Instead of letting the whole army herd sheep, Wei Ran immediately organized the army and asked the resistance forces in the city led by Tianmo sect and Cheng family to guide the escape direction of the Tubo army. He led 500 troops to chase after the Tubo army with sledges, and the remaining troops cooperated with the resistance forces in the city to eliminate the Tubo soldiers who had not escaped in time.

Wei Ran knows this weather. Even if Tubo people run away on horseback, they can't run out of the city. War horses don't necessarily have people's two legs walking fast in the snow.

What he wants is not the heads of these Tibetans, but their horses. In this northwest frontier, Wei Ran wanted to develop his own power. How could he lack cavalry. To form cavalry, we must have enough horses.

There are three thousand tubos in the city. Everyone has horses. There must be at least three thousand, enough to organize a group of cavalry.

Wei Ran dare to die camp invaded from the east gate, and the Tubo army fled from the west gate.

Some of them rode on war horses, while others walked on foot. As a result, they went out of the city gate and went to the snow outside the city. They found that the snow was deep enough to cover the whole horse's legs, and the war horses couldn't run at all!

This is not as fast as getting off the horse and running on two legs, so the Tubo soldiers, as cavalry, abandoned their horses and crawled in the snow. Of course, the speed is not much faster.

After Wei Ran led 500 people out of the city, he changed into a sledge on his back, pulled out a horizontal knife, and ran after the chaotic and slow Tibetan army with a ferocious smile.

It was easy to hunt down the defeated army. They didn't have the courage to resist. They were cut down in the snow like melons and vegetables by soldiers of the dare to die camp. Wei Ran divided more than a dozen people and asked them to gather the horses. These are treasures and can't be lost in the heavy snow.

At this time, the Tubo army commander, who knew he could not escape, roared and the earth shook. The snow of the mountains and trees on both sides of the official road shook off one after another.

He stood up a horse, turned back and stabbed Wei. He was accompanied by many pro guards with high martial arts, who could step on the snow without trace.

With their ability, they could have run away. However, the choice of turning around is obviously to behead the general of the Tang army and turn defeat into victory. If Wei Ran is really cut off, it will certainly improve the morale of Tibetan sergeants and make the Wuwei army lose command. If it is not done well, it can really turn defeat into victory.

Unfortunately, Wei Ran himself is not weak, and he is accompanied by a focused bodyguard.

Although Bu Langshan was behind Wei Ran, the long sword in his hand turned into a meteor and flew out from afar. With only a fleeting blow, he intercepted the Tubo Army General's horse.

On the way back, he swept the sword and killed several guards with high martial arts beside him one after another to make them attack.

Wei Ran naturally gathered the whole army here, stepping on a sled, chopping with knives and piercing with guns.

The number of Tubo generals who were at an absolute disadvantage, all the pro guards around them were killed in only one round.

The Tubo leader killed many soldiers here and quickly distanced himself.

The lightness skill jumps up in the air like a Lingbo fairy. Hold the sword formula in your hand as a guide. Heaven and earth aura controls the flying sword, as if it had its own soul, attacking this Tubo fierce general one after another.

He forced more than a dozen moves. Because he was in the snow, he was inconvenient to move. Finally, he was cut off by a sword.

As soon as the Lord died, the other Tubo soldiers had no intention to resist and dared not escape. They witnessed how the Tang army chased and killed themselves in the snow. Since they couldn't escape, they had to surrender and obey their fate.

Wei Ran ordered his men to take all the prisoners back to the city, and the Tubo army in the city was still fighting tenaciously. They didn't surrender until Wei Ran threw the head of their master general in front of these people.

However, the total number of prisoners is much more than the total number of dare to die camps, and the basic public security in kuozhou city is not stable, and the city is still very chaotic. Wei Ran gathered all the prisoners at the noon gate. All the people who dared to go out and resist also arrived at the scene.

After the public trial, Wei Ran ordered the people of the whole city to take revenge at will. If the prisoners dared to resist, they would kill them!

Two thousand Tibetan soldiers and horses were slaughtered in the face of the angry people, just as they slaughtered the people in the city at the beginning. Therefore, kuozhou city is finally settled!

The post-war harvest was not small. The first was the capture of 4000 troops and horses of the Tubo army. I can only lament that nomads do not lack war horses. Winning the next battle is worth the lucky and hard March of these days.

In order to prevent Zhao Xuanqing's wife from getting rich, Wei Ran specially arranged for his cronies in the army to take good care of the war horses. No one is allowed to approach! After settling down, we should select those who are good at riding from the army to form their own cavalry Corps.

Even though there is no shortage of horses in the territory of the Han people, many Han people can ride horses, but they are not as proficient in riding and shooting as the Tibetan people, but they can still form a minimum of cavalry.

In addition to the war horses, the goods and materials plundered by the Tubo army are concentrated in the military barracks and the assassin's residence. Now they are all cheap. Wei Ran will not return these materials so kindly.

Even those gentry and rich families in the city sent people to inquire. Wei Ran pretended not to know and sent them away. Personally point the assets and divide them into three parts.

Some of them are reserved as starting funds for their future development, mostly gold, silver and jewelry;

Part of the reward will be given to the soldiers who go to war with them. Half of the gold and silver, half of the silk, tea and cloth can be resold by themselves;

Another part accounts for half of all the goods and is ready to give it to Zhao Xuanqing.

She is now her immediate boss. Before the war, she took the initiative to undertake a large number of transportation tasks and helped Wei resist many responsibilities. Both emotion and reason must give her corresponding returns, otherwise she may not support herself in the future.

After planning, Wei Ran picked up the glittering gold, silver and jewelry in the box and watched them slide from his fingertips, pick them up and slide down again. It felt like an addiction. The hall was shining with jewels. At this moment, Wei Ran was like a miser.

Wu Xinfei didn't know when to sit on the beam and said with a smile, "there is the treasure industry of our Tianmo sect. It's reasonable for you to return it to its original owner."

At this time, if Wei Ran looked up, he might enjoy the spring, but who knows? The enchantress's character seems charming, but in fact she is eccentric and changeable.

The patriarch of Yin Yang and hezong coveted her body. As a result, he was found a chance and died miserably.

If you really look up like this, you may win the slender hand of the magic ribbon to resist the dragon.

So Wei Ran closed the treasure chest in front of him, pasted a seal and said calmly, "do you say they belong to your demon sect? You call them and see if they will agree? "

Wu Xinfei covered her mouth and said with a smile, "the treasure is dead. Of course, it's impossible to answer. But it's rare for general Wei to look like a financial fan. "

Wei Ran sat on the box and asked Wu Xinfei to come down. "Everything goes up the three treasures hall. Miss Wu comes to find the general. What's the matter? Don't beat around the bush."

Wu Xinfei restrained her smile and jumped down. The jade foot stood in front of Wei Ran and said, "I think the general is really not a greedy and lecherous man. He suddenly gathered so many treasures that he wouldn't want to give them to the Wuwei army."

Wei Ran narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Miss Wu seems to have something to point at."

"Hehe, we Tianmo sect cooperated with the general very happily in this war. I don't know whether there will be such cooperation opportunities in the future?"

The pun seems to see through Wei Ran's ambition.