Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

When the two of them found He Jiashan, he was having sex with a woman in a car.

Shen Youran and Qiu Shaoze each carried a bottle of mineral water. After they hid behind the trees beside the road, they planned to have a chance encounter with them when they were done with their work.

This road was a little remote and few people passed by. Moreover, the sky was dark so nobody noticed the strange scene.

After half an hour, the two people in the car seemed content to continue waiting. Qiu Shaoze gradually lost patience as he softly complained, “Why aren’t they done yet?”

Shen Youran finished her water and threw the empty plastic bottle into the trash bin beside her. “How about you go and rush them?”

Qiu Shaoze harrumphed. “If you think you have the capability to do it, you go.”

The two people waited for a while before a woman wearing a black hip skirt got down from the car. As she walked, she seemed to be cursing. It seemed that the two of them had had an argument.

After the woman left, He Jiashan drove the car away. Shen Youran and Qie Shaoze walked out from the dark spot and went to stop a cab in order to follow He Jiashan.

Qiu Shaoze waved his hand, and a driver drove his cab over. The two people got into the cab, and Shen Youran told the driver, “Follow the car in front.”

The driver gave them a strange gaze. He looked at both of them through the rearview mirror before driving the car and following the one in front tightly.

He Jiashan’s car stopped outside a large supermarket, but the person who got down from the car was not He Jiashan. It was a stranger instead.

The cab stopped, and Shen Youran pushed the car door open before getting down from the car. She rushed forward and looked into the car through the window. There was no one inside.

Qiu Shaoze paid the cab fee and walked toward her. As he saw the man who was wearing a striped shirt walk into the supermarket, he frantically asked, “Why didn’t you follow him? Or stop him?”

“He is not He Jiashan.” Although she had seen He Jiashan only once, she definitely would still recognize him. That man wearing a striped shirt was not He Jiashan.

“Ah?” Qiu Shaoze was shocked. “How could that be? It is clearly He Jiashan’s car. The car plate number cannot be wrong.”

Shen Youran furiously gritted her teeth as she had fed the mosquitos for over an hour for nothing. She glared at Qiu Shaoze with vengeance. “It may be that He Jiashan lent his car to someone else.”

That man wearing a striped shirt was clearly in cahoots with He Jiashan. It was very possible that he was even one of his boisterous friends.

Qiu Shaoze sighed. “Then we have wasted our time and effort today.”

Shen Youran angrily kicked his leg. “It’s all your fault.”

She did not kick lightly, and it made Qiu Shaoze scream in pain before he cheekily said, “Actually, we did not do this for nothing. At least we saw a free show.”

“Qiu Shaoze!” Shen Youran glared at him impolitely and kicked him again. But Qiu Shaoze was prepared for it and quickly jumped away, dodging a bullet.

The second day, Shen Youran found out that He Jiashan went to the Golden Sands Entertainment Club every night. After work, she and Qiu Shaoze proceeded to the entertainment club early. They ordered some wine and got a private lounge for themselves.

Qiu Shaoze sat on the sofa and bit his nails painfully as he contemplated whether today’s bill would be paid by the magazine agency.

Someone knocked on the door and Shen Youran softly shouted “enter.” A waiter brought in the wine they ordered.

She pretended to be casual and asked the waiter, “Is it true that He Jiashan frequently visits this club?”

The waiter was placing the wine on the table when he heard those words and smiled. “Young Master He is our club’s regular customer.”