Chapter 166

"Mr. Zhao, we have checked, but the geology has changed suddenly. As for the reason, we haven't found out yet. I guess that Yi Feng must know the reason." Li Hanbing said.

"Well, thank you for your help." Zhao Xiongfei said, his mind, of course, I know that Yi Feng knows the reason, and what if he knows? Can we save these Salvia miltiorrhiza? Even if he could, he would not.

But he did not dare to offend Li Hanbing.

He's going to explode.

Why is it so bad? Is it true that those who do wrong will die? Is it retribution?

I tried every means to get these lands, and built the rudiment of the health industrial park. I thought that with my own means, I didn't need to spend much money. Now I have lost so much at the beginning.

Why am I so stupid? Why pay first? Didn't you learn a lesson last time?

Why did this happen?

Why every time I get Salvia miltiorrhiza, but not wild Salvia miltiorrhiza?

Zhao Xiongfei was in a mess.

So is Xu Xuezhi.

Dongling group attaches great importance to this project and gives it full responsibility. Originally, it wanted to start the production of Baoxin Pills with this batch of wild Salvia miltiorrhiza. At that time, with Dongling group's contacts, Fuxin investment will be listed in a short time and speed up the construction of the health industrial park with the potential of Salvia miltiorrhiza.

But it's all yellow.

Should we wait for the second batch of Salvia miltiorrhiza to mature in two years?

The most important thing is that they haven't figured out how wild Salvia miltiorrhiza is planted.

What happened is a mystery.

"It seems that the chess player really mastered great skills. It's really interesting." Li Hanbing said.

Funny shit! Xu Xuezhi and Zhao Xiongfei are of the same mind.

The experts are at a loss.

We can't find out why.

"Mr. Zhao, is it because there are some mines under this land?" A question was asked.

"I don't know. This piece of land was deserted for a long time two years ago. After Yi Feng came back, he submitted a soil analysis report to the town government, saying that it was very suitable for planting Salvia miltiorrhiza. Last year, Salvia miltiorrhiza should have been harvested, but all Salvia miltiorrhiza were immature. Yi Feng said that it was the weather. Later, he got wild Salvia miltiorrhiza from the salvia miltiorrhiza field, and then things went like this today." Zhao Xiongfei said.

"In this way, the root of the matter lies in Yi Feng. We have also analyzed the soil of this area many times. We have collected the soil of almost every place, especially the place where wild Salvia miltiorrhiza has been. It's the same as the sudden analysis report of Yi Feng, and our analysis is more comprehensive than his." Wei Daniu road.

"Wild medicinal materials were originally born in the wild, without any artificial intervention. Only after experiencing the most natural climate and geological changes can they form medicinal properties different from those of artificial cultivation. But Qi Feng was able to grow wild Salvia miltiorrhiza. Did he fully grasp the parameters of the natural growth process of wild Salvia miltiorrhiza?"? But it's not right. He didn't plant it in the greenhouse. He certainly can't ensure the weather changes. Moreover, he can't say that he squats in front of a wild Salvia miltiorrhiza tree every day to observe the changes, can he Li Hanbing said.

"Miss Li, it's possible that Yi Feng was the master of our department of medicine and botany at that time. He was very talented. Every time he experimented, he often got some different opinions from ordinary people." Wei Daniu road.

"Yes, I finished my credits because of him." Chen Dalong road.

"Oh? I can't imagine that the Chinese education system can still teach such students. Has Chinese academic thought begun to open up? " Li Hanbing said.

"No, he's a bit wild. He doesn't stick to the rules in many things. Many professors had opinions on him at that time. They said that he didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth and challenged common sense, but foreign professors liked him very much." Wei Daniu road.

Li Hanbing is more curious about playing chess.

But when she thought of the face of Yi Feng, she felt very disgusted. Although she was handsome, she was too greedy and unfriendly. She was a strange person who was separated from the group.

On Xianyun mountain, Yi Feng and Tang Wan finish their work and go home.

Suddenly, I found a lot of people down the mountain, as if the whole village had come.

They came with chickens and ducks, some with pig heads, and all kinds of sacrifices.

Most of them are sincere and devout.

They have to be devout.

When I was in Danshen field, I had completely believed what Yi Feng said. Now I came here to find that the excavated concrete road was even. Although many cracks crisscrossed, every piece of cement was stable, and there was a footprint in the middle of the cement.

Is this God going out from Xianyun mountain to punish them?

The old people knelt down to the mountain step by step.

Yi Feng was a little worried. He was not worried that someone would accuse him of feudal superstition. He was worried that these old people could not bear it.

"What are you, uncles?"

"Xiao Feng, did you get the will of God when you moved to Xianyun mountain? Why did you build Xianyun mountain? Did you help gods collect incense The third uncle said seriously.

Huh? Yi Feng's heart moved.

"Yes, yes, third uncle, that's it." Yi Feng said that he was afraid that these villagers always changed their minds. If he later said that Xianyun mountain was the common property of the village, he would lose his life.

If there is such an explanation, it's all right.

"If so! Xiao Feng, why didn't you tell us earlier? In the future, serve the stone God well. " The third uncle said happily.

Other old people are very happy. They believe in these things most, because they all come from poverty. In those days, only ghosts and gods are their sustenance.

However, not everyone believes that those who go out to hang out are not superstitious, but they all listen to the old people.

"Uncle San, you haven't worshiped it for so long before. The stone God is very low-key. You don't have to be so grand and superstitious. The stone God is not omnipotent. He can't give you money directly. He can only make this land more suitable for planting medicinal materials. Only those who work hard to plant medicine can get harvest. You see, I plough every day." Playing chess.

"The God of stone is right. Only by working hard and steadfast can we gain." Third uncle is just.

"Third uncle, don't move every plant of this mountain in the future, especially the highway. You can't dig indiscriminately." Playing chess.

"Lin Hong, don't you come to apologize to Xiao Feng?" Third uncle is just.

He is very old, and even Lin Zhengyi respects him.

"Make amends, Yi Feng. It's OK for you to cheat these old guys. Don't try to cheat us. Although we don't read much, we've seen the world. Aren't you afraid that we'll miss this mountain?" Lin Hongdao.

"Ha ha, this mountain is mine, but it doesn't matter if you don't believe it, because you believe in freedom. However, if you come here to disrespect the stone God, you will be punished." Playing chess.

"Oh! Punishment? Does the sky strike thunder? Come on, stone God, come and chop me. " Lin Hongxiao, Zhang Dao.

"Son of a bitch, shut up, Lin Zhengyi. Take him back to educate him." Third uncle is just.

"Third uncle, ah Hong is right. What age is it now? General manager Zhao has checked it. It's geological changes that lead to the withering of Salvia miltiorrhiza. Yi Feng just can see it. What stone God is there in the world? However, it's OK to worship and pray for peace of mind. It should be ancestor worship. " Lin Zhengyi.

"Third uncle, we all come to worship at your request. Hurry up. I don't have so much time to accompany you. We are very busy." Lin Hongdao.

The third uncle trembled with anger.

Suddenly, the crackling sound came from the sky above Xianyun mountain. The clouds on the top of the mountain were shining with lightning.


A lightning struck the tree beside Lin Hong, but it didn't hurt the tree at all.

All the people were terrified.

Lin Hong is scared to lie on the ground, looking at the sky in disbelief.

"Damn it! How could there be thunder? " Lin Hongdao.

"You've offended the stone God, don't you kneel down?" The third uncle said angrily.

Lin Zhengyi and others are also in doubt.

The legend passed down by our parents is not true, is it?

"The stone God is a fart. You have the seed to chop me again."


The lightning struck Lin Hong's head. His clothes were destroyed and his hair was scorched.

He looked at the sky in horror.

"Grandfather stone God, I know I'm wrong. From now on, I'll be devout to you." Cried Lin Hongda.

"Stone God, please forgive me. We will worship you in the future." Lin Zhengyi and other humanitarians.

It's no coincidence!

A bad smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Xianyun mountain is nothing but a lot of clouds. Here, Qifeng controls the weather and makes it easy for clouds to collide and produce lightning. Lightning is just a warning. It does little harm to trees, but it does great harm to human body.

"Everyone, please worship slowly. I'm going home for dinner. It's getting dark. Be careful when you walk." Playing chess.

"I'll have the streetlights on at once." Lin Hongdao.

Yi Feng and Tang Wan go home.

Tang Wan is also very puzzled, but after Yi Feng cured her with that bad thing, she took Yi Feng as an immortal and went down to earth, feeling happier.

If Zhao Xiongfei still threatens him with his relatives, then he has to be a bad man.

Yi Feng's heart is very relaxed after finishing a thing.

But Yu Qishan and Hua Tianhe are not easy.

They all sensed the sudden change of clouds above Xianyun mountain, and now they are still very dignified.

Let Yi Feng enter the tree house.

"Xiao Feng, did you worship that elder as a teacher?" At Qishan Road.

"Master, who do I worship as my teacher?" Yi Feng doubts.

"Xiao Feng, don't hide it from us. He is the master of the realm of communicating with God who controls the power of nature. This is the highest realm of martial arts in the legend. It's been thousands of years. Can you introduce it to us? We want to ask for advice. " Hua Tian He Dao.

"Master, do you say that the power of nature can be controlled through the realm of God?" Yi Feng was shocked.

"Of course, you've read the journey to the West. If the characters in the journey to the West are described by martial arts, the monkey king is not bad at seeing the God. He's a King Kong, and the Bagua stove can't be destroyed. However, he still can't escape from the palm of the hand of the Tathagata Buddha. The Tathagata Buddha is in the realm of communicating with the God. To communicate with the God is to understand the divine power, and has all kinds of incredible abilities, The master who manipulated the power of natural thunder and lightning just now must be in the realm of communicating with gods. I can't imagine that there is such a master in the age of declining martial arts. " At Qishan Road.

Yi Feng's understanding of martial arts is a window.

The monkey king is not bad, the Tathagata Buddha is connected with God, what if I connect with God in the future? Will you see the fairy in the legend?