"Xiaofeng, we all know that the medicinal materials we grow do not have high requirements for climate. We just want to ask about the grafting and fertilization technology, how to grow wild ones."

"Well! Do you still apply fertilizer? "

"Yes, you can't grow without fertilizer." Zhang lundao.

"Fertilization is a big discount on the medicinal properties. It may also destroy the medicinal properties. When you started planting, no one told you." Playing chess.

"Ah? We just heard that the government had this project, so we bought seeds for planting. At first, a technician from an enterprise came down to guide us, but we didn't say that we couldn't apply fertilizer. What should we do? We've been planting it for a few years, and we used to sell it like this. "

"It is estimated that what you sell is retail investors, and the person who guides you is also a technician of small enterprises. The purchase price is very low. If it is purchased by those large enterprises, they will have professional testing equipment. If they detect pesticide ingredients, they will not accept it. Even if they do, the price is very low." Playing chess.

"We are sure that some people will plant it, but we sell it ourselves. Whoever buys it will sell it to others, and sometimes we can't sell it."

"It's not conducive to large-scale cultivation. Only by cooperating with fixed enterprises and not worrying about sales, can we plant safely. Have you ever gone to boss Zhou of changletang? He won't take anything from you. " Playing chess.

"Yes, yes, he has an X-ray detector. After taking our medicine, he doesn't accept it. He doesn't tell us why he doesn't accept it." Yelled Zhang Lun.

"That's it. Big companies have their own brands. They want to ensure the medicinal properties, or they will smash their own brands. Those retail investors sell them to some small pharmaceutical companies to produce substandard drugs. Pay attention in the future. If something happens, they will go back to the source and find you here." Playing chess.

"Ah! So serious? " Zhang Lun and others are worried.

"Look, talent is what we call talent. Just after we have a preliminary understanding, we can point out the seriousness of the problem. We laymen think it's too simple to think that planting medicinal materials is as simple as planting rice. As soon as the national policy comes out, we rush to do it. We don't fully understand all the factors. Xiao Feng, let's recruit you to the agricultural office, You don't have to pass the civil service examination. " Liu rang Gong said excitedly.

"Come on, I'm not expected to be a civil servant. It's better to farm the land. The villagers in my big hometown come to ask me. Can I not teach them?" Playing chess.

There are too many restrictions on civil servants, so we should consider the collective everywhere, and set an example. Those who are too selfish are easy to step on the thunder.

Yi Feng thinks that he is selfish. What he wants is a free life. He can do whatever he wants. Moreover, entering the system can not give full play to the value of Yaowu Bagua array.

"What a pity! What a talent. " Liu rang is fair.

"It's no pity. Well, didn't you come here to drink? Why don't you move your chopsticks? " Playing chess.

"Ha ha, I'm not listening to Xiao Feng's high opinion. Xiao Feng, I'm better than ten years of study. I'm worthy of being a top student of Tangdu University. You should come to help me and let you be fully responsible." Zhao Xiongfei said.

Yi Feng doesn't want to drink with these people. He's too uncomfortable. Some people are obviously conceited, but they are aboveboard.

But he had to cater to it, otherwise it would be difficult to mix in the future.

We all went out to see the party.

"Xiao Feng, let's go to the party together." Huang Qinglan said.

She drank a lot of wine, her face was red, and she was dressed in professional clothes. Under the low collar shirt, she was full, and a deep white groove matched her tall figure, which was very provocative.

"Secretary Huang, don't you accompany your colleagues and peasant entrepreneurs?" Playing chess.

"Call me sister LAN." Huang Qinglan thin angry way.

"Well, sister LAN! I'll go home first Playing chess.

"Are you in a hurry to go back with your girlfriends? You men are all the same. They are all big turnips who love the new and dislike the old. When you have a new lover, you forget the old." Huang Qinglan said angrily.

"Sister LAN, you drink too much. What's new and old? We're just friends at best, OK? " Playing chess.

"Friendship? We've been talking for a long time. You said that the one who marries me will wait until the wedding night? You even said that there is someone you like. You bastard, scum, I'll kill you. " Huang Qinglan yells.

What's the matter with NIMA? You're abandoned. Don't mess with me, OK?

Many people have seen it here, and they are stunned to see it is Huang Qinglan.

Isn't that Secretary Huang? It's crazy. It's crazy.

And that Yi Feng, who has three beauties in his family, has something to do with Secretary Huang? Want to go to bed with Secretary Huang after being refused to empathize?

In the past, many men who thought they had a good family background pursued Secretary Huang, but she didn't agree. It turned out that she had a good relationship with Yi Feng.

fuck! There is such a beautiful girl secretary as a girlfriend, and she never gives up? It's scum.

Yi Feng didn't understand other people's opinions, because he was knocked down by Huang Qinglan.

"Sister LAN, wake up Playing chess.

Huang Qinglan is so cruel that she is just a tiger. She punches him without saying a word. This kind of woman can't marry. It's like playing chess.

"I'm awake now. Go to hell, scum." Huang Qinglan said angrily.

"Hey, if you hit me again, you'll fight back, damn it." With a roar of Qi Feng, a powerful force burst out of his body.

Huang Qinglan was suddenly overturned.

If Huang Qinglan doesn't get drunk and takes the initiative to control Yi Feng, Yi Feng is definitely not an opponent. After all, she can fight and capture.

But now I'm drunk and unconscious, and I'm soon knocked down by the chess player.

Yi Feng picks up Huang Qinglan and runs home.

The influence is really too bad, he is OK, mainly for Huang Qinglan reputation is not good.

Back home, Yi Feng drinks Danshen tea for Huang Qinglan.

Salvia miltiorrhiza heart, can promote blood circulation, especially the effect of wild Salvia miltiorrhiza is very good, plus Huang Qinglan constitution is very good, half an hour after the hangover.

"Well! Xiao Feng, what's the matter? " Huang Qinglan said.

"Sister LAN, don't you remember? You're drunk. " Playing chess.

"No, isn't it ugly? I used to drink very little, but I was in a bad mood when I came back from Jiangyun city a few days ago, so I drank a little today. " Huang Qinglan said.

Yi Feng understood the joint.

It turns out that Huang Qinglan has a fiance in Jiangyun city. It's estimated that the man wants to have sex with her, but she doesn't give it to her. Then the man is cheating.

If you play chess, you may cheat. It's a long-distance relationship. Huang Qinglan is a secretary in this corner of the mountain. He is busy with his work. How many times can he go back?

The key is that it's 30 years old. If you don't give it to a man, who can stand it.

"It's very ugly, it's very ugly. In public, you threw me to the ground and said that I've always given up on you. I like the new and dislike the old. I'm a scum animal." Yi Feng said with a bitter smile.

"Ah Huang Qinglan blushed, and then said with a hissing smile, "ha ha ha, I can't imagine that I'm so drunk. I'm sorry, Xiao Feng. I've wronged you. I'll be responsible."

"My reputation is nothing. What do you do? You're a high-ranking official of the town. " Playing chess.

"What are you afraid of! I'm single now, OK? Didn't you have an idea about my sister before? Now I promise. " Huang Qinglan is fierce.

"Come on, I don't dare to think about the female tiger. You don't know how tough you were just now." Playing chess.

"Well! I'm very gentle at ordinary times, Xiao Feng. Your skill is not bad either. Shall I teach you fighting skills? " Huang Qinglan said.

"That's OK!" Qi Feng knows that there is a river and lake. He wants to learn some self-defense skills and give full play to his strength.

"Well, let's wait for Zhao Xiongfei." Huang Qinglan said.

"Sister LAN, where are you from? It's like I met you somewhere. " Li Xuedao.

"I'm from Tangdu. After my ex boyfriend was transferred to Jiangyun City, I came with him." Huang Qinglan said.

"Did you go to Tangdu Medical University for military training?" Li Xuedao.

"Yes, eleven years ago, when I was only nineteen." Huang Qinglan said.

"That's it. I'm from that class. I'm really predestined. I didn't expect to meet you in this situation. It's good for Huang jiaoguan." Li Xuedao.

"Ha ha, it's true. What's your name?" Huang Qinglan said.

"My name is Li Xue. This is my sister Li you. We are all from Jiangyun city. I'm sick and I come here to cultivate myself." Li Xuedao.

"So it is. I thought you were all Xiao Feng's girlfriends." Huang Qinglan said.

"We don't like that dandy. We live in his house and pay for it at the price of a high-end apartment. Sister Wan is his girlfriend." Li Xuedao.

"Yes? Are you sure? "

"Secretary Huang, it's not like that. The doctor says I can't live for three months, so I think... We're just pretending to be lovers. If you want to chase Xiaofeng, just chase him." Tang Wan is in a hurry.

"I understand. I didn't expect that your illness was so serious. In the future, everyone will be friends. Don't call me Secretary Huang. You can call me sister LAN." Huang Qinglan said.


Outside, many people do not go to the party, but stare at Yi Feng's home. They all want to see Yi Feng's jokes.

Wang Bo and others are even more so. They are really jealous.

Peat, such a beautiful woman is about to give up when she gets one, but Yi Feng has never given up.

And there are four beauties in one person, and they are all brought home.

"Ha ha, when Huang Qinglan wakes up, he will beat Yi Feng. Those three beauties will start to hate Yi Feng. Now we have a chance. I'll tell you, Huang Qinglan, I'm not interested, but don't rob that familiar woman with me." Wang Bodao.

"Of course, let big wave elder brother choose first, we are not interested in Huang Qinglan's violent girl, the remaining two beauties, let's rely on our own means."

"Xiao Feng is really discontented. Huang Shuji is such a good person, beautiful and has a good job. It's his fortune to marry such a daughter-in-law. Don't you cherish it?" Playing chess is in virtue.

As long as Yi Feng marries Huang Qinglan, it will be much more convenient to handle affairs in the future. Is it not his department that knows the new policies first?

"Lao Yi, just now he said that Tang Wan is his girlfriend. It's normal for a man to be attracted by Tang Wan's fox spirit." Chen Yinghua road.

"Attraction belongs to attraction, but if you marry a daughter-in-law, you can't marry such second-hand goods." Playing chess depends on morality.

"Why? The door is open. I have a joke. What's the matter Wang Bo was stunned.