At this time, Zhang Jing no longer sent troops to participate in the civil war between warlords, stayed in Zhangye City and prepared logistics for Wei Ran.

In order to attack and destroy Zhao Xuanqing, Liangzhou Haoqiang formed an alliance with a total force of 100000. Of course, not all of them are elite. Many of them are strong soldiers and Zhuang Ding tenants in various Haoqiang manors.

Now they are facing off with Zhao Xuanqing's troops at Jinchengguan, Lanzhou. The two sides have been fighting intermittently since Liangzhou for eight months.

Because Zhao Xuanqing took Zhao Hui's position temporarily, many generals in the army refused to accept it and turned to the Liangzhou alliance.

As a result, the morale of the Wuwei army was low, and they were losing important places for several months. They had to retreat to Jincheng pass, the gateway of Lanzhou city.

When Wei Ran's army hurried to Liangzhou City, the garrison of the powerful alliance sent people to report to the main force in Lanzhou. Of course, Wei Ran also sent scouts to find Zhao Xuanqing.

Wei Ran was not in a hurry to attack the city. He only surrounded the city and attacked the country castle. These earthen castles are the foundation of the manor of the local tyrants. Removing one is equivalent to removing part of the strength of a family.

Before the main force of the Liangzhou coalition returned, the whole Liangzhou had been decayed by Wei Ran's roving bandit style. The local manor Wubao basically couldn't resist Wei Ran's psychological attack and the strong attack of the catapult, and fell one after another.

Wei Ran considered Liangzhou as an important base camp in the rear, so he consciously slaughtered the local giants. He wants to concentrate all the land on his own hands, which can be used to distribute it to his soldiers.

It can not only save military expenses, but also maintain a strong military morale and prepare for the attack in Guanzhong in the future.

Another purpose of slaughtering these powerful families is to eliminate their own worries, so as not to attack Guanzhong in front of them and catch fire in his backyard.

When the Liangzhou allied forces returned to Liangzhou City, Wei ran directly surrounded them for help. The Liangzhou coalition army saw the end of their hometown and the break of their rear road. It was also red eyed and launched a crazy attack on Wei Ran.

But they fought for a long time and retreated all the way. They were pursued by Zhao Xuanqing and Li Guangsi, and the losses were not light. A fierce battle with Wei Ran's 60000 troops in the field for one day.

The first to attack was Wei Ran's more than 30000 servants who joined the army. These nomadic cavalry were particularly fierce. They surrounded them with nomadic scattering, disrupted the coalition infantry and shook the morale of the army. The number of coalition cavalry was at an absolute disadvantage and did not dare to go out to pursue at will. Seeing that the infantry was loose, they had to go out to fight.

However, Wei Ran's 13000 elite cavalry seized the opportunity, took Wei Ran and Li Jianxing as the arrows, opened unparalleled, and wiped out all the cavalry of the Liangzhou coalition army in one fell swoop. Then he rushed to the loose infantry formation and broke through the Liangzhou powerful coalition.

The defeated coalition army was chased and killed by more than 30000 servants under Wei Ran. Except those who fled to the Gobi desert, there were few survivors left.

Even those who escape from the Gobi desert will die of thirst sooner or later in the absence of supplies.

As a result of this war, the great powers of Liangzhou were completely eliminated. In order to prevent the resurgence of the dead, Wei Ran once again plowed the fields and swept away the powerful industries in the field and the city. At the same time, he arranged the captured civil servants in the city to measure the land, so as to prepare for the next annexation of the Wuwei army.

When Zhao Xuanqing and Li Guangsi carefully led the army westward, they heard the news that Wei Ran had broken the Liangzhou coalition army. They were shocked and speechless.

Although the news obtained from the Scouts of Fenglin Army knows that Wei Ran's army is powerful and huge, it is still very unbelievable.

They thought that Wei Ran pursued the Huihe Khan king to the western regions, crossed the Gobi desert and mountains all the way, and many soldiers would die because of acclimatization.

In addition, there are many hostile states in the western regions, and the losses will not be light if they do not succeed in repeated operations. It is good to return 4000 of the 8000 troops that set out.

But what they didn't know was that Wei Ran not only pursued and killed the Huihe Khan king in the western regions, but took the Huihe Khan king as the object of wandering the streets, making this once strong man like a lost dog in front of many states and tribes in the western regions, which proved the strength of the Fenglin army from the side.

Then we will win several victories to destroy small countries, which will naturally attract many oppressed Han people to join us.

On the basis of preserving the culture of the Tang Dynasty, these Han people also absorbed many tough customs of the Hu people. In the Fenglin army, the old led the new and trained in war, they quickly grew into elite. Therefore, the army not only did not shrink, but became stronger and stronger.

When Zhao Xuanqing and Li Guangsi met in the Lord's house of Liangzhou City, Wei Ran sat in the original position where Zhao Hui sat, Li Jianxing stood on the left, Zhang Jing stood on the right, and bu Langshan stood behind him like the shadow of Wei Ran, a style of the master of Liangzhou.

However, due to his father's hatred, Wei Ran's eyes have been scarlet for a long time. He looks angry. Even if he remains calm, he is like a volcano repressed to the extreme and ready to erupt at any time.

Zhao Xuanqing looked at Wei Ran. The two sides looked at each other for a long time. She suddenly bowed down and worshipped, like giving up something or taking the initiative to admit something.

Since she made a gesture of submission, Wei Ran went down and helped her up.

"Miss Zhao, I have avenged the manager. In the future, Wuwei army and Fenglin army will be the real family! You are still the commander of Wuwei army. "

Zhao Xuanqing raised his head and looked at Wei Ran with complex eyes. "Wuwei army is willing to serve manager Li!"

Wei Ran looked at Li Guangsi, who looked equally sad and angry, and only nodded, still maintaining his reason.

He sat back in his seat again, "summon the middle-level and above officers of Wuwei army and Fenglin army to come here for discussion!"

Wei Ran's next move is to completely subdue the heart of Wuwei army!

Most of the Wuwei soldiers were Liangzhou natives. The heroic rebellion brought a devastating blow to these soldiers' families. Those who do not agree with Liangzhou Haoqiang alliance will be seriously retaliated.

This is also the reason why these soldiers gave up fighting with Zhao Xuanqing and Liangzhou Haoqiang. Now Wei Ran plans to rebuild their hope and let them rebuild their family.

Therefore, after summoning all the officers and men, Wei Ran took out stacks of land deeds and recorded the land measured by local civil servants.

"I want to distribute land to the whole army to make up for the losses of the soldiers in this war. From then on, Wuwei army and Fenglin army are the real family! "

In the stunned eyes of the whole army, Wei Ran distributed land to the remaining 30000 ordinary soldiers and grass-roots officers of Wuwei army. On the contrary, those officers above the middle level did not enjoy such treatment.

Although he appointed Zhao Xuanqing as the commander of the Wuwei army, he wanted to catch the officers of the Wuwei army. After abandoning these middle and high-level officers, they appointed veterans of Fenglin army to join them to command these grass-roots sergeants who had accepted bribes from Wei Ran's land policy.

At that time, even Zhao Xuanqing could not stop Wei ran from really controlling the army.

By doing so, he naturally caused quite a rebound. The middle and senior officers of the Wuwei army cursed Wei Ran one after another in private, and many even wanted to instigate a mutiny and give advice.

However, the grass-roots soldiers and officers have accepted Wei Ran's benefits, and in the process of distributing the land, they naturally have to return to the countryside to accept their own land, which is a long holiday of half a month.

During this holiday, no one could gather these soldiers scattered to Liangzhou and Lanzhou, which lacked the foundation of mutiny.

During the holiday, Wei Ran also arranged literate soldiers of Fenglin army to go to various towns to publicize the policies implemented by Wei Ran, which attracted the hearts of the local people and the army.