All the people present were suspicious when they heard Wei Ran say so.

Unexpectedly, Gabriel, who had been silent, opened his mouth, "I can feel someone's breath. Maybe it's the person you mean."

Everyone looked at him in surprise. Wei Ran said to a li in the team channel, "it must be the ancient god power on my body that he noticed."

Ah Li nodded slightly, "we don't need to explain too much. They all seem to believe Gabriel's words."

Ouyang Zhengping said to Gabriel, "a hundred years ago, Mr. Fan Haixin ambushed Dracula with a mysterious expert. What does Mr. Fan Haixin think of this action?"

Gabriel sat aside and was not interested in the people present. "You are a mob. You can't even fight Dracula. Only the Oriental woman doesn't know the depth or the power of a war. Whatever you plan, I'll go straight to Dracula. "

A Li told Wei ran on the team channel, "he doesn't seem to recognize me. He seems to have taken the initiative to lose his memory again. This guy has really escaped from his life."

Wei Ran suddenly took out the oath and victory sword from the space ring. Everyone's eyes were taken away by the sword. The most intense reaction was not Gabriel, but the nun holding a strange stick.

She opened her eyes and approached. She wanted to touch it, but she felt the hostility emitted by Wei Ran, so she withdrew her hand and said to Wei Ran, "you have the oath and the sword of victory. It seems that you are not lying. You are indeed the descendant of the existence."

The nun seemed to have some Mishin thousands of years ago, but Wei Ran threw the holy sword to Gabriel.

"This sword originally belongs to you. I don't expect you to recall anything, but it should suit you best."

Gabriel certainly felt a strong sense of familiarity from this long sword full of holy light, but after sealing his memory for many times, he still couldn't recall any memory about thousands of years ago.

He silently put away his sword and looked at Wei Ran, "I have forgotten a lot of things, but I know I did it on purpose. So I won't try to wake up the distant memory. It will only make me out of control and become a very terrible thing. "

"Since you choose to be confused and just act with your thoughts, I won't persuade you too much. In short, we have the same goal. I hope you can play your due role."

Gabriel smiled and resumed his silence, just like a silent stone statue.

All the conditions are basically in place. Now only Dracula's own intelligence is needed, so everyone focuses on the prisoner Camilla.

Camilla was very straightforward, "Washington, the eastern suburbs, Hamilton estate, my master is there."

Ouyang Zhengping frowned and felt that the other party was too cooperative and thought he was lying. However, the old monk with long eyebrows who kept smiling said, "the benefactor didn't lie. The words are true. Amitabha..."

Wei Ran only felt that this man was very strange. Was it because he lived too long, or did he live in the last century?

"I believe master Chengkong's words." Ouyang Zhengping said, looking at the others.

Wei Ran and a Li have their own unique methods to tell whether Camilla is lying. They both agree.

The nun had no opinion, but kept her indifference. Sometimes she looked at the holy sword put away by Gabriel and fell into meditation.

Ouyang Zhengping was the commander of the operation. Seeing that there was no objection, he said to Su Xinxue standing aside: "niece Su, please arrange personnel to investigate Washington. We have prepared the battle plan and are ready to take action at any time to surprise the devil Dracula!"

After the meeting, Su Xinxue carefully checked Camilla's imprisonment, and used the array to strengthen it again before leaving.

She did not notice a flash of surprise in Camilla's eyes. Camilla's cuff was tattooed with a silk ornament, which was originally Elizabeth's headdress.

Camilla also has the task of looking for Elizabeth's last soul fragment. Before being caught, she uses magic to fuse this ornament at the cuff, which is not abrupt, but also can notice the change of psychic opportunity at any time.

At the meeting just now, Suxin snow approached Camilla, and the aura in the cuff ornament fluctuated. The closer it was, the stronger it was. It seemed that she wanted to break away from the seal and integrate with Suxin snow.

When Suxin snow just sealed Camilla alone, the psychic fluctuation of this ornament was more obvious!

Camilla couldn't help sighing. She thought it was a needle in a haystack. Unexpectedly, once captured, she quickly found an opportunity. The master must be informed as soon as possible that this mob is going to attack the master and is looking for his own death. However, if the master accidentally injured Elizabeth's soul fragment reincarnation, I'm afraid he will regret it all his life.

To break away from the seal, Camilla carefully observed the cross nailed on her body and the rune array drawn around her, and sighed.

This seal, with the strength of his first generation blood clan, can't get rid of at all, unless... Use that method!

That night, when they were resting in their rooms, they suddenly heard a huge explosion from the place where Camilla was sealed, and the whole roof was lifted.

The people around here are members of Kaitian organization, and they have no hands. They react quickly and run to Camilla's location at the first time.

The room was destroyed into ruins by the explosion, and a body remained on Camilla's chair. Camilla hung her head here, all the crosses on her body were shattered, and the surrounding Rune array disappeared completely. Camilla also seems to have been backfired by the seal and has died on the spot.

When the people were wondering, Wei Ran and a Li rushed out of the room at the same time. In the dark night, a bat less than the size of the palm could be seen flying away, and it was a long distance from the people.

When the crowd screamed bad, a Li flicked his finger, and the compressed air condensed at his fingertips directly blasted the bat in the air. Now all the people were relieved.

Ouyang Zhengping said angrily, "I didn't want to execute him so soon, hum!"

After the crowd dispersed, Wei Ran and a Li were still in place. A Li yawned, "Hey, don't go yet. What are you looking at?"

Wei Ran always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell the reason. He walked around and didn't find the problem, so he returned to the room.

At this time, a mosquito lurking under the leaves quietly flew out, circled around for a while, and then flew away. When the bat was blasted by a Li just now, a drop of blood that didn't seem to be special sputtered onto the mosquito hidden in the corner, and quickly turned into its body without anyone noticing.

This drop of blood is Camilla's source blood, which comes from Dracula's generous gift and is the source of blood family strength.

Camilla integrates her own memory and some obsession into the source blood, which seems to have life, and achieves her goal by means of being in low-level species.

The mosquito flew to dawn and was eaten by a bird. The blood was integrated into the bird's body and controlled the bird to fly to the nearby city. In that city, some low-level vampire was found.

The low-level vampire was attracted by the source blood, instinctively swallowed the bird alive, and then the source blood penetrated into his body.

Even if ordinary humans swallow this drop of source blood, they will be seriously ill for a few days at most and will not have any other reaction.

However, after vampires swallow the source blood, their own source blood will be fused with it, and then Camilla's memory and obsession will completely control it and revive it through the body of low-level vampires by a strange means.