The spade in black and gold glowed like a magic weapon. Holding it, Li Qi felt at ease. He had a shovel in his hand and felt that the world could get it.

"Well, these immortal sculptures look like that. But what about the immortals? They have to lie in the coffin and wait for the robber to eat your food and use yours? " Talking to himself, Li Qi gently shook his hand, and his black gold shovel fell into the gap of the coffin lid.


The whole man pressed down, trying to lift the lid of the coffin.

Bang, Li Qi's spade broke.

Now, Li Qi is a fool.

This black gold shovel is made of dark iron. It's very tough. Any magic weapon is weak in front of it. However, this moment was broken.

"All the people who eat are gone..." Li Qi suddenly felt an impulse to smash the copper coffin into pieces.

"Your grandmaster's, I'll blow you up today." Distressed to put away the broken shovel, Li Qi took out five grenades from his waist.

"Your grandmaster's, I'll blow you up today." Distressed to put away the shovel, Li Qi took out five black balls the size of an egg from his waist.

Carefully placed a grenade around the coffin, made a series, to ensure that one bomb will explode, others will explode.

"Look at your coffin or my grenade."

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were four loud noises, and the ground was shaking. For a moment, the dust was flying and the gravel was everywhere.

However, Li Qi did not move, as if there was no such thing at all.

A quarter of an hour later, he slowly opened his eyes, surrounded by black smoke, hand can not see five fingers.

At this time, Li Qi did not breathe in, let alone exhale, as if he was dead.

Li Qi uses the turtle breathing method. If he practices it to the extreme, he can even hold his breath for half an hour or so.

The sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" came from the direction where the bronze coffin had just been placed, as if something was scratching the copper coffin with its nails.

After listening for a while, Li Qi found that the sound was intermittent and very dull, like it came from a closed space.


Li Qi's face turned white in an instant, and his heart said: No, it can't be a zombie, right?

Before, shenchan said that he had met zombies and had half his face destroyed by zombies, but Li Qi didn't believe it. However, at this moment, Li Qi had some faith - the empty tomb room, actually came out of the unknown sound, it is a bit strange.

No, I have to run.

Li Qi grabbed a handful of jewels and pushed them to his waist. He wanted to jump forward with one quick step.

All of a sudden, a shadow flew over his head.

Bang Dang!

The bronze coffin lid firmly fell in front of Li Qi, blocking his way.

His face turned red and he didn't dare to go out, so he squatted down. He has only learned half of the great method of turtle breathing. He will lose his power if he moves. Just now, he was afraid of breathing in the dust, but he could not breathe. His face turned red.

After squatting down, Li Qi immediately adjusted his breath. After changing his breath, he immediately operated the turtle breath method.

He remembers master's saying that zombies can't see people, but they can sense people's breath and determine their position.

Time seemed to be still, and the dust and smoke in the stone chamber gradually dispersed.

A dark figure stood in the bronze coffin, motionless.

Looking at the shadow, Li Qi's sweat was completely blown up, and a chill came from his back.

Without saying a word, he picked up the last grenade and threw it into the coffin.

Maybe it's Li Qi's life, maybe it's Shen Chan Bao so.

Li Qi was very happy. He watched the shadow take the grenade and took it to the front of him.


Li Qi seemed to have heard the most wonderful song, and he was almost exhaled.

When the smoke left, Li Qi felt that he could not hold it.

"Dead or not? If you're not dead, give Ben a squeak! " Li Qi thought. The thief's eyes swept around the tomb, but he didn't see the shadow. Li Qi was relieved.

He stood up slowly and walked cautiously towards the bronze coffin.

a step.

Two steps.

Three steps.

Li Qi felt as if his heart was about to come out of his chest, and he kept beating.

Slanting his eyes to the coffin, Li Qi did not find any monsters, but flashed a few faint lights.


A tumbler fell into the copper coffin, and Li Qi's eyes were full of stars.

Confused between, Li Qi's hands toward the light source to grasp.

Boom, boom.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of thunder, and Li Qi saw the light rising everywhere and looked up.

His head is covered with purple thunder arc, Thunderclap sound, will shine all around the incomparably bright.

At this time, Li Qi saw that his coffin was full of portraits, which looked like hell on earth. Countless Harsh Criminal Laws seemed to be implemented in front of him, and his soul was about to be lost. He held a smooth ball in his left hand and didn't dare to move in the corner. His body was trembling, and the nail of the other hand didn't enter his palm.