Sometimes he can often be seen carrying two or three people's weight of goods alone, and helping the soldiers forward. Such behaviors as setting an example naturally inspire the morale of the military.

During this period of time, the sergeants have undergone Wei Ran's strict training and adequate nutrition, so their morale is high. No one complains about marching in the snow. Instead, they talk and laugh all the way and compete with each other.

Wei Ran occasionally hunts in the mountains and forests. Under the dark guidance of a Li, he finds some cat winter deer, wild boars and rabbits, and replenishes the soldiers with serious physical exertion at night.

The three Wulin people led by Zhuo Lancang were surprised and admired secretly. Naturally, the three of them didn't go all the way with huge backpacks and black gauze goggles like these sergeants.

They have deep internal skills, which can absorb the spirit of heaven and earth and supplement part of their physical strength. Each person only carries the strange paste food cooked by Wei Ran in a bamboo tube. They only need to eat one mouthful a day to meet their needs.

Wei Ran envied them very much. The martial artists who took the sect's method gradually coincided with the outer heaven and earth, so the internal consumption can be supplemented from the outer heaven and earth.

And the warrior who takes the method of generals, refines the inner universe, develops the power of spirit and will, and everything respects me. When the inner universe can no longer be truly detached from the outer universe, we have to rely on the way of normal people to supplement from external materials.

The food Wei carried on his noodles was not enough for him to eat, so all the excess food was put in a Li's carry on space. A Li had already become a fox and started quietly behind the team. He hid in the dark and had always been in touch with Wei Ran.

At night, the whole camp will look for places with soft soil and small hills to camp. According to Wei Ran's previous training, more than 1000 people looked for the leeward side of the hill, dug out the burrow and huddled inside for warmth, while a fire pile was built outside. If conditions permit, the dens will be dug larger to accommodate more people.

The firewood in the mountain forest is very wet, but fortunately, there is no shortage of coal in the local open air. You can also take it to make a fire and dry the firewood on the way. Take a bundle with you the next day.

However, the snow March is difficult and dangerous. Even if you are well prepared, you can't avoid frostbite and fever. In particular, the leather armor is airtight. It marches all day during the day. At night, it is uncomfortable to be retted by sweat.

At this time, if you take off your leather armor and get blown by the cold wind, even if there are two layers of sweaters inside, they can't stand it. And people just get cold will not feel anything. Only after sleeping all night and getting up the next day will they find that they are weak and have hot forehead and hair. That is the real danger.

Wei Ran had expected this situation before, so he asked everyone to cook ginger soup at night, and everyone can go to bed after drinking it. And to change the peeling armour and wipe the sweat, you must dig the burrow well. People are inside the burrow and companions are outside to keep out the wind. In this way, you can change them one by one.

However, some soldiers thought they were strong and could not wait for rotation. They were busy taking off their leather armor, resulting in a high fever the next day and were unable to follow the March.

This happened the most on the first night. Nearly 100 people could no longer keep up with the team. Wei Ran had to leave them and let them hide in the dens to carry them.

If you can carry it, you will return to Yanquan city and join Zhao Xuanqing's army. If you can't resist, you can only let your companions fill the earth in the nest and have the right to be the place to bury your bones.

In the next few days, there were many fewer layoffs caused by wind and cold. But in the process of marching, the more you walk to a higher altitude, the greater your physical exertion.

Even though most of the soldiers in Wei Ran's army were frontier people, they were more able to adapt to the local climate. But that's only when the physical strength is still good. Once the physical strength drops to a certain extent, the soldiers will feel difficult to breathe. There is no oxygen machine in this era. Therefore, Wei Ran had to camp in advance to prevent increasing the number of layoffs due to altitude sickness.

Even so, under the plateau reaction, hundreds of soldiers stayed on the Bank of the Yellow River forever. The difficulty of marching on this road has far exceeded Wei Ran's expectation. He deeply felt the malice brought by the climatic conditions of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau.

But the bow did not turn back. If you go back without saying a word, it means that the winter battle plan is completely bankrupt, and the soldiers who died along the way have lost their lives in vain.

When we fight next year, we will certainly attack michuan County, which has 30000 garrison troops. Not surprisingly, their dare to die camp must be the first to enter the city, and the situation to be faced will be more tragic and cruel.

In comparison, the non combat attrition of this March may not be the loss of a siege.

Thinking of this, Wei Ran kept encouraging the sergeants and slowed down the march from 60 miles a day to 50 miles a day. However, it will also adapt to local conditions. For example, in places with more downhill sections, the number of marching miles in a day will naturally be more.

However, in this way, the soldiers carried only enough food and grass to get to the city of kuozhou. That is to say, when it comes to kuozhou City, we must capture it in one day, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

This is indeed a military adventure, and the strange events in the war, whether Huo Qubing attacked the Huns in the north to win more with less, or Li Jing braved the snow to destroy Turks, all bear the risk of total military annihilation. If you want to achieve great things, there is no reason to be flat all the way!

For the issue of military food, Wei Ran took 200 elite soldiers deep into the mountains and forests to hunt every time he ordered the whole army to camp and rest. Due to the existence of a Li, she can accurately point out the location of many hibernating animals.

Therefore, every time we hunt, we return with a good harvest, which also alleviates the pressure of military food to a certain extent. At least when Wei Ran arrives at the foot of kuozhou City, he can slow down for two days to prepare his strategy.

On the morning of the third day of the March, the whole army went outside michuan county. Special attention should be paid to the garrison in the city when marching here, but it's snowy. They really didn't send someone out of the city to cruise, so they seemed very lazy.

Even at the head of the city, there are very few guards in charge of garrison. Most of them hide in the wall cave to avoid the cold wind whistling in winter.

Wei Ran and three Wulin people investigated first and found that even with the eyesight of four people, they could not see everything on the head of the city, let alone the soldiers at the bottom of the city wall.

At this time, Wei Ran thought of a plan. He lurked closer, carefully observed several main military flags in michuan County, wrote down the cloth, patterns and words of the military flag, and even many details, and then left.

Wei Ran led the whole battalion from the ice surface of the Yellow River to the south bank, across the river from michuan County on the north bank, but no one could see who. At this point, he went up along the south bank and successfully avoided the plain intersection guarded by michuan county.

Until the morning of the seventh day, the whole army suddenly appeared outside kuozhou! At this time, there were only 928 soldiers following Wei Ran, and at least more than 400 stayed on the road forever.

After arriving at the destination, the morale of the whole army was greatly boosted and waited for Wei Ran's order. Seeing that they had not attracted the attention of the garrison, Wei Ran decided to go into the mountain forest for a night and make some preparations before breaking the city.

After all, kuozhou city is the place where kuozhou governs. The city is relatively strong and thick. Naturally, it is impossible to attack it. But before the war, Wei Ran once said that attacking the city is the bottom and attacking the heart is the top. At night, he is ready to attack the heart.