"That's how it works. It's amazing." The way of playing chess.

In his view, Reiki's world is another dimension relative to the real world.

In reality, when a piece of white paper rotates at high speed, it can cut the board.

In the world of aura, the magic of jade lies in the fact that through the movement and integration of the earth's crust, the material that binds aura is formed, and the Eight Trigram runes that rotate at a high speed form a force that can tear up the aura firmly bound in jade.

The reason is very simple, but only the Qi Feng who controls the eight trigrams of medicine and witchcraft can sense the world of aura.

Ten minutes later, eight pieces of jade were broken.

This is just the most common jade.

Yi Feng continued to release the jade until after several times, the two pieces of jade on the Tai Chi diagram broke, and the Eight Diagrams seal stopped immediately.

I found a better jade than the last two and put it on the Tai Chi diagram to continue to verify.

This time, if you can hold on for a long time, the Eight Trigram seal will run faster.

"It seems that the Taiji pattern in the center of the eight trigrams' seal is equivalent to an engine, and the jade on the fish's eye is the fuel. If only I had a piece of jade on the fish's eye that could never be consumed."

He thought of something and quickly took out the raw material from the car.

This is the piece of wool with the shape of Unicorn in it, which is also the most precious one.

When making a decision, first lay other jade on the surface of the Eight Trigram seal, and then put the wool directly on the fish eye of the Eight Trigram seal.


The wool split in an instant, and a unicorn appeared. It was full of spirit, just like a real creature. It stood on the Taiji map, with its head and tail just corresponding to the two fish eyes of the Taiji map.

From the mouth, slowly spit out aura.

The eight trigrams Rune seal runs very fast, and turns more than 100 pieces of jade into powder in an instant.

"How awesome! The real baby Yi Feng was shocked. Suddenly, he retreated.

Bang! He was hit by a powerful force on the pickup truck.

What's going on?

It's incredible for Yi Feng to stand up and feel nothing wrong. However, in his mind, there is a green Kirin emerald standing.

Qilin feicui ran to his mind and stood in the eight trigrams of medicine wizard.

"What's the principle? Is it the spirit that makes the essence? Or is it the same as the magic weapon forged by the ancient witches with the use of natural spiritual objects? "

Yi Feng can't understand it, so he can only use the jade as a magic weapon.

In the ancient times of witchcraft civilization, there were few magic weapons, because there were few spiritual things condensed by pure aura in nature.

The so-called pure Reiki Reiki is the Reiki pure to the extreme, which can be transformed from reality to emptiness.

This Kirin jadeite is very similar to the jadeite that used to be solid, but now it turns into invisible and enters his mind.

When he thought about it, Qilin emerald appeared on the Eight Trigram seal, and the Eight Trigram seal began to work again.

"The world is really magical. No wonder the Kirin jade can absorb aura even if it leaves the earth. It turns out that it is a part of aura without any impurities. It's really lucky to get it." The way of playing chess.

He was relieved.

He began to be busy and kept putting jade into the eight trigrams.

Salvia miltiorrhiza grew up visible to the naked eye, which made him sigh the magic of nature.

One hour later, 100 roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza mature.

"I wipe, bull force, it used to take a day to mature, but now it only takes an hour? Is that exaggeration? "

However, the pain of the game is that 300 pieces of jade were used this time, which are not too bad. They are worth more than 2 million yuan. According to the price of Salvia miltiorrhiza, this time it is a loss.

But he didn't care, because in the growth process of Salvia miltiorrhiza, he felt that the eight trigrams array constantly absorbed the power of Salvia miltiorrhiza, and the salvia miltiorrhiza liquid became bigger and thicker.

And the eight trigrams' seal covers more and more areas, which can cover half an acre of land.

After a busy night, more than three tons of jade were consumed. Fortunately, the results were remarkable. The salvia miltiorrhiza power in the medicine wizard eight trigrams array had formed a semi-solid state, and the coverage of the two eight trigrams seal reached one mu.

Five mu of land has also been turned into mature Salvia miltiorrhiza, a total of 2000 trees, full of pickup trucks.

"At this rate, we should be able to deal with it before the new year, and Salvia miltiorrhiza should be able to form." The way of playing chess.

One hundred mu of Salvia miltiorrhiza has been plucked before. In addition to the one recently plucked, there are only about 80 mu left.

There are still 15 days to go before Chinese New Year.

With the formation of medicinal pill, the effect of Eight Trigram symbol seal should be more and more important, and the speed of Danshen maturing is also faster and faster.

I'm afraid the jade is not enough!

Two thousand Salvia miltiorrhiza are worth 20 million, while three tons of jade are worth several hundred million. It is certain that they will lose money. I only hope that donglingmeng can earn back after turning Salvia miltiorrhiza into Baoxin Pills.

In his opinion, the formation of medicinal pill has the hope of curing Tang Wan, and everything is worth it.

Life is priceless!

In the early morning, before the villagers came into the mountain, Yi Feng went home and locked the door of Danshen in a separate room. Then he called Yu Qishan and asked him to send someone to bring the jade. Then he went into bed to make up for his sleep.

At noon, a group of young and lively boys and girls appeared at the entrance of the village.

Sukoko is one of them.

However, she is not gregarious among the girls, or she is excluded.

However, she is very popular with boys, and even a few boys follow her, eager to help her carry her luggage, although she doesn't pay much attention to those boys, even a little disgusted.

After returning to the village, the boys went home separately.

A group of girls blocked sukeke's way.

"Ma Cuiying, what do you want to do?" Su coco said in a cold voice.

"Su coco, I tell you, Huang Guohao is mine. You should stay away from him in the future." A girl dressed in fashion said that she was tall, full chested, exposed, with red hair and heavy make-up, which seemed a little non mainstream.

"Oh! I'd like to stay away from him, but he's just shameless. If you can make him like you, I'm very grateful. " So coco road.

"Hum, like your mother, you are all foxes. You are a special seducer. From now on, make up in front of me to be ugly, or I will shave your face." Ma Cuiying said.

"Ma Cuiying, put your mouth clean for me and apologize to me." Su Keke said that her mother was her favorite and she could not be insulted. In her heart, Tang Wan was always chaste.

"Donima forced me to apologize. I stepped on her face." Ma Cuiying snorts and slaps Su Keke.

Su coco is already malnourished, where is Ma Cuiying's opponent? He was knocked down.

Other girls stepped forward one after another, even pulling Su Coco's hair.

"Stop, what are you doing? How can a daughter be wilder than a boy? Does that sound like it? " Chen Yinghua said angrily.

"Don't worry, auntie. Don't you hate Tang Wan? Like Tang Wan, Su Keke is a fox spirit. I can't stand the fact that men surround them all day long. " Ma Cuiying said.

"Cuiying, be obedient, don't fight. Hurry home. Her mother has a man. Be careful to come to you." Chen Yinghua said that she helped Su Keke up.

"Does Tang Wan have a man? It's really a fox spirit. " Ma Cuiying said.

"You're bullshit." Su coco covers his face and stares at Ma Cuiying with hatred. He runs to the village.

When she got home, she went in carefully. Seeing that Tang Wan was not at home, she was relieved. Then she went into the bathroom to wash and change her clothes.

However, her face is still red, there is a little swelling on the left side, and the scratch of her nails can't be removed.

"I'm worried about being seen by my mother. Where's the bottle of medicine?" Su coco goes into the house to look for the potion.

If I can't find it on the table, I'll go back and forth.

"Why? what is it? Mom's notes? " Sue coco curiously picked up the notebook.

Open, suddenly heart a shake.

"Coco, when you see this notebook, maybe I'll be gone..."

It's like telling her what's going on. Let her recognize Yifeng as her brother, help her finish her studies, and then try to make money and return it to Yifeng.

There is a bill in the back. It's ten thousand yuan that Yi Feng lent Tang Wan recently.

Su Keke understood that last time she knew she had no money, so she went to Xianyun mountain to collect herbs. At the same time, she wanted to stay at home and take care of Tang Wan. Tang Wan told her not to worry about money and let her go to school at ease.

It turned out that Yi Feng lent them the money.

She knew before that Yi Feng had failed to grow medicine and owed the villagers 500000 yuan, but now she lent her 10000 yuan, which made her grateful.

She just thought of something, ran out of the door, yelled mom, but no one should.

"Village head, do you know where my mother has gone?" Su Keke runs to Yu De's house and is in a hurry. She is afraid that she will never see Tang Wan again.

"Coco, don't worry. Your mother is at Yifeng's house." Playing chess depends on morality.

"At Qifeng's home?" Sucho breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, you don't know. Yi Feng and your mother are dating each other. He also said that if you get married after the new year, you will have a stepfather soon." Playing chess depends on morality.

"You're bullshit. My mom's not like that." Su Keke ran to Yi Feng's house and beat the door hard.

"Coco, stop shooting. Your mother is probably still sleeping with Yi Feng." Chen Yinghua road.

"Don't slander my mother! My mother is not so shameless as you. Once I met Zhao Laosi in the village... "Su Keke said.

"Well, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm telling you the truth. Last time you went to school, Yi Feng and your mother got along with each other. They were inseparable every day. Later, they simply lived together and announced that they would get married next year in front of their parents." Chen Yinghua is in a hurry.

"Coco, what the third aunt said is true. Whether there is a man in the family, you don't know how happy your mother is now." Guo said.

"It's true that Tang Wan is a bitch. I gave her 20000 yuan as a dowry the year before she was a big girl, and I said that I would send Su Keke to finish her college studies. She pretended to be chaste. Now that she is strong and strong, is she still engaged in it? Tut Tut, I don't know if I can bear it. " A very hard word came out.

But he was a big man with a face full of flesh, in a suit and shoes, with a big gold necklace. He was a bit lame when he walked.

He is a bachelor who sells pork in the village. Li Gu, the second crutch son, couldn't marry his daughter-in-law because he was lame. He wanted to marry Tang Wan before and was rejected.

These days, he wanders in front of Tang Wan's house. In the morning, he hears that Yi Feng and Tang Wan are back, so he has been waiting here for a long time. Seeing Su Keke clapping the door, he comes out immediately.

He is going to show the color to Yi Feng today.

Qi Feng is woken up, thinking that someone is looking for trouble again, so he gets up in a hurry.