"By the way, our organization against darkness has a code name, Kaitian! Open a chaotic day, you can have a bright future! I'll introduce you to the elders in the door when I have time. Now please take good care of your injury. If you have any requirements, you can talk to that one. We don't use our real names here, and we've disguised our appearance. You can call him Raven. "

The two men looked along suxinxue's eyes. It was the leader of the moxigan team. When the other party saw the three people, they also waved to them.


Raven's real name is wood Duncan, black. He was originally a professional basketball player in the NBA. He belongs to that kind of role player. His strength is not weak, but he can't be regarded as a star.

Since a holiday, he took his family to Pennsylvania for vacation. In a wild Hotel, he was attacked by vampires. All his family died, and he escaped alone.

After that, he was chased and killed all the way. The vampires who chased him seemed to play with him, released his wife and children who had become blood slaves, lured him to take the bait, and finally made him have to shoot his wife and children himself.

At that time, he was lucky to be rescued by suxinxue, but Duncan didn't believe suxinxue and others at that time. Instead, he intended to turn to the police and the media, but he didn't get help. Instead, he was chased and killed by vampires at home.

After being rescued again, he knew that the upper class of human society had been controlled by vampires, so he was determined to hide in the dark, become a peripheral member of Kaitian organization, study vampire weaknesses and organizations, provide intelligence and assist in hunting.

Now Duncan is ostensibly engaged in freelance, similar to paparazzi private detectives. In fact, he can't make much money. However, he had accumulated a lot of income from playing basketball before. His wife was good at financial management and bought some funds and stocks with less income but guaranteed not to lose money. Therefore, she was not in financial difficulties.

He swore to God that he would take revenge on vampires all his life, so he chose a private detective with a high degree of freedom as his career. This profession often needs to pry into other people's privacy to obtain intelligence. His reputation is relatively large in the industry, so he can often receive lists for rich and stars.

Vampires often hide among the rich and stars, so Duncan can often find many important information.

Since he saved Wei Ran and a Li, he stayed in the town for a few days. Seeing that Wei Ran's injury recovered very quickly, he left the town first because he received another expensive list.

Often this high price list will involve a hot figure. No matter whether this hot figure is a vampire or not, according to Duncan's experience, the contacts around such people often do not lack information about the existence of vampires.

So he set out again in high spirits and sorted out all kinds of equipment, such as pinhole camera, micro recorder, recording pen, high-definition digital camera, telescope, ultraviolet grenade, silver nitrate needle and a pistol, which are used to protect himself... Or commit suicide in dangerous times.

He formed a temporary team with several paparazzi members and agreed on the action time.

On this day, around 4 p.m., everyone used their magic powers. Some disguised as cleaning service personnel in the villa, some damaged the circuit and installed it as an electrician to repair the circuit, and some simply climbed over the wall and sneaked in with their brilliant skills.

Duncan pretended to be a housekeeper who came to clean up. He spent money to change his identity with the original housekeeper, which was a little safer than other paparazzi.

The investigator of this investigation is a Hollywood female star. She has a lot of gossip. Of course, the paparazzi came here to find the evidence of stone hammer in all kinds of clues.

Duncan was entrusted not to do so. What he wanted to investigate was evidence involving commercial default. It seems that the female star signed a contract with other enterprises that would affect the interests of the parent company behind her mother company's back.

Now he wants to find the original contract and take photos to confirm it.

Therefore, when cleaning the room, we will pay special attention to the cabinets and tables with all kinds of documents and books. At this time, while Duncan was busy in his study, he vaguely heard a short scream from his headset.

The headset is the paparazzi and his communication channel. When they are doing their own tasks, they are exchanging information around each other to be vigilant to each other.

Most of them are reporting points, indicating who is nearby and in what direction, asking someone to pay attention.

In the words of reporting points, there was a scream like being cut off in the middle, which was very stuffy and low. At least a few people noticed, and one of the paparazzi asked on the channel, "who called half a sound just now? Have you noticed? "

Duncan didn't speak. Another paparazzi said, "if you are found, you will be reminded. Or some unlucky guy accidentally fell. "

Duncan felt more and more uneasy. He had been engaged in this work for three years. He was very experienced. He immediately terminated the task and was ready to quit.

Then another scream came, and everyone heard it clearly.

Someone in the headset asked in horror, "is this Jerry's voice? Hey! Man, what's the matter with you? "

"I've been caught as a paparazzi. I've been beaten up at most. The big deal has been deleted. They can't kill people, can they?"

Duncan pushed a cart full of housekeeping tools, pretended to be nothing and walked to the corridor, ready to go outside the villa.

At this time, a woman's voice came from the headset, "Oh, dear, although I don't care much about your paparazzi. But some unruly guy found a secret I don't want to reveal, so I'm sorry, I can only play a game with you. "

"Yes... Miss misty?" This is the name of the female star to be investigated.

"Don't you find that there are only you and me in this villa? Now I can give you a night. As long as you can successfully escape from this villa, I will let you go. Hehe... You have to struggle, or the party will be very boring. "

As soon as the voice fell, the scream of a paparazzi came from the headset again. Duncan was still pretending to do something. He pushed the cart and pretended to know nothing and went to the door.

At this time, hearing what misty said, it was obvious that she was also one of the targets she wanted to target. Judging from what she heard in her headset, it seems that misty killed without using any weapons or even fighting. As long as she found out, she would be killed.

This kind of ability is not what a weak looking woman may have. Duncan has judged that the other party is a vampire, so he pushed the cart, asked suxinxue for help with a BP machine, and ran frantically outside the door.

In this era, the mobile phone hasn't come out yet. Duncan is not sure whether he can contact suxinxue in time through BP, so he still makes a hard fight.