Later, Ge Chong only said that for Wei Ran's plan, the senior management of the organization still needs to study it and tell the people when it is determined.

Wei Ran looked at Qiu Baiyi and didn't care what the general plan he proposed would be modified. His purpose, like Qiu Baiyi, was to save his junior brother and see if there was a way to return to his body with the help of this man's knowledge.

In the next few days, he was on the run, and on the way to escape, the network has always been in contact with the organization bases all over the world. Ge Chong began to plan a major event on his way to escape.

Secretly, the military forces of the organization bases around the world were quietly assembled, and at the same time, many factories were coordinated to speed up the manufacture of new equipment.

Ge Chong seems to be particularly fond of looking for excitement during this period. Every time the security is hidden, the federal army also loses their clues. Ge Chong will deliberately expose his position and attract the federal army to pursue encirclement and suppression. But because they were prepared in advance every time, they always escaped at the critical moment, which looked like teasing the federal army.

Although Wei Ran has always followed him and performed excellently every time he fled and broke through the siege, he still failed to know the military plan formulated by him and the senior management of the organization from GE Chong.

From the senior personnel of the organization, it seems that this operation is not a simple rescue operation, but a verification that may be related to the strategy of the next stage.

Wei Ran thought that the next strategic stage of the organization was to directly carry out a positive military struggle with the government forces and seize power. However, although there are elite soldiers who are scattered all over the country and trained through the network, the number is too small, but it is impossible to carry out an equal war with the government forces on a large scale.

We must awaken the pain of the so-called garbage population in order to gradually develop and expand the army, and then have the opportunity to confront the federal government head-on. Then we have to make the federal interior chaotic. If it is not chaotic, there is still no chance.

Although he had doubts, after all, his main purpose was not to help the organization seize power. He was suspicious for a while, so he let go and focused on how to return to his body.

Finally one day, after escaping a chase by the government army, Wei Ran participated in a military meeting organized by GE Chong in a factory controlled by the organization in a small city.

All senior leaders from all over the organization joined in the meeting in the form of holographic projection. There were also important officers who were about to participate in the battle, including Wei Ran, a valiant general who has made repeated achievements.

"... these are the apparent objectives of this operation.

But in fact, this is an exercise before the advent of frontal war. The battle plan has been sent to all officers. You can have a look first.

This time, we will not engage in infiltration or special operations. We... Make a strong attack! "

Wei Ran was stunned when he heard this, and then he was very shocked, completely beyond Wei Ran's expectation. He said before that it was enough to conduct an infiltration raid like zone 27. He didn't want to do a big thing at all.

But after listening to his own opinions, Ge Chong seemed to want to make a big news. Wei ran quickly looked at the battle plan he issued.

Such operational plans are often not complex, because for war, the more complex tactics are, the more difficult it is to implement. Only the simplest tactics have the greatest success rate.

Therefore, this set of tactics discussed by the senior organization and the military chief is also very simple.

It is to let Qiu Baiyi, an alien human with super individual strength, break free from the shackles first and then make a big fight in the enemy base to attract the enemy's attention and strength.

Then the elite soldiers of the 700 organizations lurking in the periphery launched a surprise attack on the military base from the outside using the newly developed military equipment.

First, shield and interfere with the enemy's communication, so that they can't send out a signal for help in time. Then use air power to suppress the enemy's flight runway and bomber hangar and occupy air control.

At the same time, air drones were used to suppress the heavy armor in the enemy base, and even died together.

Finally, elite ground troops were sent to launch a ground raid while the enemy's firepower and armor were suppressed and restrained, so as to eliminate the enemy's effective forces and completely control the whole base.

After successfully occupying the base, they took away the captured alien humans and various R & D materials, quickly evacuated before the government's military aid troops arrived, scattered around and lurked again.

This plan is not difficult to achieve, and there are arrangements in case of failure. A federal army controlled by the organization will be used as follow-up support to help the raiding forces win, which can be said to be foolproof.

But the killer mace is certainly not the rebellious federal army, but the new equipment for the raid.

These equipment include air raid individual psionic sub armor, aviation UAV, land combat UAV, individual exoskeleton armor, land combat psionic armor, and a new psionic sub righteousness armor cloned based on Wei Ran's body cells.

Wei Ran was stunned when he saw the Yiti military uniform based on his own body cells. These should be the latest military equipment developed according to the research data stolen from zone 27 and through the improvement of his own organization.

Wei Ran's physical quality is stronger than the most advanced individual exoskeleton armor in this world. If combined with psionics, his power can be increased by tens of thousands.

These new types of equipment can be said to be the foundation for the organization to dare to launch a strong attack.

However, Wei Ran was worried. In this way, it would expose the real strength of the organization. This is not a good thing.

In this regard, Ge Chong and others did not explain Wei Ran's doubts, but said that they had a follow-up plan for the results of this action.

In this operation, the number of raid troops dispatched was 700, of which 200 were air special forces equipped with air raid individual psionic armor. One hundred are special forces operating UAVs and information warfare, and four hundred are the main force of ground raids. According to different tasks, their equipment is also different.

Naturally, the transportation of equipment is also operated by the rebellious personnel within the federal government army. Wei Yanke remembered that when he attended the meeting, a senior officer present was now the general of the government army and the commander of the first army.

In addition, during the raid on zone 27, the chief military officer of the federal forces who covered their departure... The organization seems to have developed like a cult. Many members of the federal government have been rebelled and are very loyal to the idea of the organization, which is incredible.

Although the battle plan has been drawn up, it is not so soon to be implemented. After all, such a large-scale operation with 700 troops has never been carried out in the past, and it still needs to be rehearsed in the internal network.

At the same time, Ge Chong will expose his information everywhere, attract government forces to pursue and interfere with their sight.

The internal network military combat exercises lasted a week, but they were all high-intensity exercises. After all, the time in the online world can be adjusted, and even work for two days a day, but it will have a great impact on the participants' brains and make people very tired.

Wei Ran was appointed company commander. He was in charge of the Marine Corps with 100 people. He was the main force of the ground raid and a sharp knife.