachai made a phone call and begged: "brother long, I know it's wrong. I give you all my wealth and goods. Please let me go once."

"Guess, I heard that you built a fortress according to the design drawings of the Western mercenary fortress. You are so powerful, do you want me to let you go? I asked you to let me go, right? Tut Tut, even my goods dare to swallow. " Kunlong road.

"Brother long, I'm greedy, and I've become a pawn of the Chinese special forces. One of my subordinates told me that your power has been targeted by many Chinese special forces. You may be captured back to China like Nuo Kang in those years, and you also show me some pictures to make me believe it. That's why I'm greedy. Now it seems that my subordinates must be Chinese undercover, Otherwise, I dare not swallow your goods even if I borrow ten courage. " Chachai begged.

"Oh? Did someone tell you about it? When you were trading with ah Qingge that day, did someone who had just killed ah Qingge show up to save ah Qingge? " Kunlong road.

"Yes, it's the man you sent, brother long. When did you have such a powerful Chinese man?" He guessed.

"Is he good? Not even your fortress? This is my new man. Tell me how he made you beg for mercy. " Kun long was surprised.

"He is very powerful, fast, and proficient in special forces combat skills, especially in jungle combat. He broke the monitoring equipment and traps I set in the mountains and forests. He barbecued on the mountain opposite my fort. Just now I sent a lot of people out and lifted the top of the mountain. In the end, I couldn't find a hair of him and killed a lot of people. However, He is afraid to enter my fortress He guessed.

"Proficient in jungle warfare?" Kunlong said, "guess, since he can't break your fortress, why do you ask me for mercy?"

"But... But he said that if I don't go out, the whole fortress will not survive tonight. Brother long, can you let him go back? I'll go to you in person some other day to plead guilty. I'll give you all the money I've earned over the years, and I can merge my power into yours. " He guessed.

"Guess, it's not your style. You're afraid of one person? I'll tell you the truth, he is my new recruit. I don't know his means. I'm curious about how he broke your fortress. Hum, that's the price of provoking me. " Kunlong hangs up.

He had no blood on his face, and his face was ferocious at last.

"Take out all the Chinese women bought these years, strip them naked and put them on the stone pillar in the center of the square. Damn, if this Chinese really has the means to enter the fort and kill us, we will bury them with these women." He guessed.

"Brother, can we enjoy it first? We're all going to die anyway. "

"Enjoy a fart, and cheer me up. If you can get through this difficulty, these women will help you." He guessed.

He knew that many of his subordinates were desperate, and they killed him. He could only take this method to motivate them. I hope it would work.

After a while, dozens of naked beauties were brought out and tied to the stone pillars in the center of the square.

"You demons who destroy human nature, you have to die. We Chinese soldiers and police will take revenge for us. If one day, I will eat your meat and drink your blood." Cried a voice full of grief and indignation.

This sound can be heard by the chess players on the opposite mountain.

It contains endless sadness.