Gabriel stubbornly continues to pursue Mikael's clues, but Wei Ran feels that he may not be able to find Mikael if he continues to go deep. If Gerald, the A-level demon hunter, is an intruder, then there must be a good toy specially designed for him.

But he didn't want to see Gabriel step into the trap and be robbed by the unknown, so he risked exposing his identity and warned: "Hey, man, you can't go deep either. These secret records seem to be right, but have you ever thought about whether they were forged by heretics? "

Gabriel shook his head seriously. "Heresy can't be forged. Our demon hunter's secret records change from time to time. They can crack some of them, but they will become invalid after time."

Wei Ran thought to himself that among the demon hunters, there are people from the Austrian legal council. Even if they change according to time, they can find them at any time.

"But will Mikael lead you to such a dangerous place? Don't you think it could be a devil's trap? "

"Of course I know it's probably the trap set by those things, but even so, I have to go! At least make sure Mikael is in big trouble that he can't solve. "

Wei Ran was helpless. Although Gabriel might know more about the nonsense of the ancient god, he would not risk his life with the other party.

Wei Yanzheng was about to open his mouth to wish him good luck, and then resolutely turned back and left.

But at this time, in the mountains not far ahead, a strong light shone into the sky, reflecting a strange castle. The castle composed of light suddenly fell, enveloping Wei Ran and Gabriel.

Wei Ran opened his eyes wide. When he set out, I didn't think that the trap coverage of these guys would be so large!

When the strong light dissipated, Wei Ran and Gabriel suddenly found themselves in a room. The room was about 100 square meters, and the surrounding walls were neat. There were torches with demon heads on them, and there was a door in the middle of the four walls. They didn't know what would be on the other side of the door.

Gabriel said in amazement, "is this... Space transfer magic? Even the church has not mastered such miraculous power. "

Wei Ran knew that he had been passively in the trap arranged by the Austrian and French parliament. He observed the four sides and held the huge sword in his hand. "Now is not the time to sigh. Our biggest problem should be how to leave here."

Gabriel pointed to the four doors. "Investigate them separately to see where they lead."

The two men as like as two peas, and found four doors in the same room, and four black doors, too. The other four doors were open. But in the middle of the door leading to another place, there will be a corridor less than five meters.

Wei Ran and Gabriel engraved their marks at the door, and then they went to the opposite room.

They know that what they are in now should be a maze. Because it is a mysterious thing, they can't speculate by common sense. Therefore, they plan to go straight all the way and choose the door in the same direction to see if they can go to the end.

As a result, they walked for two hours and looked back to see if the marks left by them had disappeared. It was found that although the rooms were the same, there was absolutely no repetition. Because when I look back, I find that all the marks still exist.

Then they spent another two hours fixing the thread under the torch in a room, holding the thread and walking through each room randomly, but they still didn't find the end.

This same and boring environment is very painful to people's spirit. If they were not both strong willed people, they would have gone crazy in such an environment.

Go all the way to the two hands, about 10 kilometers of thread groups are exhausted, and the surrounding environment remains the same. At this time, their emotions became quite irritable. Wei Huo carried the giant sword to guard all the way. At this time, he had an idea for no reason. He wanted to cut off Gabriel's head with the giant sword, and then frantically break it into pieces.

Gabriel seemed to have some similar emotions. He glanced at Wei Ran. Although he didn't mean to kill, he was very disgusted.

Both of them are people who have been practicing for a long time. They have felt something wrong. Then they put away their weapons at the same time, sat on the ground and meditated to restore their mood.

Gabriel encountered all kinds of strange things in his career of hunting demons, which were not as strange as the maze he encountered this time.

He meditated for a moment and suddenly said, "I just had a strange feeling that this maze seems to have the power to mobilize people's negative emotions. Even for people with a firm mind, in such an environment, anger, impetuosity, fear and other emotions will be gradually amplified over time. "

Wei Ran also had this feeling. Otherwise, with his perseverance, he only explored for four hours, which would not make him feel impetuous. It was obviously affected by the environment.

Gabriel saw that Wei Ran agreed with his opinion, which showed that Wei Ran had been able to control his impetuous mood. Only such two people would not quarrel inexplicably.

"I also have a feeling that our negative emotions seem to float to a mysterious place along some strange line."

Wei Ran didn't feel this, so he asked, "can you feel the direction?"

Gabriel smiled bitterly, "I'm not a wizard. I don't have their strong spirituality. I only have a vague feeling. Only when I no longer deliberately perceive, can I have this concept. If I perceive carefully, I can't perceive anything."

He took out food and water. They temporarily recovered their strength and were discussing what to do next.

"Magic creation, ordinary methods can't find an exit." Gabriel sighed.

Wei Huo looked around and found that on the way, the structure of each room was the same, even there was no difference in details, including the location of the torch. Taking the ground and door frame as the coordinate system, he found that the location of the torch in each room was the same.

This creation, which is completely equivalent to cloning, can't really be an artificial building. As Gabriel said, it's a magical creation, so it's time to change your mind.

Wei Ran pointed to the passage behind the door and said, "the distance of the passage behind each door is almost the same. The length of five meters is not long, but turning around, does it mean that each wall of the room is five meters thick?"

He said, pretending to grope on his body, actually took out a charcoal pen from the space ring and drew it on the ground.

"If the four doors used to be the same room, and all the rooms are arranged into a square, then the room between the two diagonals is a solid wall with a thickness of five meters?"

Gabriel looked at Wei Ran suspiciously, "what do you want to do?"

With a huge sword, Wei Ran walked to the middle of a passage, pointed to the wall and said, "do a demolition worker. Theoretically, we can get through the passage to the other room. Let's verify it."