Chapter 292

If Tang Long really kicked the head of Yi Feng, it would burst like a watermelon.

At this time, Han Renwu's figure appeared in front of Qifeng, blocking Tang long out.

"Han Renwu, do you really want to have a hard time with me?" Tang Long said angrily.

"Tang long, it's state-owned law. Even if Yi Feng committed a crime, it's not your turn to judge him. Besides, now Yi Feng has not committed a crime, but has made great achievements. His origin is very clear, so you dare to use your personal force to kill him? I think you're the one with the wrong heart Han Renwu said angrily.

"That's good. That's a point."

Han Renwu is dignified. He is not Tang Long's opponent in the skills of special forces. He can only see his hands swing and use Taiji to rise.

Bang Bang

No matter how Tang Long attacked, he was blocked by Han Renwu.

"Wudang Tai Chi is really extraordinary. Hum!" Tang Long turned and left.

Han Renwu turns to check the injury of Yi Feng, and finds that he has stood up by himself.

"Instructor Han, are you from Wudang school? Han Zhong, who are you always Playing chess.

"That's my father!" Han Renwu said, "he went to your Xianyun mountain to provide for the aged. I heard that you came to the South snake special forces, and also understood that you were in a very dangerous situation, so let me help you."

"I see. Thank you, Mr. Han. Thank you, instructor Han."

"Don't thank me. I'm very curious. What's the secret of your Xianyun mountain? What's the relationship between you and my father Han Renwu.

"Xianyun mountain has beautiful scenery and excellent air. Maybe Mr. Han thinks it can be close to nature there, but Mr. Han and I always know each other in Xiangjiang city. He helped me." Playing chess.

"There must be a secret in Xianyun mountain, or else it can attract four masters to go there to provide for the aged?" Han Renwu said in a low voice, "forget it, I don't think you can tell this secret. I ask you, do you want to learn Wudang Tai Chi?"

"Yes, I heard that there is no bottleneck in Wudang's Secret Taijiquan. I've been in the bottleneck for a long time." Playing chess.

"Wudang's Secret Taijiquan is handed down from grandmaster Zhang Sanfeng. You know, grandmaster Zhang Sanfeng is one of the few people who can communicate with gods in Chinese history, so this Taijiquan is very precious. If you want to learn it, you can exchange your Xingyi boxing, Yongchun boxing and Wuqinxi. This is the meaning of the current leader of Wudang." Han Renwu.

"Forget it! My master won't let me pass it on. " Playing chess.

"Forget it. Have you replied? When you recover, start training

"It's time to start!"

Yi Feng is very distressed now. The power consumption of the two pills is too serious.

But there's no way to deal with this kind of thing.

He planned to make two more pills as soon as possible, and fill all the pills with power, otherwise he would be in danger if he met someone he could not defeat.

After all, Han Renwu can't always be with him.

At this time, somewhere in the South snake army, Tang Long was lying on the bed.

Nan Ruhai is giving him an infusion. Soon, Tang Long sits up with difficulty.

"Ruhai, the side effect of that medicine is still too big. I almost died this time." Tang Longdao.

"It's incredible. How did the chess player become so powerful? Three years ago, he was an ordinary man. " The south is like the sea.

As powerful as Tang long, he was almost not the opponent of Yi Feng?

"What? Three years ago, he was just an ordinary man? " Tang Long was shocked.

"Yes, I was in the same school with him. He never practiced Neijia Boxing at that time." The south is like Haidao.

"If so, he is too terrible. He absolutely has a big secret. He and Su Xiaotian come from the same place. Has he got some ancient heritage? There is a big secret in his hometown xianyuntun. " Tang Longdao.

"Whether there is a secret or not, he is too terrible. This kind of person must be eliminated, or it will not be good for both of us." The south is like Haidao.

"Well, now we have Han Renwu and the chief's protection in training. I can't get rid of him. I have to think of another way." Tang Longdao.

"Isn't there a dangerous mission now? Let him do it. " The south is like Haidao.

"You mean the murder of ethnic Chinese in the golden triangle?" Tang Long frowned.

"Yes, it has been preliminarily found out that the Chinese American Li Zhonghua's family was exterminated by Kunlong, a drug lord in the golden triangle. Oh, that fool, he went to the golden triangle to fight against drugs and got the support of the Asian Thai government. Kunlong didn't kill him. However, Li Bing, Li Zhonghua's daughter, is still alive and imprisoned by Kunlong, The world anti drug organization once asked Asia and Thailand to rescue Li Bing, but Asia and Thailand had no way, or they didn't want to help. After all, Li Bing is a Chinese. For Asia and Thailand, rescue means sacrifice and a large-scale battle with Kunlong. Now Asia and Thailand are in a mess. How can they spare time to rescue a Chinese girl? Therefore, this matter can only be done by Huaxia. There are instructions on it. We should spare no effort to rescue Li Bing. We should see people alive and corpses dead. We should give an account to the world anti drug public welfare organization and the people of the world. " The south is like Haidao.

"Kunlong has 15000 troops under his control. He is well-equipped and fearless to death. Even Asia and Thailand do not want to fight against him. It's really a strong man. It's very difficult to rescue Li Bing. Even if the whole army of the South snake troops goes out, it may not be able to infiltrate into Kunlong. If we want to completely eliminate him, we have to send out large-scale regular troops or directly launch missiles, It's almost impossible to finish the task. I've sent someone to do it, and I can't start it. It's estimated that Li Bing has been killed by the wheel for so long. " Tang Longdao.

"Li Bing may not be dead. Kunlong has a problem that other drug lords don't have. It's said that if he wants to get a woman, he must completely conquer her heart before he can conquer her body. Li Bing is a beautiful woman who has been exposed in the international media many times. She is an active member of the anti drug movement. Kunlong killed Li Bing's family. How can he conquer her heart? Of course, this task is really impossible for us. Let Qi Feng go. After all, he can even destroy the power of Li Qi. What if he succeeds? Even if it doesn't succeed, Kunlong will lose a lot of money. It will help us make a great contribution. By that time, our army will get more funds. " The south is like Haidao.

"We want to go together. There are too many tasks that can't be completed in the country, such as the kidnapping of Chinese, the disappearance of stability maintaining soldiers and so on. If we can't finish them, it's better to die outside. It's good for us. Hum, let him become the spear in our hands." Tang Longdao.

"I'm afraid the chief won't agree. This time Han Renwu's arrival, it's obvious that the chief didn't believe us in the matter before." The south is like Haidao.

"Don't worry, I'll let Yi Feng go out to carry out the task." Tang Longdao.

Yi Feng has been training at ease these days. Under the guidance of Han Renwu, he has mastered the training methods of level 3 special forces and reached the peak of level 3 special forces after consuming two pills to improve his physical potential.

This speed, even Han Renwu extremely shocked, feel incredible, finally thanks to the deep sleep method of Yi Feng.

Yi Feng took time to go back to Gema village, and the new herbs they planted sprouted.

This time, ginseng was planted. He asked donglingmeng to pass on the ginseng seeds to Gao Tianming.

Ginseng is a kind of precious medicinal material, which can improve human immunity and is a kind of tonic.

Yi Feng thinks that the human body's constitution will be improved after it is supplemented with ginseng. If he makes pills, will it be better for him to improve his potential?

One night, he once again consumed the aura of Kirin jade and Longxing Lanzhi jade, refined a ginseng pill, and replenished the power of the other four pills.

At this time, donglingmeng called and said that he had come to chongteng city and stayed in a hotel.

Remembering the passion in the office with Dongling dream and the Madness on Dongling dream bed, Yi Feng hurried to the hotel.

Just went in, without saying a word, two people die lingering.

It took a few hours to stop.

"Little dream, how do you want to come to chongteng city?"

"Hum, I know you have so many beauties here. You can't remember me at all. You haven't called me for so long and said, don't you have me in your heart?" Dongling dream road.

"How could it not? After receiving your call, I came to you for the first time and didn't even return to the army. " Yi Feng said, "you know, I can't be too long away from the army, so I can't go back to Jiangyun city to find you."

"Well! Excuse me. I'm here to send you a kind of medicine. This is the first batch of research results. I didn't tell anyone. " Dongling dream road.

"So soon?" Yi Feng was surprised.

"Well, I've been studying the data left by Su Xiaotian, together with other research data provided by Gao Tianming and several drugs provided by Gao Tianming, before I analyzed the synthetic formula. However, there are still some defects in this synthetic formula, which can't give full play to the efficacy of wild herbs. I feel that, There are still some ingredients in the wild herbs that have not been extracted. You should try them out first. " Dongling dream road.

"You want to try it out in the army? Is it harmful to human body? " Yi Feng frowned.

"I can guarantee that it is harmless to human body. Of course, I don't know whether it can improve human potential. After all, it has not been clinically verified." Dongling dream road.

"Are these all made of wild Salvia miltiorrhiza?"

"No, add every kind of medicinal materials you provide. The synthesis formula I analyzed is not a simple chemical synthesis. It's a very magical reaction. There's no limit to how many kinds of medicinal materials you can add, but a synthetic reagent is used as a medium..." donglingmeng explained a lot, and his whole body radiated the light of scholars, which was very attractive.

"Xiaomeng, I don't understand. There's no need to explain. Anyway, you can do it by yourself. By the way, all the new things you master should be kept in your mind. Don't let anyone know. This is the bottom card of Xianyun pharmaceutical." Playing chess.

"Don't worry, if I had to use storage tools to store data before, but now with the improvement of my cultivation, my brain is also powerful. I can remember a lot of things, and those data are in my brain." Dongling dream road.

"Well, after I have verified the effect of these drugs, if they work well, I will announce them to Gao Tianming." Playing chess.

Yi Feng and donglingmeng were together one day. The next day, he returned to the team. After returning to the team, Han Renwu told him to complete a task.