"Well, it's all my fault. Secretary Huang, don't blame Xiao Feng. He's still young. It's normal to have a little temper." Zhao Xiongfei said helplessly.

In fact, he was happy.

Yifeng, Yifeng, you and Huang Qinglan are good friends. I have to take her into consideration for many things. Today, you sold her wild Salvia miltiorrhiza, which makes me afraid. But now, I can let go. You are still too young. Huang Qinglan is in charge of politics. Do you think she can mix too much personal feelings?

"It's OK. This plan must be put on the agenda. Any difficulties can be overcome. Boss Zhao, you are the most suitable person for the development of xianyuntun. I hope you won't let the organization down. I'll go back first." Huang Qinglan said, "also, what means can be used, what can not be used, you have to understand, I do not want to appear a few days ago."

"Yes, I promise there won't be another time." Zhao Xiongfei said with a smile.

After Huang Qinglan went down the mountain, Zhao Xiongfei was satisfied.

In fact, he had expected the result for a long time, because he had known about the plan from some people in the town, which was an important reason why he wanted to contract the mountain area.

And he has the final say that the project is not for anyone to decide, but has the final say.

Who else has the financial, human and material resources to develop xianyuntun? Not to mention the need to invest a lot of money, but also to go through a lot of procedures, but also to invite a lot of relevant experts, after the completion of the base of medicinal materials, also need publicity, medicinal materials sales channels and so on, only he has this ability.

Although he lives in Fuxin Town, his industry has gone out of Fuxin town. In Jiangyun City, there are five-star Xianyun Hotel, real estate and so on. The most profitable business is the medicinal materials business. The medicinal materials he sells from Fuxin town every year are very profitable.

It is estimated that Zhao Xiongfei has a fortune of over 100 million.

"Yi Feng, this project is for you. Can you play it? If you fight with me, you will not be able to measure yourself Zhao Xiongfei's way of thinking.

When Yi Feng goes down the mountain, he has no taste in his heart.

In his impression, Huang Qinglan hated Zhao Xiongfei, a unscrupulous businessman who was rich and unkind.

Zhao Xiongfei's history of development is a history of blood and tears of farmers. He made high profits by squeezing the prices of medicinal materials planted by farmers. He also used farmers' ignorance to defraud many precious wild medicinal materials at low prices for huge profits.

He is also in charge of all kinds of networks in Fuxin Town, and his words, in the eyes of many people, are more useful than those of the government.

Xianyun herbal medicine market charging management fees is an example.

It is also an example that the police station is not called by a telephone.

"The day before yesterday, he said that he would overthrow Zhao Xiongfei in terms of politics, people's will and economy, and break his interest chain. Now he has handed over the development project of xianyuntun to Zhao Xiongfei. It's really... It seems that I'm hard for ordinary people to get into her eyes." The way of playing chess.

He had a sense of being cheated.

To tell the truth, the first time he saw Huang Qinglan, he had admiration for her, so he always worked hard to plant Salvia miltiorrhiza to lead the villagers to get rich, which would make Huang Qinglan look up to him.

And he and Zhao Xiong fly on the bar, partly because of Huang Qinglan.

Also took Zhao Xiongfei evil video, in the street is and those hooligans on the bar, are for Huang Qinglan's work.

In order to give Huang Qinglan Salvia miltiorrhiza, he stayed in the mountain forest for one night, and gave ten more, because in his subconscious, he has regarded Huang Qinglan as his own person, as a friend, as a relative.

"It is estimated that what I think is very important is not so important to her. Also, how can she not manage Fuxin town well when she is so young and in a high position with the support of someone behind her? I help her to do those little things, it is estimated that in her eyes are pediatrics

He is not small bellied, but, since that day his mother picked up the knife that moment, he and Zhao Xiongfei completely on the bar, vowed to let Zhao Xiongfei completely bankrupt.

"Xiao Feng, wait a minute." Huang Qinglan is in a hurry.

"What can I do for you, Secretary Huang?" Playing chess.

"I said I would teach you fighting skills, and these equipment are all military goods in active service. Take good care of them." Huang Qinglan took out a spear, a watch and a telescope.

"No, I don't fight with others, and these things are dangerous goods. I dare not take them." In fact, playing chess is very exciting.

This is a military product. He is a military enthusiast. He knows these things are very powerful.

That spear, called four edged spear, is very sharp. The watch has the function of communication and compass.

"Oh, are you really angry with me? Xiao Feng, the herbal medicine base is a livelihood project. It attaches great importance to it. After a while, someone will come down to inspect it. You have to understand me. " Huang Qinglan said.

"I see." Playing chess.

"Xiaofeng, can you slow down the conflict between you and Zhao Xiongfei first? I'll do my best to help you get the benefits. " Huang Qinglan said.

"No way!" Yi Feng said seriously.

"Xiao Feng, I'm under a lot of pressure. It may be difficult to help you. After all, the South China herbal medicine base is a national key project. Every township is trying to do a pilot project and strive to become the site of the herbal medicine base. By that time, Fuxin town will have a bright future and your development opportunities will be much greater. But even if you do a pilot project, it will also need a lot of human, financial and material resources. I hope you can understand." Huang Qinglan said helplessly.

"I understand, but I still say the same thing. I can't cooperate with Zhao Xiongfei. On the contrary, I will try my best to fight him." Playing chess.

The more Huang Qinglan advised him, the more uncomfortable he felt.

"Ah Huang Qinglan saw that Yi Feng's attitude was firm, so she said nothing more.

When I got home, I saw Tang Wan with a shovel and sweat all over his head. His clothes were soaked with sweat, showing his exquisite and plump figure. It was very attractive for a man who had never tasted the taste of chess.

"Aunt Wan, who are you?"

"Only my family has stopped water supply. Maybe the water pipe is broken. It hasn't been changed for ten years." Tang Wandao.

"Why don't you ask someone to do it?" Playing chess.

"Now it's all busy farming. No one is free, and no one wants to come." Tang Wandao.

"I'll help you. How does the water pipe go?"

"No, I can do it myself. I'll let people talk again later."

"Whatever they say, what if I really like aunt Wan? Our two families have no blood relationship, and they are not relatives. Unmarried men and unmarried women. What's the time now? I'm afraid of that. Besides, aunt Wan is only ten years older than me. In the city, there are couples with a difference of 20 years. " Playing chess.

"Don't say such things to Aunt Wan in the future, you little boy." Tang WanChen's strange way.

No wonder other women say that Tang Wan is a fox spirit. A casual little expression can make people feel numb.

"Aunt Wan, give me the shovel, and you guide me. I can do this kind of hard work in the future."

When Yi Feng grabs the shovel, he just touches Tang Wan's hand. It's soft and cold. A current flows into Yi Feng's heart.

Tang Wan's face turned red. He looked at Yi Feng, who worked hard to dig the earth, and smelled the sweat on him. He thought that a man in the family was the home. If only I were ten years younger, oh, what are you thinking? A dying man, don't involve anyone.

What happened to the dying? Can't you live the rest of your life? Tang Wan, Tang Wan, for the sake of your sister's daughter, you are willing to stay unmarried all your life and never have a relationship with any man. Is your life too worthless?

This is Tang Wan's secret. Su Keke is not her daughter, but her sister's daughter.

I've been poisoned to death. I don't know if I can survive this winter, and my brother-in-law's money has been used up. After my death, what will coco do? This chess player has a lot of study, ability and good character. He can make coco recognize him as his brother, but I can't repay him if I throw him a oil bottle.

Tang Wan didn't have the idea of betrothing Su Keke to Yi Feng, because Su Keke's life is still very long, and she can't decide Su Keke's life.

Let coco recognize brother is the best choice.

Yi Feng is so busy that he doesn't know Tang Wan's inner monologue.

The water pipe bends around and along the wall. After digging for a long time, I found that many sections of the water pipe are corroded, and there are still hundreds of meters away from the water tower. I don't know how many broken places there are, so I can't connect them.

"Aunt Wan, I think we have to change the water pipe." Playing chess.

"Ah? What can we do? It will take a long time to change a few hundred meters. "

"Why don't I take the water pipe from my house? Anyway, you can't use much water by yourself."

"How can that be? At that time, others will say.... "

"It's such a happy decision. Don't refuse, aunt Wan. If you want me to say, you just live too hard, care too much about other people's opinions, my own water, and give it to whoever you like."

Yi Feng goes straight home, takes out the water pipes left over from the previous renovation of his new house, makes a hole in the wall of the courtyard, connects the water pipes to his own water pipes, and after the glue dries, he can get water.

"Yi Feng, I don't know how to thank you. I always help me these days." Tang Wandao.

"Let's promise each other. Ha ha, I'm kidding. I'll go back first." Yi Feng joked.

"By example?" Tang Wan did not retort, but joked: "Yi Feng, you don't really like me."

"Aunt Wan is so beautiful. What's so strange about you? I dare say that ninety nine percent of the men in the village have ideas for you, and the remaining one percent has no man's function. " Playing chess.

"Then I'll make a pledge. I'll go to your house or you'll go to my house tonight?" Tang Wandao.

What kind of rice? Is that what Tang Wan said? Yi Feng couldn't believe his ears and stammered, "sister Wan, are you serious?"

"Beautiful you, as expected, are still a little wolf who peeped at my bath when I was a child." Tang Wan said with a smile.

"Well, aunt Wan, you were not sensible when you were a child, but your body is really white, and the place is so big." With that, Yi Feng ran into the room. His heart was pounding. He didn't know how to say that today.

"You bastard." Tang Wan spat. His face turned red and he came into the room. His heart was beating. He said that the little wolf was really interested in me.

She is very confident in her body. She knows how attractive it is for young people like Qi Feng. Every time she goes out, she has a lot of eyes staring at the towering snow peaks.