Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Her heart felt very sour. Perhaps there were many people who had the same surname and name as Gu Jinchen in this world, but the Gu Jinchen she met when she was five could no longer be hers.

She also did not have the right to brazenly point at his nose like the good old days when they were young and say, “Gu Jinchen, if you dare to accept any present from other women, I will never talk to you again.”

Even though she knew that those presents were secretly stuffed into his bag by other women, she still felt uncomfortable.

Of course, those tidbits and chocolates always ended up in her stomach.

Every time she ate, she would even judge those girls with a look of disdain. She would say that they were either too fat or too short.

She told him not to be blinded by love and put his focus on studying as that was the right track.

She even learned the phrase “blinded by love” from her grandma.

At that time, she was only ten and did not know what it meant. She only thought that the phrase sounded very cool and used it.

However, whenever they went home after school, she would look for tidbits in his school bag as usual and there would always be her favorite chocolate in it.

After she had eaten, she would even lick her teeth and angrily puff her cheeks up.

“Why did those girls give you chocolate again? Don’t they have any shame?”

Whenever she got angry, she would use her school bag to hit him when, actually, she was just trying to get him to carry her school bag for her.

Gu Jinchen would purse his lips every time and helplessly carry her school bag. “I didn’t even eat it. Didn’t I give all of them to you?”

She stomped her foot and said in a righteous tone of voice, “If you dare to eat their tidbits, I will not talk to you again!”

The chocolate was not the infamous dove chocolate bar but a random dark chocolate bar from the snack bar. It had a unique packaging that was rarely seen in the city.

Many years later, both of them met on the streets of City A again. He took out a chocolate bar from his pockets and it was still that same brand and packaging.

It was not until then that she realized that those chocolates were not given to him by those girls. Instead, he bought it with his own pocket money because he knew that she liked to eat it.

At that time, they were still at Wu Town. He was neither the Third Young Master of the Gu family nor had she returned to the Shen family. Hence, they did not live luxuriously.

Even if that was so, he was still willing to spend all of his pocket money to buy her favorite chocolate.

She did not say a word on the way home, and Old Wang took a few peeks at her through the rearview mirror. He saw that she did not look very good and did not dare to spout nonsense again.

After a while, she asked, “Have they ever argued before?”

As to the “they” she mentioned, Old Wang was very confused and did not know who she was talking about even after pondering for a long time. “Second Missy is referring to…”

She suddenly shut her eyes and laughed at herself. “Forget it, pretend I never asked.”

Shen Youran, what were you expecting?

Do you expect them to be on bad terms and eventually divorce?

Or hope that Gu Jinchen would return to your side?

Don’t be dumb.

No matter what happened, both of you can never go back again. 

From the time he said that he wanted to marry Shen Shuna, it was impossible between both of you. 

Besides, they even had a child together. 

Gu Yiyi is the gap that both of you can never cross. 

When they reached home, Old Wang followed Gu Jinchen’s instructions and told Mother Zhang to cook some hangover soup for her. However, she shook her head. “No need.”

She passed the bag in her hands to Mother Zhang. “Hand wash it and send it to my room once you are done.”

Just as she was about to proceed upstairs, Old Wang stuttered, “Second Missy, did I say something wrong just now and make you angry?”

She curled her lips up and wanted to force a smile out. However, she still could not bring herself to smile and helplessly sighed.

“No, I am just tired.”