However, since the demise of the Byzantine Empire, a group of Byzantine citizens who did not want to be ruled by the crescent church spontaneously formed a parliament and established a principality to resist the invasion of the Ottoman Empire.

With the three principalities of Moldova, Transylvania and some other small city states, it has been on the front line against the invasion of the Ottoman Empire.

However, the members of the eagle regiment do not agree with these principalities. The members of the eagle regiment are basically old nobles from Constantinople. The former Byzantine residents of these principalities no longer recognize their aristocratic status, which is not what many old nobles like to see.

The mercenaries of the three thousand Eagle regiment are very powerful. Naturally, the Principality of valachia can't let them enter the city easily. Although they are the employers of the eagle regiment, they don't trust the military discipline of the mercenaries.

After meeting Dracula, the consul arranged the eagle regiment in a military fort on a hill outside the city as a barrier against the attack of the Ottoman army.

For some time after that, to Wei Ran's surprise, Dracula did not do anything about the nirvana jade book of Yin-Yang fish he carried with him.

Like an ordinary mercenary leader, he led the army to accept the employment of the principality to resist the Ottoman Turkish attack.

The war was not good enough. The Ottoman Empire sent 30000 elite and 60000 servants to attack Wallachia. Many principalities in Romania also formed a coalition of 100000 citizens to confront.

At the same time, through diplomatic means, he invited Russia to attack the flank of the Ottoman Empire through the Black Sea.

Then there is a typical series of positional warfare, which is also due to the narrow belligerent area, insufficient strategic depth and lack of military strategy.

The elite of the eagle regiment of more than 3000 were used as sharp knives in this war. They were usually used by the General Commander of the coalition forces to carry out the offensive tasks that needed to win.

During the war, Wei Ran found that Dracula's military level was quite ordinary. The reason why he won many battles was that he carried out beheading raids with his outstanding personal strength, killed enemy generals, demoralized the enemy and paralyzed their command.

However, Ottoman Turkey is a big country after all, and there are many experts in the military and sects. When the top assassins of the hasasim sect are specially hired to guard the general, Dracula's raid technique often doesn't play a big role.

After the defeat of the raid, Dracula can only go to the front line to fight. Although his strong strength can also obtain local advantages, the war is fought as a whole and local advantages, but many aspects are in rout, which is also unable to recover the decline.

Seeing that the eagle regiment, as a cavalry regiment, was frustrated and was about to be surrounded by the enemy, Wei Ran took over the command very strongly at this time. While facing the enemy in the front, he mobilized the enemy's movement through continuous maneuver and virtual shaking, observed the enemy's organizational weaknesses, and then launched targeted attacks to penetrate the enemy array at one fell swoop.

Then they repeatedly cut the Ottoman army into multiple parts, surrounded and annihilated its elite, and released its mediocre servants, so as to solve a war crisis and lay the final victory or defeat of the battle.

After the war, Dracula not only did not blame Wei ran for his arrogance in seizing command on the battlefield, but also appreciated his military combat ability and appointed him as the commander in chief of the eagle regiment. The power was only under himself and the deputy commander.

Those who can lead us to win wars naturally have great prestige in the army, and no one in the eagle regiment is satisfied. Even the three principalities offered huge prices to recruit them as military advisers.

Wei Huo wanted to refuse, but Dracula didn't know why. He asked Wei Huo to agree to the three families, lead the three families as military advisers, and lead the eagle regiment to stationed in the Principality of valachia.

The war, which was puzzling for Wei Ran and others, lasted for two months. In the past two months, the Holy See has selected a new pope through the cardinal college, and issued wanted notices for Dracula Weiran and others all over Europe.

They were not only expelled from the church, but also claimed to be blasphemers. They were caught with heavy rewards. The whole Crusade world was completely hostile to them.

Fortunately, Wei Ran and others are currently active in Eastern Europe. Most of them believe in the Orthodox Church. Unless the Crusades are launched, there is really no way to take them.

But good things never come in pairs, bad things come one after another.

Wei Ran is talking about the crusade. The new Pope of the Crusade launched the Crusade in the name of eliminating heretics and pagans and recapturing the holy city Jerusalem. Many Crusade countries in Western Europe began to send troops to the Middle East.

At this time, the strength of Eastern European countries is at a disadvantage compared with Western and central Europe.

Every crusade was a disaster for some Eastern European countries. For example, the Byzantine Empire began to decline because the capital Constantinople was captured and plundered by crusaders.

The consuls of the three principalities and many officials gathered in the castle to urgently discuss how to deal with the greedy and savage crusaders.

Wei Ran found Dracula staring at the chief executive of the Principality of Wallachia, showing a sneer, and quietly left the meeting. Wei Ran subconsciously followed him out, and they came outside.

In the venue, many politicians who quarreled did not notice their departure. Only one person, the bodyguard standing next to the supreme consul of the Principality of valachia, looked up and paid attention to them, with an imperceptible smile on the corners of his mouth.

"The fresh air is much more comfortable than the stale smell inside."

Wei Ran frowned and said, "I still can't figure out your routine. What are you going to do?

I thought you wanted to be a hero before helping these principalities resist the invasion of the Ottoman Empire, and then make your true identity public at an appropriate time, so as to obtain the recognition of the citizens of the Byzantine Empire.

As a result, you pushed me to the table and let those people know that my army won the war. You didn't gain any prestige.

Now the Crusaders are coming again. It's only counterproductive to your great wish to restore the country. You look like you're still looking forward to. "

Dracula laughed and patted Wei ran on the shoulder. "You observed very carefully. My original plan was to lay my position in the hearts of ordinary citizens through several dangerous wars.

But what happened later changed my mind. Besides... I really hate these innocent people. "

"A king should have the mind to cherish the world."

"Ha ha, what you said is reasonable. But you haven't experienced the pain of subjugation. These damn frontier people and bureaucrats abandoned their country at the most critical time of the Empire. Otherwise, how can Constantinople use one city to resist the 300000 troops of the Ottoman Empire? "

Wei Ran was silent. He didn't know that others were suffering. He still understood the truth of not persuading others to be good.

"Have you seen the consul of the Principality of valachia? Was he once an official of the Byzantine Empire who was personally promoted by the former Emperor from the common people? His way to repay the Empire was to establish a principality with himself as a consul for life? "

Dracula smiled sarcastically at the corners of her mouth. Wei Ran finally understood why Dracula came out this time to change her face in order to prevent being recognized as the former prince.

"Van Helsing, you will witness the price he paid and the success of my great wish."

Wei Ran frowned. "What are you going to do about the Crusader?"

"Of course... When they come in, ha ha..." Dracula turned away with a crazy smile.