Chapter 230

What a villain! He doesn't care.

"Yes, that's what he said. He said that he was not interested in gambling with us. It was mainly because Miss Catherine was involved that he was interested. He also said that he would definitely win and that he would definitely be able to spend spring night with Miss Catherine tonight." Liang Yidao.

Aldington's face is as ugly as excrement. I almost believe that Chinese people will flatter me.

"Mr. Yi, you are finished. Today you are finished. I won't let you have any chance to get good wool." Aldington road.

Zhou Changle's face sank, and Liang Zhang's face was very ugly.

It's a bit of a joke. The big guy said that if he didn't give you a chance, he wouldn't give you a chance.

What the hell are you doing to your fiancee? Liang Zhang scolded angrily and regretted that he had always been interested in Yifeng's ability. If he could buy the wool, he would win. Now Yifeng did, and he only wanted to help Yifeng buy the wool. Moreover, he guessed what plans Yifeng and Catherine had in advance. He must want Catherine to buy the best wool, so that Liang Yi didn't have a chance. But now, Aldington did it, and in order to pursue Catherine at all costs, Yi Feng must have no chance, because Aldington can't let Catherine and Yi Feng spend the spring night together.

He immediately distanced himself from Yifeng and said, "Yifeng, you really don't have a chance. As far as I know, you only have 500 million yuan, so you can't buy this 100 million dollar wool."

Why? Yi Feng looks at Liang Zhang in surprise.

Zhou Changle shakes his head. In his heart, a businessman is a businessman. What he always sees in his heart is only interests, and he is playing chess.

"Mr. Liang, didn't you mean to join me? I heard from you last night that you regarded me as a friend. " In fact, he is very happy now. This is better. In the end, all the wool is mine.

"Ha ha, you're not qualified to be my friend. I just value your ability. You don't know the origin of yufulong's Zhendian treasure last year. It's from Qifeng. At the small jade wool fair in Jiangyun City, Huaxia a few years ago, he gambled with a local stone gambler, and finally with several million pieces of wool, He won the other side who bought more than one billion yuan of wool, and the wool he bought went up sharply. With three million yuan of capital, he won the gambler with more than one billion yuan of capital. " Liang zhangdao.

what? Everyone exclaimed! Some people even left a cold sweat, looking at Yi Feng's eyes incomparably terrifying, NIMA's, I said that he was fearless in the face of so many big guys, it turned out that he was the best among the experts.

"Mr. Watanabe, Mr. taro Ono, did you buy some treasures for your Tokyo jewelry store last year? It's also from Yi Feng, and Miss Catherine. She and Yi Feng are college classmates. Last time, they got a piece of jade worth billions in Jiangyun City, and Yi Feng also gave her two pieces of jade worth hundreds of millions. So, they pretended not to know each other just now. It must be a conspiracy. He must want Miss Catherine to buy all the good woolen materials. In this way, Liang Yi doesn't have much wool to gamble on. " Liang zhangdao.

Shit! Yi Feng scolded in his heart. He had never seen such a shameless person before. His face changed so thoroughly.

The others were soaked in cold sweat and nearly broke down.

Liang Yi, in particular, had a look of fear on his face.

Nima, it's too Yin to play chess. No wonder he answers so quickly. Yesterday, we allowed him to shoot the process of purchasing wool, which was to paralyze us.

"Mr. Liang, thank you very much!" Shi Yuhua holds Liang Zhang's hand.

"Mr. Liang, thank you very much." Each boss expressed his thanks to Liang Zhang one after another.

Although Liang Zhang almost cheated them, they understood what Liang Zhang had done. They would have done the same.

Catherine did not expect things to change like this.

But Liang Zhang is wrong. Instead of colluding with Yi Feng, she plans to do her best to see how Yi Feng wins. She plans to spend money to uncover the mystery of Yi Feng.

"Yi Feng, the partner you are looking for is too untrustworthy." Catherine said.

"He gave me a sports car worth tens of millions yesterday, and he also gave me tens of millions of gifts. I thought he was a good friend. Originally, it was all for investment. He even said that he would help me buy wool. Fortunately, he is showing his true colors now. If I win, he said that he bought wool, wouldn't I lose a lot?" Playing chess.

"Yi Feng, can you still win? Can you still win with Mr. Aldington? " Liang Zhang disdained the way.

"Mr. Liang, when I was in Jiangyun City, did you think I could win? In the end? But it's no fun to say that. From now on, you'll never be in my contacts Playing chess.

"Ha ha, I won't appear in your contacts, because from today on, you will lose your fortune. You are not a rich man at all. You are just a small farmer growing medicine in the countryside. Mr. Zhou Changle's Rosestone workshop can provide you with 500 million yuan at most. Do you want to do the same? Now, no one is going to let you get any wool. " Liang zhangdao.

"Yes? Everybody, anyone want to join me? I promise you to win Yi Feng said with a smile.

"I'm in." Catherine said.

"Welcome old classmate, you won't lose today, you will only make a lot of money. If I use the money to propose to your father, will he agree? I'm sure I won't agree. I'm just a small farmer growing medicine. " Playing chess.

"He won't promise, but I will." Catherine said.

"What?" Yi Feng is incredible.

"I said, if you help me win so much money, I'll spend the Spring Festival with you tonight, whatever you want." Cried Catherine.

The crowd looked at Catherine and Yi Feng in disbelief and thought that they must have an affair. They were classmates. Last time, Yi Feng gave Catherine such a valuable gift. It must be a special relationship.

They are all envious of Yi Feng, but they feel that he can't survive tonight because he has offended Aldington.

The DuPont family in the United States started with arms and has a lot to do with the big black and white forces in the world. It's not easy to kill a small farmer?

Robbing women from DuPont? What a bear heart and a leopard's gall.

Yi Feng stares at the gorgeous Catherine and swallows. The girl is so open. I'd better stay away from her.

"Catherine, do you really decide that?" Aldington had an ugly face.

"It's none of your business how I decide." Catherine said, "I was the best friend of Yi Feng's ex girlfriend. Do you know how he broke up with his ex girlfriend? Because of me. "

"..." Yi Feng is completely speechless. Peat, it's none of your business for me to break up with Xiaoya?

When they heard Catherine's words, they believed them thoroughly, because there was a saying called "fire prevention, burglar prevention, best friend".