Chapter 118

Why not? Yi Feng was in despair.

After working so hard for a long time, I spent more than 1 billion to refine the medicinal pill, and now I have learned acupuncture, but I still can't transfer the medicinal power of Salvia miltiorrhiza?

Why give him hope and let him despair?

"Xiaofeng, don't force me. HuaLao says that even if there is a thousand year old wild Salvia miltiorrhiza, it can't be cured." Seeing the expression of Yi Feng, Tang Wan knew that he couldn't help it.

"Sister Wan, I must cure you. There must be something wrong." Playing chess.

Yi Feng tried again and again, but he couldn't help it. The salvia miltiorrhiza power came out of the blood, spilled into the air, and couldn't be transmitted through the golden needle.

Is it the wrong material?

This gold needle not only has hardness and can bear the tremor of internal strength, but also has a peculiar ability to attach the vital energy.

It is reasonable to say that the gold needle is material, and it should not be able to attach the original vitality similar to the aura.

But since it can adhere to the vitality of its own life, why can't it adhere to the medicinal power of Salvia miltiorrhiza?

After Hua Tianhe comes out from his rest, Yi Feng goes to find him.

"Mr. Hua, can I have a set of gold needles?" Playing chess.

"Go away! That's all I have, and it's handed down from the first generation. " Hua Tian He Dao.

"Mr. Hua, what kind of material is this gold needle? I asked you just now, but I didn't tell you." Playing chess.

"Human bones!" Hua Tian He Dao.

"What? "Human bones?" Yi Feng was shocked.

"It's true that the materials of these gold needles come from a master of internal strength in my ancestors' time. They have reached the legendary state that God is not bad. Some bones of the body are not bad, so they can bear the tremor of internal strength and attach the vitality of human beings. This set of gold needles is of great value." Hua Tian He Dao.

Human bone can adhere to the vitality of human life.

Yi Feng is suddenly enlightened.

Why didn't I think of it? The magic weapon used by ancient medicine witches to transfer the power of elixir is made from some spiritual roots in nature.

So I had to find a plant that could withstand the tremor of internal force and make it into a needle.

"HuaLao, is there any plant in nature that can rival your set of gold needles?" Yi Feng asked.

Hua Tianhe's eyes widened.

"I don't know how your brain grows. Can you think of it? In fact, the most suitable needle for acupuncture and moxibustion is the one of Cao Muzi, a famous doctor in the era of Emperor Shun. It is also said in ancient medical books that Cao Muzi is very skillful in medicine. He can not only cure diseases with his own vital energy, but also extract the medicinal power of plants and plants, and introduce them into the patient's acupoints through the needles. However, this is only a legend, and it should be deified. After all, the famous doctors in China, I haven't seen the so-called needles. "

Shit! It's said that it's useless!

"Mr. Hua, don't other Chinese medicine families in China have needles similar to those of plant needles?"

"No, the sun family's 13 health preserving needles also use human bones that are not damaged by King Kong, the Li family's is almost the same, and other aristocratic families all use human bones. In fact, this is a major factor limiting the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Our traditional Chinese medicine does not use Western medical equipment, but a set of needles is much more expensive than Western medical equipment, and it is very rare."

"Oh! All right

"Well, I have a set of silver needles here. I'll give it to you. You can use it to exercise acupuncture. As long as you learn it well, you can cure many minor diseases. You can also help healthy people to stimulate acupoints, improve body immunity and achieve the purpose of health preservation." Hua Tian He Dao.

"Thank you, Mr. Hua."

Ah! Yi Feng sighed in his heart.

Should Tang Wan die?

"Mr. Hua, we are ready for the new year. We will fly back tonight." Playing chess.

"Well, Xiao Feng, although I confiscate you as a disciple, now that I have learned my acupuncture, I can be regarded as a registered disciple. In the future, I will test you and have a good look at those two books." Hua Tian He Dao.

"Well, in my heart, you are my master, just like Mr. Yu." Playing chess is a solemn way.

Yi Feng made a reservation for the night and left the clinic.

"Master, have you learned your medical skills? What a genius. I have to make friends with such a person. Maybe I can improve my comprehension ability. " Tian Lun Dao.

"It's nice that you can think that way."

"Master, is Yi Feng from Jiangyun city? Do you have his contact information? "

"No, if you want to find him, you can find Lao Yu."

"Well, I'll go to Jiangyun city to find Mr. Yu after Chinese New Year." Tian Lun Dao.

Four hours later, Yi Feng and Tang Wan have returned to Jiangyun city. It's already nine o'clock in the evening.

Call Yi Chong and learn that he will return to Jiangyun city with Han Yujia tomorrow.

"Sister Wan, we'll stay in Jiangyun city for one night. Tomorrow we'll go back with my elder brother. My elder sister-in-law is pregnant. My elder brother's car doesn't have a good earthquake resistance." Playing chess.

"Well, listen to you, Xiao Feng. I really want to help you have a baby." As Tang Wan spoke, he began to cry.

When she went to Tangdu this time, she subconsciously thought that she could be well. Unfortunately, she was busy and could not escape her fate. Now when it comes to Han Yujia's pregnancy, she is sad because she loves her too much, and she also loves her too much to help her have a baby. It's a little pity.

"Wan Jie..." Yi Feng didn't know what to say, and now he had no confidence.

"Xiao Feng, actually I've accepted my fate for a long time. I didn't expect that I would be unwilling to deal with you. Well, I'll be happy for the rest of my life." Tang Wandao.

They drove to the city.

Just then, a business car followed.

"The target has gone to Jiangyun city. I'm following it."

It is reported at regular intervals.


"The target has arrived at Jiangting Road City Express Hotel and is entering the underground parking lot."

Yi Feng drives into the parking lot.

The business car followed.

"Wait in the car, sister Wan." Playing chess.

After a distance from the airport to Jiangyun City, he realized that he was being followed.

"Xiao Feng, be careful."

Yi Feng got out of the car, locked it, walked to the Buick business car and knocked on the glass.

Buick business car probably did not expect the target to find him, but also came to say hello, stayed for a few seconds, rolled down the window.

"What's the matter?" Youth road.

"I should have asked you that? I've been following me since the airport. Let's talk about people and things. " Playing chess.

"Where shall I follow you? I just made a reservation for this hotel. "

Bang! Crackle! The window that hasn't been rolled down is broken like tofu.

"Say it! Is your head as hard as this glass? " Yi Feng shook his hand and said.

Young people are stunned! And then there was fear.

Nima's, this is glass, OK?

"Don't mess around, there are cameras here!" Young people fear.

"No?" Yi Feng hit the top of the side of the car with another slap, and there was a gravure mark on it

"I'm from the black dragon Gang! You hit our boss's brother the day before yesterday. " Youth road.

"Oh? How did you find out about me? How did you know I came back today? "

"We know your information from the airline. We'll be informed as soon as you book your ticket."

"So it is! Is the black dragon Gang big? "

"Of course, it's very big. The entertainment places in the whole southern area of Jiangyun city are ours. The black dragon club is one of the most luxurious clubs in Jiangyun city. There are more than 5000 people at the entrance of each hall, and there are hundreds of thugs directly under the boss... Go to hell."

From the rear-view mirror, the young man saw a dozen business cars and vans coming in, and immediately took out his knife and stabbed at the chess edge.

Yi Feng dodges, grabs the young man's hand directly, pulls him out of the window, and then falls him to the ground.

The young man got up and ran to the cars.

A dozen cars stopped.

A group of men with bright machetes got out of the car.

Line up in two.

At this time, three big men came down from the car at the back. They were all wearing black suits. The big man at the front had cigars in his mouth and black super. They were very majestic. The last two big men were full of flesh, tall and muscular. Looking at their standing posture, they must have been soldiers, and they were obviously the bodyguards of the first big man.

The front man held his head high and walked forward, slowly taking off his black super glasses.

He even put on a very tugging posture.

"Yi Feng, I'm waiting for you at last!"

"I didn't expect you to get better so quickly! Yes? Again Yi Feng said with a smile.

Little bugs come to see me again?

"Fuck him!" When Shi Hu heard this, he was very angry. Originally, he was very high. He was like the boss of the underworld. Now he is really like a gangster.

The group of big men immediately ran to Yifeng. This is the rhythm of cutting Yifeng into meat sauce.

"Cut off his limbs for me! Xiao Mao, which car is his? " Stone Tiger yells.

"That pickup truck!"

"Shit, a broken pickup truck, you two, I broke it." Shi Hu said, seeing Tang Wan in the car, he immediately laughed: "ha ha ha, little beauty, don't be afraid. I'll spoil you in this car later."

Click... Ah... Click... Ah

Rhythmic voice sounded, so that Stone Tiger and others surprised, look at the past, immediately stunned.

People lying on the ground, one by one arm bleeding, or broken roots, or broken wrists, fear incomparable.

"The end of being a thug!" Yi Feng said coldly that he only wanted to take off these people's arms, but after he was cut down by a person mercilessly, he didn't show any mercy. He grabbed a knife and cut off all these people's hands with his agility.

Fortunately, his recovery ability was amazing after he was transfused with medicine Dan. If ordinary people had bled long ago, they would have died.

Yi Feng goes to Shi Hu.

"Tiger, please step back!" The two bodyguards are on the same track.

"Kill him for me, and my elder brother will help you with the aftermath." Stone Tiger angry way.

"Sir, how about today being a misunderstanding?" A bodyguard said.

"Zeng Fei, what do you say? He hit me at the airport, and now he has so many employees. I must make him pay the price. " Stone Tiger angry way.

The two bodyguards frowned and ignored Shi Hu.

"Sir, our black dragon Gang is not against you. How about that The bodyguard said again.

"Good!" Yi Feng nodded and went to his car.

The accomplishments of these two men should be similar to that of Ma Shanda, but they are younger than Ma Shanda. If Qi Feng uses internal strength, he is sure to defeat them, but he is afraid that the other side has a gun.

Let's get out of here first.

Just when Yi Feng had turned his back to Shi Hu, the two bodyguards appeared two swords in their hands and suddenly killed Yi Feng.