After Wei Ran advised Qiu Baiyi, he looked at the other party's uncertain face and no longer paid attention to him. This man is of little use to himself now. He has to rely on himself before saving his unreliable younger martial brother.

That night, Wei Ran continued to try to return the soul to the noumenon. Although many experiments, they can only let their own consciousness indirectly control the noumenon, but can not achieve complete integration.

But he has already touched the general reason. There is another soul in his body! Obviously, Qiu Baiyi's judgment of his physical state is wrong. His physical body can remain active all the time. The reason is that there is another soul living in it and maintaining consciousness.

Wei Ran was shocked by this discovery. He began to doubt whether his soul had been exchanged with Qi Yu's soul. However, after many attempts, I found that the soul in the noumenon is much stronger than myself.

Even if his cultivation in the sea of knowledge has reached the spiritual realm, it is not worth mentioning compared with the guy who occupies his body.

The other side is like a giant from the wild world, while he is like a humble mole ant.

Naturally, the soul also found his entry, but he seemed to be asleep, and his attention had never been seriously focused on himself, as if he was in a tug of war with an existence and could not be distracted.

Wei Ran doesn't know why the other party is so persistent in occupying his body, and why he has never taken the initiative to control his body. He doesn't care about what he does. He can't judge whether his attitude is good or evil.

At this time, there was a sharp alarm and a sonic boom caused by the firing of bullets from an electromagnetic rifle.

Seeing the existence of the powerful soul, Wei Ran dared not directly control the body, retracted Qi Yu's body, and immediately jumped out of bed.

At this time, Ge Chong's urgent cry came from the underground base, "the federal government found our existence, and everyone in the underground base hurried away along the escape routes planned in previous exercises. I'll stay with the rear troops to intercept the enemy on the ground! "

The farmer's voice came from the microphone, "no! Mentor, you are our spiritual flag. Soldiers can fall one after another, but the flag cannot be taken away by the federal government. You leave with Elena! "

In the above struggle, a group of soldiers tried their best to dissuade, coupled with Elena's forced drag, Ge Chong and the guard entered the underground. At the same time, the military commander outside the base ordered to release UAVs to block the enemy, and the battle became white hot.

Wei Ran picked up the gun and came out. The door was full of people who were destroying data. They will only leave with backup data, and all the equipment in it will be blown up by bombs.

Just as he was going to the room where his body was stored, Carlyle had memorized his body.

Qiu Baiyi holds the long sword in his hand, looks at Wei Ran with a gloomy look, slightly nods his head, and asks Wei Ran in the way of voice transmission.

"This broken tissue is like a mouse in the gutter."

At this time, the troops left behind in the rear and the farmer's family are relying on the defense line in the farm and blocking step by step with the combat UAVs in stock.

Although the federal army is a sneak attack, it is obvious that their sharpness is not as good as the soldiers in the organization. In addition, the fighting will of the federal army is not as good as the soldiers in the organization. Therefore, it is difficult to advance the front.

The twilight federal army did not want to bear too many casualties. It only dared to summon long-range artillery bombing in the distance and cooperate with UAVs to rush into the air space.

The federal army obviously has an absolute advantage in long-range firepower and air firepower, but the defense line constructed by the organization has undergone air defense transformation, and can even defend against cloud explosive bombs.

In addition, the soldiers have changed into a new type of righteous uniform, which has a stronger ability to withstand the damage of imprecise attack, so they stick to it very firmly.

And the use of drones to fight back is also impressive, one after another to repel the drones jointly attacked by the government forces in the open air. In addition, EMP bomb and signal jamming device have a strong jamming effect on the control of enemy UAV.

The government forces did not dare to get closer to the core area of the war, and their control of the UAV was delayed by five seconds, which could not keep up with the pace of the organization's counterattack.

At this time, a soldier wearing the latest federal exoskeleton uniform suddenly rushed out and mixed into the UAVs of the government army. Under the cover of these UAVs, he shot and killed the organization soldiers who controlled the UAV group.

The defensive soldiers naturally use grenades and snipers to attack them, but the other party's actions are very fast. Relying on the strength of the volunteers alone, they have reached supersonic speed. All the attacks can't keep up, and he soon broke into the defense line.

The farmer tried his best to stop him, but he was easily shot in the head. The farmer's son rushed up again in anger. He pierced his chest with one hand and glanced at the farmer's other family.

"Is this the taste of pain?"

As like as two peas in the face, the soldier took off his helmet when he was in a dominant position. He threw the body of the son of Elena to other family members.

Suddenly jumped in front of them, looked at the farmer's wife and made an unexpected move for everyone.

She suddenly stretched out her tongue and licked the farmer's wife's tears, "so... The taste of pain is salty? No, it's just a mixture containing less salt. It's meaningless. "

She suddenly stood up, raised her gun and shot past, killing all the farmers.

At this time, because of her breakthrough, the defense line of organized soldiers has been torn, more government drones are pouring in, and the battle is coming to an end.

She looked at the battlefield uninteresting. Using the sensing device on the righteous body, she found the road to the underground, but found that it had been completely blown up and could not enter at all.

She sneered, "Elena, you won't escape so easily."


In the underpass

Wei Ran followed Ge Chong and the army to the escape passage.

However, the government army used a ground penetrating bomb. A violent explosion immediately collapsed the escape passage in front, and several people walking in the front were buried alive.

Fortunately, when this escape passage was originally designed, there was not only one, but another road leading directly to the underground river, which is a natural karst cave.

The terrain inside is complex, and because there are special minerals and strong electromagnetic interference, people's communication equipment can not be used. They can only look for references according to the electronic map drawn in the past.

At this time, several reptiles like lizards came up from the rear. The soldiers use electromagnetic rifles to intercept and shoot. These reptiles move very fast and move very flexibly. They can easily avoid direct fire.

So much so that intensive fire is needed to block them before they can be killed. However, even if it is a concentrated fire shooting, the bullets that can hit sonic booms hit these creatures, they can't kill in one hit. They need to hit continuously to cause fatal damage.

This phenomenon makes Wei Ran's eyelids jump slightly. As one of the top soldiers in the organization, he is well aware of the lethality of electromagnetic rifles in this era. Even if his own body turns on the blood burning mode, it is absolutely difficult to resist continuous shooting.

So before, in zone 27, he took a flexible way to avoid, or directly captured the other party's mecha for combat.

These lizards have to hit at least six shots in a row to break their body surface defense. They are almost as strong as their defense without blood burning mode.