The woman put her head on Lu ziyao's shoulder and rubbed it intimately. The milk voice said, "I'm the little cat you adopted, so you're my master. Master master master "

She started shouting again.

Master, the word full of lust, confided from her delicate lips, always stirs people's hearts invisibly.

Lu ziyao's eyes flashed a spoiled smile, and then she held her restless head in her hand.

If she didn't, she would rub his shoulder and call him the master of the night.

The woman asked curiously, "is my name cat?"

"Want a name?"

She pounded her head and looked at Lu ziyao with flattering eyes.

Lu ziyao slowly stretched out a finger and gently wiped the woman's picturesque eyebrows back and forth, as if he were carefully depicting a picture.

At this moment, his eyes seemed to be stained with the most gorgeous light.


He poured out two words from his thin lips.

The ending is actually extremely lingering and sentimental.

It seems that these two words are his most precious things in the world.

Afraid she didn't hear clearly, he added "leisurely leisurely, do you like it?"

The corners of a woman's mouth are turned up, evoking a sweet smile "like."

As long as it is his name, no matter what it is, she should like it.

Lu ziyao stared at her white dress. After thinking for a moment, it was like making a decision. He said, "Bai Youran, this is your future name."

"Bai Youran... Bai Youran..." the woman repeated again, and her tone became happier and happier.

It's like a habit that can't be changed. As long as she likes anything, she will keep talking in her mouth.

Lu ziyao smiled gently. As soon as he got up, his thigh was suddenly hugged.

Looking down, I saw that the woman's head was against his thigh, rubbing back and forth, like a flame across the trouser material, burning his skin.

Lu ziyao's expression was slightly heavy. He stretched out his hand and pressed her head. His tone was heavier, "stop!"

She looked up and looked at him like a little beast, looking a little pathetic.

"Where are you going?"

"Go and prepare some food for you. You stay here."

I won't give up when I see her.

Helpless, he added, "I'll be back soon."

Only with this assurance did the woman relax her arm.

Lu ziyao simply got some food and sent it to the bedroom. Fortunately, the woman's right arm moved freely.

As she ate, she asked, "is my left arm broken?"


"Then will I be a disabled kitten?"

Lu ziyao picked up the white rice grain she touched on her mouth. He was afraid that she would be sad because she broke her arm. He comforted softly, "breaking an arm will not affect her normal life."

Women fill their mouths with food. They don't seem to care much.

"Will you keep me?" She asked vaguely, puffing her cheeks.

Lu ziyao patted her head. "As long as you are good, I will keep you."

"I'm very good. I'll listen to you!" The woman made a promise, shook her head happily and rubbed her head against Lu ziyao's palm.

Lu ziyao didn't speak any more. He looked up and looked out of the window. His eyes were deeper than the night.

Then stay with him.

Stay forever.