At this time, the team had almost walked out of a distance of 100 meters, but Plato explained from the beginning of the mural. His words were full of self display and pride, but the people somehow understood the meaning.

At the beginning of the corridor, a monster full of strange tentacles, abnormally distorted, shrouded in thick fog and unable to see the true face, suddenly appeared in the chaos of the surface world.

When all creatures on the ground see the shadow of the monster or hear the voice of the monster, they will fall into a crazy, angry and irrational situation, so that they kill each other and even do all kinds of strange things.

Even so, human beings, as surface rulers, made considerable resistance at the beginning. Countless heroes and soldiers, as well as scholars proficient in magic, launched various attacks on them one after another.

However, the shadow is completely unaffected, the volume is increasing day by day, and the scope of influence is becoming larger and larger. It destroyed countless kingdoms and civilizations in all the disasters it caused.

After this section is drawn, the following paintings are a series of parallel paintings, of which the clearly explained ones show that a group of villains, led by the leaders of their respective tribes or clans, either enter the underground from the deep mountains, or take a sea boat, enter the swirling sea eye to the bottom of the sea, or hide on the shining sacred tree in the dense virgin forest.

Human tribes entering different regions began to gradually develop their own civilizations. The content of these stories drawn in murals is very loud and long, extending directly for 100 meters to the area where people are walking.

At this time, the team stopped, waited for the rear reinforcements to arrive, and arranged personnel to stay in place before moving on. The elated Plato and the dignified scholar continued to interpret the murals on the way.

As the team advanced again, the contents of the murals on the road were explained again.

The huge shadow monster appeared in the surface plain. Its tentacles began to spread gradually. All the creatures passed by, as before, became crazy and irrational, and even had no instinct for survival.

Some of the human beings who were found to live in settlements attempted to sacrifice the shadow of chaos and become its affiliated race in order to survive. But the shadow ignores these surrendered human beings, invades and corrodes the world as usual, and people fall into incomparable despair.

When the painting arrived here, the corridor forked in many places and entered different palaces, and the mural seemed to stop like the eunuch in the story.

Plato was quite dissatisfied, but the team had to be shunted here. Gabriel and Mikael led the team separately. Other channels also had people with rich experience to lead the team, and left people in place to wait for the follow-up reinforcements.

At this time, Plato followed Gabriel, and the silent scholar followed Wei Ran and others to another channel.

Passing by many magnificent palaces, the burning torches and the fuel in them seem to be non-existent, which can support the burning of countless years.

There are many statues in the palace, including arrogant nobles, mighty warriors, wise scholars, beautiful girls, graceful ladies and humble waiters. It seems that there is still a grand event in the palace, where all kinds of people talk, dance, play music and compete, as if they are alive.

The scene is a little strange, and the statues are lifelike, as if these people were turned into stone statues by magic when they were alive, rather than carved manually.

These thoughts flashed through everyone's mind, but they didn't feel the magic wave.

If you continue to walk down, it will not be as quiet as before. From time to time, demons and evil spirits have appeared and suddenly come out from the shadow to attack everyone.

However, those present are demon hunters with rich combat experience, which can easily resolve these dangers. Mikael saved his attacked companions many times and stabilized the morale of the army.

When we met the circling corridor again, the story behind the mural seemed to extend again. However, in the corridor where Wei Ran is located, the story described on the mural seems to come from the tribe that moved to the underground.

This time, even without the scholar's explanation, people can gradually understand the content of the mural narration under the guidance of the stories in the previous murals. With some discussion, they can barely restore the whole story.

At first, many people died because of the lack of sunlight and food. Finally, it was found that a sand like substance can burn continuously after being ignited by magic.

And after burning, the light can promote the growth of certain fungi, which can be eaten after cultivation. In addition to underground humans taking it as their staple food, they also feed the remaining fungi after harvest to the animals obtained by hunting, making the food more abundant.

After solving the basic survival problems, the civilization of underground human beings began to develop. They gradually recovered to the same level as when they were on the ground, and even exceeded it, especially in magic technology.

After the strength is strong, underground humans still don't forget the world on the surface, so they send strong people to the surface to explore.

But at this time, the surface is no longer suitable for survival. After those strong people go to the surface, none of them comes back. People gradually dare not send people up, and the surface has become a restricted area.

Until one day, a prince with powerful power in the Kingdom decided to explore the ground world himself. This time, he did not die, but successfully returned to the ground after a period of time.

But the contaminated Prince has become a monster with double horns, ribbed wings and cuticle on his head.

The image of this monster is very similar to most demons. When people see here, they can't help looking at each other and looking at each other. Is this the origin of demons?

The prince was sometimes crazy and sometimes rational. They paid a certain price and imprisoned him in the lava of earth fire.

When the prince was sober, he had discussed with the scholars of the kingdom. It seemed that there was a way to survive on the ground, and could barely challenge the unspeakable shadow.

Scholars rejected the prince's method, but later, the power of shadow gradually eroded to the ground, and the destruction of the kingdom was only overnight.

Finally, scholars, kings and nobles had to use the method that the prince said when they lived or died, that is, to use the power of shadow escape to make powerful soldiers in the kingdom into soldiers who can survive in a polluted environment and use them to fight against unspeakable existence.

So... All kinds of demons familiar to demon hunters began to be born. They have far more power than human beings. But the negative effect is that the more power you use, the more violent and irrational you become.

However, the demon Legion assembled at the beginning, with basic rationality, did repel the spread and penetration of the shadow, and formed a boundary with all its strength to shield the countries sneaking deeper underground and prevent shadow search. The sacrifice also includes the first prince who became a demon.

Those remaining soldiers finally lost their final rationality. Some rushed back to the surface and some began to attack humans in reverse, which became a threat to the temporarily safe underground kingdom for a long time.

The mural ends here again, which seems to explain the origin of the demon species. It is not, as the church preaches, a change from the wicked who are not forgiven by God and fall into hell to be punished.

After reading it, the scholars in the team were furious and said that these murals were misinterpreting God's will to destroy them.

But Wei Ran saw that scholars were just shouting furiously, but he didn't really destroy these murals, even more careful than before.

This guy, this performance is obviously for the people in the inquisition.