However, as the head of the Liangzhou warlord group, he had to consider the opinions of his subordinates. In addition, the generals were really very tired, so he finally compromised with the whole Liangzhou warlord group, only expelled symbolically, rebuilt the fort beside Qinghai Lake, and then withdrew the troops and returned.

Wei Ran and Zhao Xuanqing were extremely angry about this. They always remember that hundreds of thousands of people were slaughtered in Shanzhou city and Shancheng City, and the bodies of men, women, old and young were all over the streets and blood was spilled from door to door.

Even in his sleep at night, Wei Ran is often awakened by such hellish Shura scenes. If the blood debt is not paid, how can hundreds of thousands of dead people rest in peace?!

However, Wei Ran, as an external general and entrusted with the Wuwei military system, can only be rational and patient for the time being. In fact, he plans to secretly accumulate strength and find opportunities to destroy the cloud pill knot!

Zhao Xuanqing had no doubts about Wei Ran's identity and status. He had a quarrel with Zhao Hui directly, which made his father lose face.

Zhao Hui had no choice but to lead the army back to Liangzhou and hand over Shanzhou city to his daughter.

In the final reward, Wei Ran expressed his willingness to garrison kuozhou. If the Tibetan army shows signs of invasion again, starting from the Jishi army fort in kuozhou, it will be enough to attack the flanks of the Tibetan army.

Kuozhou was narrow and sparsely populated. It was not a suitable place for separatism, so Zhao Hui directly agreed.

When Wei Ran led the army back here, the first thing was to divide the land according to merit. It is not only the land of kuozhou, but also part of the land of Hezhou and Tuguhun.

He wants to unite the morale of the army and build Fenglin army into an iron plate that only listens to his orders. At the same time, he also wants to eliminate the Zhongshan head faction of the army and maintain the purity of its military organization.

The owner of Mingyue Township returned to kuozhou with Wei Ran. They lost all their native land in this war. And Hehuang, because of the local powerful forces, they have no land, so they can only rely on others.

Wei Ran promised to set aside a piece of land for them to reclaim wasteland and build a village. Therefore, represented by Moheng, they all followed Wei Ran to kuozhou.

When he arrived here, Wei Ran modified the administrative structure without authorization because he was seriously damaged by Tubo. Transfer the original state administration of kuozhou city to Jishi juntun castle.

According to the name of later generations, Tunbao was changed into a county and renamed Guide county.

The reason why guide was chosen as the State Administration Center is precisely because it is the gateway of kuozhou. Entering the west, you can enter Tuyuhun and dafichuan. You can take this as a starting point to cruise the whole valley of Southern Qinghai and Hunan. As a military starting point, as long as the army is assembled, it can directly attack Tubo.

When Wei Ran returned to kuozhou City, he did not forget to reorganize the army and recruit troops all the way. He lost a lot in the first war with Tubo, so he enlisted those regiments and civilian men to help fight on the road.

Fenglin army also had 8000 people all the way. Among them, cavalry captured a lot because of war horses, accounting for half of the whole army. Although it is still half way away from Wei Ran's desire to expand to the full establishment of 14000 people in the first army, it is very consistent with Wei Ran's current economic ability.

If he wanted to expand his army, Wei Ran began to think about the iron ore and green horse in Tuyuhun's hometown. As long as we vigorously develop the resources of Tuyuhun's hometown, let alone support 14000 people in the first army, it is more than enough to support 50000 people.

In addition, Wu Xinfei and bu Lanshan came to guide with Wei Ran to build a city and a county.

Wu Xinfei came here because Tianmo sect and Fenglin army need to carry out various cooperation matters. Now Wei Ran introduces Cheng family and Tianmo sect in commerce and trade.

As for bu Lanshan, she took ah Li with her. Wei Ran didn't ask her why. He would not refuse to go with his friends. Moreover, hearing that Wei Ran intends to carry out literacy in the army, people like Wu Xinfei disdain to deal with ordinary rough military men.

But bu Lanshan didn't have this concern. She was friendly and didn't think she was noble and arrogant. She took the job for Wei Ran and began to lead literacy in the army.

However, when guide built the city, his second brother Li Guangsi had to leave.

"Brother, I'm going back to Weizhou."

Wei Ran was dealing with the vast documents. After hearing this sentence, he stopped writing.

"What happened at home? I'm tired of this business. Erlang can't leave here. At least he needs to help brother Wei deal with these administrative documents. "

Li Guangsi found it funny that this big brother didn't like this kind of paperwork since he was a child. He was far less efficient than himself. When he was the Lord of a place, he couldn't stand it.

"Brother, you need to build a shogunate. You can't do many things by yourself. Otherwise, I'll go back and ask my father to recommend some celebrities to help you. "

"Brother Wei is an imperial prisoner of the imperial court. He also goes against the ethics, kills his master and betrays the king. Who will help me?"

"Brother, there are always people in the world who disdain the Confucian etiquette. Since they are all willing to work in border areas and towns, they are ambitious people. For these people, morality, etiquette and law are nothing more than a tool to control the people as sheep.

Most of them have personality problems, and they don't have much loyalty. They only have talent but no virtue. You are strong and can hold them down. They are the best Eagle dogs. When you are weak, you can't keep it together. These people eat inside out and betray together. "

Wei Ran laughed, "OK, I use my talents instead of my virtues. Now there is a shortage of talents, and some of them are good. But you want to betray me? Hehe, the price is not what they can imagine. "

Wei Ran thought for a while and said, "Weizhou is not far from here. If there is no emergency at home, Erlang might as well finish processing these letters with his brother first. My brothers will go home together again. I also want to see my father and aunt."

Li Guangsi looked again at the mountains of papers piled up on Wei Ran's table, and he was dizzy.

"Letters came from home during the war in Shibao city. On the pretext that the imperial court owed military salaries and the troops rioted, Lu Long's envoy planned to go to Beijing to ask for salary, and has begun to attack Hebei road. "

Wei Ran has been fighting against Tubo for a long time. He hasn't known about the Guanzhong court for a long time.

Remembering the meaningful look on Zhao Hui's face when he chatted with himself and mentioned Lulong Jiedu envoy, he must have known that Lulong Jiedu envoy would launch a rebellion.

Lulong Jiedu emissary should also have initiated a rebellion with him, Shuofang and Hexi Jiedu emissary. After all, today's emperors are fatuous, reuse eunuchs and treacherous officials, and transform the rebellious Zuo Shence army.

Many moves are self defeating martial arts, which naturally leads to the expansion of the ambitions of the warlords in the border town.

Lulong Jiedu envoy is willing to be this early bird. Presumably, other Jiedu envoys in other towns are happy to watch. Once the imperial court responds improperly or shows signs of weakness.

So that sentence: the son of heaven, strong soldiers, must be called out in advance.

"How is the imperial court going to deal with it now?"

"My father's letter seems to imply that the left Shence frontier army of Hebei road should not be able to defend the Yanshan defense line, because Hedong Jiedu envoy secretly made some small moves, which affected the back of the Hebei Road garrison."

Wei Ran said, "the Hebei road is just like the Henan road. The Henan road is now broken and its vitality has not been restored. Lulong Jiedu envoy should take Luoyang directly and block the Grand Canal. Once the gods fall, according to the emperor's temperament, hum, I'm afraid I will immediately avoid Bashu, and the royal authority of Li Tang will no longer exist. "