For half a month in a row, although they meet each other every day with only a few greetings and then carry things away, she can see Fang Yaqing's sincerity from the soup.

She frankly said: "originally you still have hope, but you cheat marriage is completely hurt the big brother and sister-in-law's heart, so want to get their consent together, some difficulties."

Fang Yaqing's heart was filled with infinite loss, and she lowered her head.

Ji Wenqing could not bear to see her like this: "but don't lose heart. I can see that you have changed a lot. The most difficult thing is that Shaoheng likes you. If there is a chance, I will help you."

Fang Yaqing smiles gratefully: "thank you, aunt."

Season Wen Qing shallow smile, and then coagulate eyebrow way: "result how, this I can't guarantee."

Fang Yaqing nodded, bit the straw and took a sip of hot drink. Then she looked up at her and hesitated to ask, "Auntie, did you hate me like other people?"

"To tell you the truth, there are." Ji Wenqing did not deny it.

Fang Yaqing pursed her lips and knew how far wrong she had been.

I've been sitting for about an hour. The rain is a little bit less. I think the rain will not stop.

Fang Yaqing got up and said, "let's go."

It usually takes half an hour to get to JiZhai. It's hard to drive because of the rain today. It should take an hour.

If you go back too late, after lunch time, Ji yangkun can't drink chicken soup.

If you put it in the evening, it will not taste as delicious as it just came out of the pot.

"Do you want to stop waiting?" Ji Wenqing is worried that she is a pregnant woman, and what to do if something happens on the road.

Fang Yaqing shook his head: "it doesn't matter. I can drive slowly."

Ji Wenqing is still a little uneasy, but saw her call to the waiter to buy a single, and then carry the bag and empty insulation bucket out of the card seat, also did not say anything.

They walked out of the store one after another. When they got to the door, they took the umbrella on the umbrella stand, pushed open the glass door and went out.

"Goodbye, aunt." Fang Yaqing opened her umbrella, stood in the rain and turned to look at Ji Wenqing.

Ji Wenqing holds an umbrella in one hand and a heat preservation barrel in the other hand, and looks at her through the rain curtain: "be careful on the way."

After getting on the bus, Fang Yaqing put her umbrella under her feet and drove the car into the main road.

Not long after walking, the rain suddenly fell and fell on the windshield in front of you. You can't see the road ahead.

She drove very carefully, but because she walked too slowly, she caused the anger of the car owners behind her and honked her horn.

Knowing that she was in the way of others, she was upset and irritable, so she increased her speed.


Ji Wenqing returns to JiZhai, enters the living room, hands over the heat preservation bucket and umbrella to the servant, and takes off his wet coat.

The servant went to get her a dry towel and she took it and wiped it.

Before dinner, Ji yangkun and Xie suling were watching TV. Seeing her coming, Ji yangkun said, "warmth, how did you come through such a heavy rain? Do you know how dangerous it is to drive. You can see that Baochang road is in a traffic accident. It's better not to go out in such a heavy rain. "

Ji Wenqing went over to wipe her hair and watched the live news broadcast on TV.

That gray weather, heavy rain, only to see the scene in a mess.

There is a viaduct on Baochang road. Some vehicles broke the railings and fell off the viaduct because they couldn't see the road clearly. It caused a traffic accident to the section under the bridge. More than a dozen vehicles seriously rear ended and the whole road was paralyzed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!