"Gu Jinchen, I didn't expect that we met again. It seems that you already know that I did the last thing. Otherwise, I won't bring two bodyguards when I go out today." Gu Jinchen aimed the gun at Gu Jinchen and slowly approached him.

Although Gu Jinchen could not see, he had just heard the sound of gunfire, and there was a "Dong" sound when someone fell down. He guessed that a bodyguard had been killed.

He looked calm: "you are the only one in the world who wants me to die, so guess who did what happened in the hospital last time."

Gu Shikang cut an inch board head, with a cruel under his eyes: "I knew that this matter can't be concealed from you. Sooner or later, you are going to deal with me. I'd better do it first. If you die, Gu is mine."

Gu Jinchen light way: "kill me, you also have to die."

Suddenly, Gu Shikang burst out laughing, laughing wildly: "that's not necessarily."

The big deal is to spend a little money and find a replacement.

At that time, his father, who has a close relationship with his own blood, will certainly find a way to deal with this matter.

Gu Jinchen felt his gun against his head and looked calm without panic: "I'm dead. How can Gu become yours?"

"You die of the company..." Realizing that he almost let slip, Gu Shikang stopped his voice and said in a reasonable tone, "I'm the only one who cares for my family. It's not mine. Can it be someone else's?"

Smell speech, he faint smile: "you want to say, now the company by China general manager do acting president, after I died, the company fell in his hands, and you are his son, so it is equal to your."

"It seems that you have investigated everything." Gu Shikang narrowed his eyes, and his insidious flashed by. He thought that he had been in prison for nearly seven years. His anger suddenly poured out, "then you go to die!"


Far away, Shen shuna couldn't hear what they were saying. She could only see Gu Shikang look excited and angry, and even stabbed Gu Jinchen's temple with a gun.

"Gu Shikang!" Shen shuna is really afraid that he is excited under the gun fire, out of control shout, sharp voice with a trace of shaking.

Hearing someone calling himself, Gu Shikang subconsciously turned back.

At this time, the bodyguard took the opportunity to kick him in the wrist, and his gun fell to the ground.

Gu Shikang's arm is numb and painful. He has to lean over to pick it up. However, his action is not as fast as that of a bodyguard.

The bodyguard kicked the gun away and went to catch him.

Before Gu Shikang was jailed, he lived a life of stretching out his hands in clothes and opening his mouth after eating. However, his bodyguard had been trained. Naturally, he couldn't beat him and ran away after he got up from the ground.

It happened so suddenly that Shen shuna was a little confused. Gu Shikang ran past her and didn't think so much. She grabbed his clothes subconsciously.

"Gu Shikang, killing is to pay for his life. You hurt him twice in a row. You can't run today."

Gu Shikang glared at her in a gloomy look, mingled with storm anger, and roared at her angrily: "let go!"

She didn't know where the courage came from. She only knew that if she let him run away this time, he would certainly find another opportunity to harm Gu Jinchen. So she held on to him, even when her fingernails were overturned, she held on to him in pain,

seeing the bodyguard catch up, Gu Shikang's eyes were red, and she suddenly waved her hand, and then she was severely piled up.

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