At the last moment when the energy is about to run out, Rockefeller's digital consciousness is like a reflection, and shows a certain ability of emotional expression. The laughter is both manic and desperate, with great reluctance.

With the last bit of energy, he said to Wei Ran, "even if you destroy me, you still can't change the pace of the end of this civilization. It is precisely because the whole human race chooses to degenerate and anti wisdom that leads to the current situation.

After my death, ambitious people will fight each other for power. If his social reform organization does not intervene, it is OK. Once it intervenes, it is a class war.

Class war has no bottom line. I can imagine what the future world will be like under nuclear war. Ha ha, I'm very happy to have the whole human civilization buried with me! "

Wei Ran trampled on Rockefeller's last delusion. What does the future of the world have to do with me?

He came to the hiding place of Elena and others. At this time, the federal army had begun to search and arrest Rockefeller's territory. They seemed to know that the private soldiers in the territory had been killed and injured.

At present, there are only three soldiers and Elena. Ge Chong lies in Elena's arms without any life reaction.

Elena looked up at Wei Ran with a dull face, "did you kill Rockefeller?"

Wei Yan nodded. "Ge Chong... Won't come back."

The soldiers around burst into low sobs. Someone said, "the third stage strategic plan of the mentor... Has been realized. Next..."

Elena stood up with Ge Chong's body and turned her back to the crowd. "We must go back and tell the organizational leadership Ge Chong's last wish. Next, we must dormant to observe the situation and can't participate in the war that breaks out at any time to prevent the situation from sliding into unpredictable aspects."

Wei Ran looked at Elena in surprise. Elena seemed to feel people's doubts. "Ge Chong and I have deduced after the victory of this war. Based on a large number of data calculations, we came to the conclusion that the future war, if it evolves into a class war, then the order will inevitably disappear, civilization will inevitably collapse, and nuclear war will draw the final end for the whole civilization. It's far from victory. We must leave quickly. "

Wei Ran said, "in this case, how can I leave?"

"The network of Eden has been completely paralyzed in the war between them. All the facilities that need the central computer as the main computing core can only be controlled manually. The government on the floating island has fallen into an unprecedented panic, and most of their energy will inevitably focus on how to restore control over the floating island. Remember the Trojan horse we left? "

Most of the functions of the garden of Eden are ultimately supported by the operation provided by the central computer. Now the central computer has collapsed, resulting in the shutdown of most functions. It is not possible to temporarily convene a large number of professionals who know how to manually control the functions of each part.

So the streets looked full of federal soldiers. In fact, they fought their own battles. Even if Wei Ran and others reveal their whereabouts, as long as they can quickly solve the enemy in front of them, they will not be surrounded and suppressed by the whole city.

Therefore, after a little effort, he returned to the military camp where the Trojan horse was located. Elena has operated through the Trojan horse in advance and prepared a helicopter to ask for help on the surface.

Several people drove a helicopter and left smoothly without alerting the federal government

In the following months, the federal government organized a large number of troops to encircle and suppress the strength of social change organizations, with unprecedented strength. It has brought great trauma to organizations, forcing them from cities to wilderness, and then from wilderness to harsh environments such as underground, seabed, plateau and mountainous areas.

Even many internal federal forces that organized the rebellion were found. Senior officers were directly sentenced to death. Many organization leaders were captured, or betrayed the organization, chose to surrender, or died bravely.

During this period, it was naturally the fierce struggle of underground espionage organizations in all aspects, and many moving stories were born.

Within ten months, the strength and influence of social change organizations have been greatly weakened, and even within the organization there have been two divisions. Some weak people directly took refuge in the federal government, while others adhered to the line of class struggle and began to go to slums to publicize the struggle program.

The former was regarded as a pawn against the latter, and the two sides suffered heavy losses under the battle, while the federal government sat on the Diaoyutai and seemed to have no damage.

And the last point of organization, under Elena's leadership, lurks in the mountains, the sea floor, underground, waiting quietly, accumulating power...

After this encirclement and suppression, the federal government believes that the class enemies it needs to face are no longer threatening. During this period, the nine monopoly groups have not received any information from any of the nine immortals.

Therefore, with the advance of time, the vortex in the dark surged more and more to the sea until it was determined that the nine immortals were completely eliminated in the previous civil strife in the garden of Eden, and even the vast digital world could not find any residue.

As a result, various factions within the nine groups began to openly seize power, compete for power, and even develop directly from secret fighting to open fighting. Then to some people who have failed in the political struggle, they are unwilling to withdraw from this, and begin to openly separate one side... Total war, start!

For a time, all kinds of forces once suppressed by the nine immortals came on stage. In three years, the world situation was unpredictable.

The garbage population, which accounts for 80% of the human world, has also experienced a heavy blow in the process of facing the threat of life. Most people died miserably in famine, war, plague and massacre.

Because of pain, people know how to think. Originally anti intellectual, people who only know that they are drunk now, even in order to survive, begin to struggle instinctively.

If you don't break out in silence, you die in silence. The revolutionary program, which was strongly attacked by the federal government, appeared among the bottom people everywhere.

A large number of people, under the guidance of some so-called political commissars, fled factories, armies and cities, went to the mountains, the seabed and underground, looking for the only light that changed the world.


On this day, Elena had just finished the meeting and determined the program for the next step of revolutionary struggle. In this troubled time, the organization for social change will eventually step into the stage of history.

Wei Ran... It should be said that Qi Yu waited for Elena in the corridor. After they met, they came to a rooftop alone.

Their current stronghold is located in a complex and sparsely populated mountainous area. In recent years, the organization has chiseled through the mountains in this area, with very smooth traffic underground, safe and hidden.

The problem of food cannot be solved through normal planting, so a doomsday technology has been developed. Maggots are artificially cultivated. The maggots cultured in a special culture room are very clean, and the development cycle is very fast. They are well cultivated and shaped, and the protein content is very high, which can fully meet the needs of the human body.

Of course, it is impossible to eat directly. It is usually ground into protein powder and made into paste or block for supply. As long as you don't think about its source when eating, at least you won't have nausea.

The temperament of Elena now is different from that of three years ago. When she takes responsibility on her shoulders, she is doomed to live no longer for herself. Therefore, she is more calm and introverted in temperament and seldom expresses her emotions, except in necessary decisions.

"What can I do for you? The organization has made preparations for the possible events of nuclear war you mentioned before. Nuclear defense facilities, food reserves, base transfer, legacy of civilization, historical records, etc. are all in an orderly way. Once there is a nuclear war, we can survive the nuclear winter and rebuild civilization. "

"I'm leaving." Wei Ran said this calmly.

Elena took back her sight of the distant mountain. She was surprised and relieved that he was not a person in this world. But these years, thanks to his assistance, he has solved many big problems and allowed himself to get out of the most difficult time

She put aside the bangs that covered half of her eyes. Her look did not change, but her fingertips trembled.

"Don't you have to wait a hundred years?"

Wei Ran has received the signal widely distributed by the head of the army. If there is no accident, he can establish contact in these two days. It is certainly impossible to stay any longer at that time.

"There was an accident. I told you before that I was lost in the turbulence of time and space, and the power I was in could not tell you. Recently, I have sensed their signals. Once I establish contact, I will leave. "

Elena lowered her hands, seemingly relaxed, but her arms couldn't help clinging to her body.

"I should thank you for your support in recent years. If it were not for you, the two divisions of the organization would not be able to preserve the only strength now."

"Ah, I really hope you can succeed. If you really go to the future, maybe human civilization can survive this disaster. I believe that the rebuilt civilization will be greater and not as full of the smell of feudal monarchy as before. "

"Hehe, at least it proves that capitalism is a dead end. By the way... Those two are going together, aren't they? "

Elena smiled and clasped her hands unconsciously.

Her words refer to Qiu Baiyi and his younger martial brother, but they did not stay in the organization. Instead, they took advantage of the troubled times to join other forces, killing everywhere in the world, refining people's souls and providing them with cultivation.

Because the practice is too cruel, selfish and not smart enough, it has become a thorn in the flesh of many forces.

"I have nothing to do with them. They should not live long. If a nuclear war breaks out, they should be the first to die under nuclear weapons. Well, I've basically finished what I want to say. If one day I find that my body suddenly disappears, I'll bury Qi Yu's body. "

Wei Ran believes that with the ability of the head of the army, he should be able to directly re integrate his soul and noumenon.

Elena turned her back again and looked at the distant mountains, but her body relaxed.

"Qi Yu, is the thing you tried recently still working?"