Chapter 245

The other side is still far away. When Yi Feng enters the coast guard ship and finds a camouflage suit, he suddenly feels that his temperament has changed. Looking in the mirror, he is infatuated with himself.

Ah, I don't know how many beautiful young women will fall. Yi Feng is a little narcissistic.

Not to mention, after the golden dog spine is tempered, it is not so like a thin white face. Its muscles and bones are more symmetrical, its skeleton tends to be perfect, and it looks stronger.

With this uniform, tut tut... He almost rated himself as the world's first handsome.

When the ten boats got closer, Yi Feng took out his military telescope to observe, and found that the ten boats were full of people, all of them were uniform mercenaries, light camouflage. Everyone stood upright and strong. From their eyes, we can see that they were stained with a lot of blood.

These ten boats are equipped with many tall weapons.

"Wori! What army is NIMA? Why do you even have missiles? " Yi Feng was surprised.

This is a fart. This marine police ship is a piece of shit for them.

He felt he had to do something else.

Never fire on the ship. In case a missile comes, how can he escape? If you don't die, you'll die.

Even if he had a second pill, even if he was strong and full of blood, he still did not dare to take risks.

Jump into the sea, turn around the marine police ship, and then fix it with an iron anchor, so that the three explosive ports of the marine police ship face the outside, and all underwater fish and mines are aimed in all directions.

Then get on board and operate those procedures.

The weapons are all controlled by computer program, with intelligent timing function. When those boats get close, they estimate the time and then set the timing.

He didn't know whether the time was right or not. It was all by luck.

After thinking about it, he destroyed the screen of the operating computer, and could not hear the timing sound or see the timing time, but the timing firing program was already running in the host computer.

"Hey, hey, if any of them go on board to check, they won't be able to see it for the time being." Yi Feng said with a smile.

See almost, he took a few pistols and bullets immediately on the island, almost to the top of the island to find an open place to hide.

About five nautical miles away, the ships stopped, started armed alert, and then dropped a few boats. Several big men drove the boats to the coast guard ship.

See no movement on the coast police ship, into the coast police ship to check, ten minutes later out, made a safe driving gesture.

The ten boats began to move forward.

Yi Feng gets excited and drives faster. Time is running out.

It seems that they are responding to the call of Yi Feng, or the power of these boats is very good and they are driving very fast.

At 300 meters, we began to slow down.

All of a sudden, the soldiers in the suit yelled. However, 300 meters away, the people on board might not be able to hear clearly, so they drove forward.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew.

The people on the boat were shocked.

It's too close. When they put on the bomb, it was only 100 meters away from the coast guard ship, as if they were charging towards the bomb.

A group of people jumped into the sea.

However, blood red appeared on the sea, and huge waves poured into the sky, including human corpses.

The ten boats were strong and not destroyed. People in the control room responded.

Whew, whew

Ten missiles were launched simultaneously. In the despairing eyes of several soldiers on the coast guard ship, the ship was blown to powder.

Even the islands began to collapse, and stones and soil began to slide into the sea.

"Bullshit Yi Feng was shocked.

If he is within the explosion range of the missile, he will not survive.

Technology is really powerful. If you don't step into the realm of communication, you can't control the power of nature. It's not human power that can resist it.

The gods in ancient Chinese civilization are probably people who have stepped into the realm of communicating with gods.

The living people on the ten boats took weapons to the speedboats one after another, drove to the island quickly, and then landed quickly to get ready for battle.

There are hundreds of them, and now there are only about 100 left. It can be said that they have suffered a lot. What annoys them most is that they don't know how they were attacked.

Now calm down, it seems that it was not the people who boarded the Shanghai Police ship first, because they obviously made their ship turn around and leave in the end.

It must have been forgotten. The enemy must have been hiding on the island.

Worthy of being professional mercenaries, they quickly occupied favorable positions and covered each other.

However, when they passed the whole island and saw the beautiful scenery on the other side of the island, they were extremely embarrassed.

“fuck! Get the hell out of here. " The leading man took a Gatling machine gun and shot into the forest.

"Captain, we didn't find any trace of the enemy, but we found something strange on that field." A sniper came out of the mountain.

They followed them to the slope where the golden dog ridge was. They were shocked.

"What is this? Dogbone? Why is the root of this dog's spine withered, as if it had been put herbicide? What's the powder

"It's a strange kind of stone. It seems to have weathered, but why is this arrangement so strange? It's like Shimen in Europe. Are there any aborigines who believe in gods on this island? "

"This is not the Shimen array, but the eight trigrams array. I have studied the art of war in China, and there is a saying that there is an ancient array called the eight trigrams array, which can communicate with gods." One of the soldiers said.

"Do you believe in the myths of China? If the Chinese art of war is so powerful, how come none of the most powerful mercenaries in the world are Chinese

"Captain, look at the mountains and forests over there. The big trees have collapsed and the vegetation has been destroyed. I've checked them. I don't see the footprints of large wild animals, nor are they crushed by large weapons. On the contrary, they look like the footprints of human beings. However, those big trees are not cut down, but are overwhelmed by some powerful force. It's really strange."

Everyone was puzzled.

"Don't worry about it. Find out the enemy quickly. Although we are only the top 50 black Python mercenary regiment in the world, we can't be killed more than 200 people in this way. This is the scale we have developed for ten years. It's all our hard work." The leading man roared.

"Captain, the boss asked us to meet the people on the marine police ship, but there was no one on the marine police ship. Could it be that the people on the marine police ship were killed, and then the enemy set a regular attack procedure? We've been looking for so long, we don't even have a personal image, and our equipment doesn't detect any body heat other than us. "

"It's possible, but our task has failed, and the loss is heavy. We must find a reasonable reason, and we must know who is the loser, otherwise we can't explain to the boss when we go back. The boss doesn't lack our mercenary regiment." The leading man said, "spread it out and look for it carefully."

The crowd broke up.

At this point, a pair of dark eyes staring at them.

After they separated, one of the soldiers entered the forest.

The cold light flashed and the soldier was cut.

But before he died, he pulled the trigger.

"NIMA, isn't that dead? What strong muscles and bones. " Yi Feng sighed that the muscles and bones of these mercenaries are too strong. They are much stronger than lengdao.

Is it just the world's top 50 mercenary regiment?

Yi Feng plans to destroy the mercenary group, because the name of the mercenary group is black Python? Isn't that a violation of his taboo?

He just wanted to leave, but he was surrounded.

Didn't you say it was scattered? It's too fast.

Just now he chose to fight. He saw the mercenaries going in other directions, but now they are surrounded here.

"You have finally appeared, Huaxia people?" The head of the mercenary road.

"Baga road!" Playing chess.

"Don't pretend. I've met a Chinese. I'm the head of the black Python mercenary regiment. I'm nicknamed black python. Although you're well hidden, you're still found by our unmanned detector. Are you an enemy or a friend?" Da Han Dao.

"You speak Chinese very well. I said we were friends. Do you believe it?" Playing chess.

"I don't believe it."

"Don't you believe me? Stupid

"He he, surrounded by us, is he still so angry? I just want to know who you are, what you're doing here, whether the people on the coast guard ship were killed by you, whether you set the timing attack program, you just need to give me the answer, I'll give you a straightforward way to die, the feeling of being penetrated by Gatling, it's very cool to hear. " Black Python way.

"Well, I'm dead." Yi Feng said, "I'm a Chinese special forces. I'm here to carry out the mission. The purpose is to take back the traitorous Hong Kong coast guard. Unfortunately, they have resisted. They have all committed suicide. I know you are mercenaries, but I remind you that it's still too late to leave, or they will face my Chinese warship."

what? Chinese special forces? People's faces changed greatly.

Over the years, the impression of Chinese special forces on the world has become more and more powerful. Just say the 90000 mountain incident 18 years ago. Since then, China has become a forbidden area for mercenaries in the world. As long as you step in, you can't get out.

Although the performance of Chinese special forces in the international special forces exchange competition is not so miraculous, many people know that just like the mystery of Chinese civilization, Chinese special forces are also very mysterious, as if they are strong when they are strong, and they can always turn defeat into victory at the last moment.

The world's armed forces pay more and more attention to the Chinese special forces. They are studying the Chinese training methods, especially the Chinese martial arts, and regard the Chinese special forces as imaginary enemies.

In addition, the peacekeeping mission of Chinese soldiers in the world makes the world know more about the strength of China. Many mercenary regiments do not want to meet with Chinese troops.

"Thank you for giving me such a good excuse. We met the Chinese special forces and lost more than 200 people. Finally, we annihilated the Chinese special forces and started." Black Python way.

All kinds of heavy weapons shot at Yi Feng at ease. Regardless of the consequences and losses, they vented their extreme depression.

When they stopped fire, they left only shells all over the ground and a big pit.


"Dead! Even the king of war can't escape from the concentrated shooting of so many weapons. "