After cutting off the rope of the hot-air balloon, Wei Ran also stepped on the war horse.

With Zhao Hui's order, he, as a cavalry vanguard, first took the lead in the assault, swept by thousands of horses and galloped away!

At this time, the Tubo army in the castle could not hurt the three huge ghost faces in the sky. Both soldiers and generals were terrified because of superstition and ignorance.

They couldn't figure out what the flying things were. They thought the Tang army had the help of gods and Buddhas. How could they win the war?

If you only fight with the people of Tang Dynasty, you are not afraid, but if you fight with God and Buddha, is it human power that can defeat you.

Therefore, even if a few officers still have some rationality, they can't persuade their subordinates to remain calm at this time.

At this time, the soldiers saw that the Tang army suddenly took the opportunity to attack the city, and were even more at a loss. They forgot all the prepared equipment for guarding the city. Some people run around like headless flies, and some instinctively shoot scattered arrows.

In a panic, he didn't predict the range of the bow and arrow, and all failed.

The Tubo cavalry outside the castle were also overwhelmed, and they were even worse than the Tubo army in the castle. There are walls in the castle that they can rely on. All they can rely on is the four legs of the war horse.

So when I saw the cavalry of the Tang army racing forward, I was immediately scared to disperse birds and animals.

Wei Ran led the army to bypass the flank of a fortress and ordered the whole army to suppress the city by riding and shooting, which hit the morale of the enemy. Then he received the bow and arrow, took out the spear and saber, chased the defeated enemy cavalry and blocked the rear support route of the castle.

The vanguard cavalry sent by the Wuwei army acted like Wei Ran. Moreover, according to their earlier planned siege plan, they first expel the enemy cavalry with cavalry, and then block the support route. Then let our infantry gather to attack the city.

At present, the Wuwei army has left behind all the other heavy equipment, such as stone catapults, siege bed crossbows and so on, in addition to the slightly light siege equipment such as cloud ladders and arrow towers.

But the performance of the Tubo army was even worse. They almost became headless flies. Even the officers fell into panic and were completely disorganized.

Therefore, even though the siege equipment of Wuwei army is simple, it is enough to use.

As the army marched forward, the archers came forward in an evacuation formation and threw arrows from the ground to suppress the city. Then the arrow tower is pushed into the range. The archers on the arrow tower can continue to suppress the city head more accurately and efficiently by shooting flat.

After that, the ladder was combined with the cart to cover the melee infantry to quickly approach the city wall, and then stepped on the ladder to pillow the city. Wielding shield knives and axes, the first warriors formed a scattered array and rushed into the unorganized and demoralized Tubo army at the head of the city like a tiger into a sheep.

The Tubo army at the head of the city was soon suppressed and defeated, and then controlled the fortress gate, opened it, and the army entered it. The remaining Tubo troops in the castle had no intention of fighting any more and fled from the city gate behind them.

Just met the cavalry cruising outside, charged and fought, and escaped the Tubo army from the castle. Only a few elite with horses were able to escape. The infantry who served as servants were wiped out.

The battle to win the two fortresses lasted less than an hour. From beginning to end, the Tubo army did not send reinforcements. It can be seen that even the Tubo army in the rear was deterred by three hot-air balloons.

However, when they saw the fall of the two fortresses in front of them, and thought of the massacre committed in the territory of the Tang people, they naturally knew that the internal defenders could not hope to survive, so they could not help but feel sad. On the contrary, their soldiers at the bottom surged up a strong desire for survival and were more willing to obey the command of the commander, so as to maintain the stability of the defense line.

Even under the command of a sober officer, he repelled the tentative attack of the cavalry of the Wuwei army and slightly restored his morale. At this time, the hot-air balloon has been too high for people on the ground to see clearly, which is also one of the factors for the Tibetan army in the rear to calm down quickly.

Of the eight fortresses, two were captured, although they accounted for a small proportion, but they also opened up the situation. The Wuwei army has established a firm foothold in this area.

The number of troops stationed in the occupied fortress was 5000. The Wuwei army took the two fortresses as the core and built another camp and stronghold. 70000 strong soldiers were displayed in front of the array, facing off with the Tubo troops and horses less than ten miles away.

In the evening, Zhao Hui was in a good mood. He won the two cities today. The loss of our army was almost negligible, which was the easiest battle he had fought in his life.

In the evening, the watchmen outside the pine and inside the tight are arranged to facilitate the gathering of generals in the fortress to celebrate, and Wei Ran is called into the venue together.

All the generals participating in the celebration came from Liangzhou. Sitting on both sides of Zhao Hui, in addition to his daughter Zhao Xuanqing, are a veteran who rose up with him.

The rest are local giants in Liangzhou. Liangzhou fought against Turks in the north and Huihe in the West. These bitter and cold places on the border have long been under the banner of Jiedushi, and have long refused to be king. Therefore, the local people are strong and powerful, with strong and fierce, and each family recruits private soldiers to form a stronghold and stand on its own.

Zhao Hui can become the leader of these small warlords from an unknown border soldier. It can be said that his mind and means are by no means simple.

After Wei Ran entered the venue, although he made great achievements today, he still remained at the end, and was looked at by many generals present with cold, fierce, suspicious or critical eyes.

But Wei Ran has a natural attitude and no lack of etiquette. He can sing prayers when he meets, drink and eat meat when he sits down, and has a bold attitude without any unnatural affectation.

When someone saw that he was young, he wanted to master his words and asked Wei Ran to propose a toast to all the predecessors present. Naturally, he wanted to get drunk and make a fool of himself at the wine table, so as to attack the prestige established by young people.

Wei Ran was not polite, so he made a toast. Starting from Zhao Hui, he went down table by table in circles. If you're not satisfied with one cup, just two. If you can't have two, just three. He drank and respected all the way. Under repeated wheel fights, those present saw him drink at least five jars of various varieties of wine with a total of more than 20 kilograms.

He didn't use his internal power to force the wine out of the body. He was shocked by the massive digestion. After two laps, Wei Yanjing found out who was not only bad in character, but also bad in alcohol consumption.

On the other hand, he made frequent toasts to these generals with poor drinking capacity based on the cliches of the wine field, which made these people almost get under the table and dared not hold them with words.

When others saw this, they all whispered in secret, my darling, where is this person's wine bucket, it's a wine pool! I've never seen anything so drinkable. I have to take it easy. Don't let him catch it. I'll throw it under the table. And this is on the battlefield. If the Tibetans sneak attack, I won't wake up and lose my head.

What they want is to get Wei Ran drunk and make a fool of himself. But these people are veterans. Naturally, they also know that drinking can delay things. Drinking by themselves will activate the atmosphere. It is impossible for them to get drunk.

After seeing that no one dared to shout for Wei Ran to propose a toast, Wei Ran put down the empty wine jar, calmly sat back in his position without chopsticks, grabbed the cold large piece of mutton on on the table and ate it like a whirlwind.

After observing, Zhao Hui nodded secretly and felt that this person had the wind of ancient fan Kuai. He is a rare man who can kill the enemy on the battlefield and never counsels on the wine table. Today's battle in the wine field is enough to make him stand out in front of the legitimate generals of Liangzhou. Absolutely no one dares to bully him casually in the future.

Seeing Wei ran back to his seat, Zhao Xuanqing came over with a glass of wine.

"You respected everyone, but why didn't you respect me?"