Wei Ran cut off several tentacles wrapped around the ship one after another, and solved the temporary danger. The merchant ship was temporarily out of the worry of capsizing. The desperate crew on the ship immediately cheered loudly to restore a lot of morale, and it was no longer so difficult to fight with the sea monster attacking the splint.

However, it is not over yet. The injured giant octopus moaned and dived into the seabed. Bubbles rose from the sea and formed a dense fog when walking into the air. It is obvious that the other party did not let the ship go so easily.

Wei Ran leaned against the splint. He did not participate in the battle with the fish man, but focused all his attention on the octopus.

"Ah Li, he hasn't left yet. Can you find the bastard who controls the octopus? I'll meet him in advance! "

"Keep quiet! I'm concentrating on tracking down the fluctuation... If you hold on for a while, the more irritable the octopus is, the more intense the spell is, the greater the fluctuation will be. "

Wei Ran could only chase the place where the bubbles were rising in the sea and move around the whole merchant ship. During this period, he met the sea monster fishman and ended it with a knife. He didn't have to put on sword oil and drink magic medicine from time to time to fight these sea monsters like other low-level demon hunters.

This kind of wandering posture makes the demon hunters around admire it.

You should know that the scales of a Fishman's whole body are as hard as steel scales. The knife of an ordinary sailor can't break the defense at all. It needs to be accurately inserted into both cheeks to be fatal.

Therefore, sailors without special ability often need two people to contain the fish man in the front, and one person sneaks into the fish gill from the side. One on one, the demon hunter needs magic medicine to help break the defense, so as to successfully stab the fish into the human body.

At this time, the sea churned, and the octopus that had just dived into the sea surfaced again and hit the merchant ship from the side. Then those tentacles cut off by Wei Ran were regenerated, and they smashed at Wei ran like a whip.

This attack did not distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. Not only sailors and demon hunters suffered heavy casualties, but also many fishermen who attacked the splint were killed.

The people on the splint were greatly boosted by the morale of just now, and the morale collapsed in an instant. No one expected that this giant sea monster could regenerate from a broken limb. How can we kill it if we fight like this?

"How much energy does it take to regenerate four tentacles from such a big thing?!"

"So I caught the source of the controller." Ah Li said suddenly.

"I don't want to keep pestering this big guy endlessly. Where is the man behind it? Is it like a fish lurking at the bottom of the sea? "

"Of course not. He was behind the huge body of the octopus. When the octopus sank just now, he controlled the ship to sink together, so he never found his existence."

Wei Ran was very surprised that the other party was so close. At that moment, needless to say what to do, he cut off several clapped tentacles, took the tentacles of Octopus as a bridge, ran and jumped away from octopus with the power of suction cup.

Octopus became furious, waved and twisted its tentacles to wrap Wei Ran, but Wei Ran's body method was more flexible than this giant creature understood.

No matter how the sucker and tentacle move, he can quickly find the gap and rush towards his huge head.

Not only was the giant octopus a little flustered, but even the people on board were stunned. The demon hunter who liked drinking murmured: "seeing that the tentacles could not be cut off, did he rush up and cut his head?"

Wei Ran rushed along his tentacles to a position similar to the bridge of the octopus's nose, dragged a knife laterally with his body method, and directly gouged out the huge eyes on both sides of the octopus's head.

Then, under the huge moan and struggle of the octopus, he jumped over its head, and less than 50 meters behind the octopus, there was a small boat, on which stood a man dressed as a wizard.

The other party was obviously surprised that Wei Ran could jump on the top of his proud pet's head, and looked at Wei Ran with his lips slightly open.

Wei Huo gave a grim smile, and with the strength of the octopus's twisting body, an electric jet rushed into the boat.

The other party clearly saw that Wei Ran was a good fighter in close combat. He quickly levitated into the air, avoided the knife from Wei Ran, and then applied life-saving magic, ice armor, blinking and lightning blocking one after another.

Wei Ran stood in the boat and watched each other perform. Although it was determined that the other party was the enemy of the Austrian French parliament, he still couldn't reveal his flaws.

In the tone of the Holy See demon hunter, he said, "the heresy of the wizard Association dares to attack the merchant ship sheltered by the church. I will punish your fault instead of the Lord!"

The other party failed to judge his origin from Wei Yanfang's series of battles, and frowned in the air. Although it seems that he now has the advantage of absolute security from air to ground.

However, the pet has been seriously injured. If he doesn't receive treatment, I'm afraid he will lose an important combat power in vain. Moreover, he didn't grasp a few magic to win the powerful demon hunter opposite. His intuition told him that the other party may have secret means to deal with air enemies.

After some thought, I thought it would be better to withdraw the troops for the second round of test on Gerrard's side.

Melkalin sneered in the air, collected the giant octopus and gave Wei a cold look.

"The Holy See imprisons thought, and truth and wisdom are in the hands of a few people. Demon hunters, you will recognize their true purpose."

Then he turned on the transmission magic again, pulled it hundreds of meters away, and then opened the transmission gate and disappeared on the sea.

Wei Ran lacks the ability to fight in the air. If the other party dares to attack himself just now, he can also take advantage of the opportunity to seize the gap between the other party's spell casting, display the nine clouds and dragons, and quickly approach the other party. Or you can shoot a hook and lock in the air to connect the enemy and us. Then you won't be afraid of him flying around.

Unfortunately, the other party was very alert and did not give the two sides a chance to fight directly. He directly opened the distance and chose to transmit and leave.

After the crisis was relieved, Wei Ran returned to the ship and naturally enjoyed the rest of his life.

Even the captain gave Wei a bag of Ducat silver coins, which were circulating on the Italian Peninsula during this period.

Wei Ran was also impolite. He accepted it openly, then found all the church staff and came to a room alone.

Looking at the house full of demon hunters and a knight master on vacation of the Templar, he said solemnly, "you can see the people behind the huge octopus."

Everyone present participated in the fierce battle on the splint. Naturally, they all witnessed the people hiding behind the octopus and nodded.

Wei Ran continued: "there is no record of such a giant sea monster in the demon hunting log, and there has been no such monster in the Mediterranean before. I suspect this is a blasphemous creation developed by those heretics of the wizard association! "

Everyone didn't think Wei Ran had a problem, or even surprised, because when they saw the guy dressed by the wizard, they had suspected the heresy.

"It's the turn of those guys at the inquisition. Which area is this? It is obviously provocative for heretics to openly attack the ships sheltered by the church.

And they can study such a terrible thing, it must not be the power of one or two wizards. When I arrive at the Vatican this time, I will personally explain the situation to the Pope. I need to integrate a lot of resources to clean up these heresies, especially in this area. "

The Knights Templar seconded, "I'd like to petition with this class a demon hunter. We can't let blasphemers be so arrogant!"

"They are endangering the whole offshore area. The inquisition must do something!" A demon hunter said.

For a time, everyone is willing to expand this matter together with Wei Ran. Wei Ran also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to counter pursue the forces of the Austrian French parliament.

In this world, the battle between the sky hunter and the predator group has opened the curtain.