At that time, President Neil was talking to her about Sheng Shimo, and even mentioned an old man who claimed to be a psychology professor.

However, just when he said he would take her to look for the old man, a bullet shot through President Neil's head from the window.

There is only one possibility of killing people at this time - Mr. h sent someone to do it.

Since the old man is Mr. h's capable man, how can Mr. h see his identity exposed.

To Wen churan's surprise, it turned out that in this year, Mr. h had been hiding in the dark, peeping at her and Sheng Shimo's every move.

Who is Mr. h, what is his purpose, and why should he instill false memories into Shengshi ink?

Once those unsolved mysteries hit her again.

The next day, Bai Yuning returned triumphantly with the memory beast.

The memory beast kept hitting the partition, and his stomach was stuffed. Because it was too strong, he shrank in Sheng Ziyuan's arms and cried.

Sheng Ziyuan touched his stomach to comfort him.

In a moment, it came that the soldiers of country Z had lost their memory and there was chaos inside. Country V took advantage of this opportunity to beat the army of country Z and fled in despair.

The only regret is that the memory beast didn't eat Angus's memory.

The whole country celebrated the victory of the war.

Sheng Shimo held a celebration banquet at the presidential palace. At the same time, he is also preparing to announce the death of President Neil tomorrow. As a crown prince, he will also replace his father and become the new president of state v.

As night fell, Wen churan lay comfortably in his bedroom. Then he remembered to tell Bai Yuning what President Neil said before he died.

Bai Youning listened and thought carefully. "Do you mean that Sheng Shimo was implanted with a false memory?"

"Yes, it's the old man who took my soul away before. I saw him once when I was imprisoned by Mr. h. he looked like a doctor in a white coat. What means did he use to implant false memories? Is it hypnosis?"

Bai Youning sneered at himself and didn't speak.

doctor? Hypnosis? Implanted memory?

Ah... It was the old tree spirit who was blocking it!

"Yes!" At this time, Wen churan suddenly seemed to think of something, and couldn't stop exclaiming, "if memory can also be implanted, then... Sheng Ziyuan..."

Bai Youning knew what she meant and took over her words.

"Maybe Sheng Ziyuan is not Jing Lan. All his memories of Jing Lan may also be implanted!"

However, compared with the warm excitement of the first dyeing, Bai Youning seems very calm, as if she had expected it long ago.

"I'll go!" Wen churan suddenly bounced up from the bed and sat up. His tone was mixed with uncontrollable joy. "Sheng Ziyuan is not Jing Lan, but ink is Jing Lan at its peak. Then I don't have to fall in love with other men! Right? "


Bai Youning was speechless for a moment. "Can you... Can you lie down first and take it easy? Everything is just speculation. It's too late to be happy when it's confirmed!"

Wen churan patted his chest, and the big stone in his heart could finally fall. Fortunately, he said, "it's OK. I've been scared to death since this time. I can't eat well and sleep well. Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Bai Youning slapped her on the head and said, "you know that the ink is in full bloom all day. Have you ever thought about what you should do if Sheng Ziyuan was really implanted in memory? How to solve Sheng Ziyuan? "