Wei Ran returned to the capital with the emperor and all civil and military officials. Chang'an City opened the door to welcome him, and no one dared to resist.

All the people and merchants hid at home and waited in panic for the new conqueror to pronounce on the city. The officials left behind in the city had to go to meet them.

Although Wei Ran grew up in Chang'an since childhood, he is completely different from that at that time. Especially when he returns now, he has become an important general in the border town. His reputation is known not only in the world, but also in Mobei and western regions. He is a demon king who can stop children from crying.

In history, Chang'an City has also been attacked and broken by rebels and foreigners for many times. Each time the city is broken, the whole city will shrink, and the population will be greatly reduced.

The people of Chang'an city are not unfamiliar with such things when they are old. Therefore, they feel frightened and think that the rebels will inevitably loot the city. At that time, no one in the city can be spared, which can be called a catastrophe.

However, Wei Ran Ran the army with strict discipline, and no soldiers left and looted. He specially set up a cavalry force similar to the gendarmerie, with a total of about 3000, as his personal soldiers on weekdays.

Once they perform their duties, they are law enforcement officers in the army who supervise the discipline of tens of thousands of officers and soldiers in all aspects. Just as at present, those who dare to leave the team without authorization do not need to report at all. After the warning, they can be killed directly.

In order to maintain strict discipline, the feudal army must not blindly rely on severe punishment and law, otherwise it will be eaten back. However, Wei Ran's army has sufficient logistical guarantee, and the treatment of soldiers is the highest in the whole Tang Dynasty, so the soldiers can withstand severe punishment and severe law. As long as rewards and punishments are clear, we can maintain high operational discipline.

Wei Ran ordered the army to occupy the arsenal of Chang'an City, make the prison, grain depot and Treasury, and then disarm all the right Shence army and turn it into civilian men to handle logistics tasks. Those who dare to resist will be killed on the ground.

Li Jianxing led a team to the burial place of Li Chengye. After Li Chengye's body was brought back to the capital, because the emperor had to make a gesture that he did not harm himself, he ordered hou to be buried on the side of the former Emperor's mausoleum.

Now Wei Ran and Li Guangsi have joined the capital as Rebel ministers. There are a lot of important things to deal with. Li Jianxing can only pay a visit first.

The 80000 troops of Fenglin army took the right Shence army camp in the city as the garrison camp. Wei Ran led only 10000 men and horses to enter the Daming Palace with the emperor and civil and military officials wrapped in the dragon head.

At this time, in front of the Daming Palace, a woman in plain clothes appeared, standing alone and blocking the way. It was the princess Shouning who was left in the Daming Palace.

Now the whole Daming Palace is basically empty. Either they flee with the emperor. After hearing that the Fenglin army entered the city, the people left behind also fled in a hurry. The so-called six palace powder Dai is shivering with all civil and military officials at this time.

Wei Ran stood in front of the horse and looked at the Shouning Princess standing in power. Before he spoke, the emperor surrounded by Wei Ran's own soldiers shouted.

"Sister Huang, help me!"

Princess Shouning bowed her body to Wei Shao without expression, and then looked at the emperor.

"Your Majesty, you shouldn't! Li Tang's royal family should have the dignity of the royal family. Your cowardly appearance now has lost the face of our royal family, but taught the world how to treat it! "

The emperor opened his mouth and looked frightened, but he didn't know how to answer.

Wei ran beside him and smiled. "Princess, please move away."

"Childe Li, you are not allowed to ride horses in Daming Palace. This is the way of your officials."

"Ha ha, the royal highness of the princess has just mentioned the dignity of Li Tang's royal family, but if you don't let it, Li doesn't mind turning the dignity of Li Tang's royal family into the dust of this horseshoe. One word of advice, strong is humiliating. "

The breeze blew and rolled up the long hair on the temples of Princess Shouning. An unspeakable emotion rose under her heart. She seemed to feel that everything should not be so. She bit her teeth slightly, but she bit a piece of hair unintentionally.

"Childe Li, after you were a loyal minister, I never thought you would be like this."

Wei Ran closed his eyes and tried not to let their past affect their current decision. He is now a traitor, a powerful minister and a key presence in the world situation.

Every step is not just revenge, but also the peace of the country. Therefore, after killing Zhang Zhen, everything can no longer act with emotion.

He suddenly opened his eyes and became more firm and iron hearted.

"Princess your highness, the past is no longer, do not want to... Self humiliation!"

His horse came forward, and the horse's head passed slightly under the subtle control of Wei Ran. With a clever force, he knocked Princess Shouning aside, and the road ahead was unstoppable.

Enter the Imperial City, and then enter Hanyuan hall, where all civil and military officials go to the court.

The ministers were coerced to take their positions according to the size of their official positions, and the emperor was also arranged on the Dragon chair. The remaining waiters, maids in waiting, and Liugong fandai were asked to return to their original places and come out without anything.

On the left of the emperor's Dragon chair, the position below one person and above ten thousand people is now standing here by Wei Yantang and Huang Zhi. He not only rode into the palace, but also went to the palace with a sword.

Everyone looked at Wei Ran, but Wei Ran looked at the emperor, "Your Majesty, don't you rise to the dynasty?"

All the rhythms seemed to return to the normal early days, but none of the civil and military officials played, and the emperor had no other orders. Now even the executioner has been killed, and all civil and military officials have lost their leader. They don't know how to deal with it.

"Aiqing, Aiqing, there's no right to play in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty today. Does Aiqing have something to play?"

Wei Huo looked at his nose, nose and heart, and said calmly, "naturally, you might as well discuss the assassination of the county marquis. What does your majesty think?"

The emperor looked uneasy. "Didn't Aiqing have all the culprits?"

"Does your majesty think they are all the culprits?"

The emperor said again and again, "of course!" He doesn't want to get angry.

"Well, the matter will be settled. Your majesty, why don't you let Hanlin draft the decree and how to say it? Your Majesty must know better than me."

The emperor hurriedly called Hanlin and drafted the assassination of Li Chengye basically according to the drama content compiled by Wei Ran, but consciously put aside his responsibility.

Wei Ran looked in his eyes and didn't say anything. After the will was drawn up, he glanced at it, and then looked at the emperor.

"The world is chaotic. People from Huainan and Jiangnan roads gather to attack prefectures and counties. The drought in Henan road has not gone, and Khitan has invaded. Today, the whole world was maintained by the Marquis of the county.

However, his majesty listened to the slander and let his treacherous and cunning men assassinate him and destroy the Great Wall. Does your majesty have no responsibility for this matter, including all things in the world? "

The emperor's face is as pale as earth. Isn't it all up to you? Why does it involve me again? I play polo, play Jackie and build some palaces on weekdays. I didn't do the thing of harming the people.

What does the chaos in this world have to do with me? In ordinary days, the officials in charge of politics are all Tian Nei and Zhang nei, as well as Zai Zhi, Privy Council and six Shangshu. They were all killed by you. It's enough for civilians to be angry. Why did you pull me in?!

"Qing... How will you stay?" He wanted to ask a hard question, but he was timid and afraid. Finally, it became a hard or soft sentence, which sounded like a gimmick.

Wei Ran stood in front of the emperor, his huge body brought great pressure. On weekdays, the minister is at least ten steps away from him and below the steps.

With the help of environmental layout, the royal family sitting on the Dragon chair is dignified and mysterious, but that is not the quality of the person who controls the imperial power.

Now Wei Ran is in opposition to him. Wei Ran is standing and the emperor is sitting. Then any Majesty on the emperor dissipates without a trace, and the imperial power is nothing in front of Wei Ran's military power.

Wei Ran only kept this state, stared at the emperor for five seconds, and looked at him sweating and fidgeting.

The long look at each other finally passed. Wei Yantu's poor dagger appeared and said his original purpose.

"The world is like this. Your majesty has made an edict to calm the people and make the people angry!"