Wei Ran didn't give up training because it was winter. Instead, he strengthened his training. However, in addition to using food to keep the soldiers warm, he had to find some ways to dress.

So they discussed with ah Li. According to their respective memories, they helped the Cheng family improve their textile machinery so that they could use wool to spin sweaters. This sweater was initially listed in winter. Even if it was just produced, it had many problems and was very rough, but it was still sought after and sold out of stock for a time.

Even Zhao Xuanqing spent a lot of money on purchasing. Even if she knew that the Cheng family was Li's in laws, she couldn't care so much. She knows too well how much equipment that can keep soldiers warm in winter can improve their combat effectiveness.

This forced Gu Qingshu to temporarily employ many people to urgently expand production capacity and carry out production and supply in double shifts day and night.

Of course, Wei Ran's dare to die camp has one for everyone, which is not delayed due to the problem of production capacity. This is the benefit brought by technology transfer. At the same time, it also makes the Cheng family's financial revenue, so as not to lose too much.

In late November, the snow fell like goose feather. In a few days, the snow was so deep that the war horse could not run. The troops of Tubo and Hexi Jiedu envoys were completely dormant, and even scouts were no longer sent.

Wei Ran knew from a Li that Zhao Xuanqing intended to enter kuozhou and take kuozhou city when the snow melted in the spring.

Kuozhou is the border state between the Tang Dynasty and the former Tuyuhun, which is now the logistics camp of Tubo.

Now that Tubo has captured kuozhou, they can send troops to attack Hezhou at any time. If Hezhou once, they can drive straight into Lanzhou, which is now the rear area of Wuwei army.

Once Lanzhou is lost, if the back road is broken, it will be a big defeat. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Zhao Xuanqing to send troops across Jishi mountain to the north to help her father fight Shanzhou city.

Only by occupying kuozhou, an important transportation node, can we have a strategic support point to attack Shanzhou city from Lanzhou and kuozhou, and cut off the support between Shancheng and Shanzhou city.

Even if it is impossible to completely cut off the connection between the two cities, although it can not cut off its back road, it can also contain part of the Tibetan troops so that Zhao Hui can attack the city smoothly after the spring.

Although the overall strategy is correct, Wei Ran doesn't think much of the attack after the spring.

In his opinion, just when the Yellow River is frozen, entering kuozhou can play a surprising role. In the past, when Li Jing destroyed Xiao Liang and attacked Turks, he suddenly rushed to the enemy's base camp in the bad weather and conquered the first World War!

Moreover, not long after Tubo won Shanzhou, the local resistance forces in Shanzhou have not been eliminated. The Tubo had to deal with the attack of the Wuwei army, and they couldn't deal with the resistance forces in the territory at ordinary times.

This winter, the two sides were forced to go on strike, which just gave Tubo enough time to settle the internal problems of the newly conquered territory. At the beginning of next spring, Tubo has long been stable. At that time, it will only be more difficult to win Tubo.

Wei Ran considered how to make his own suggestions, so as to persuade Zhao Xuanqing to find an appropriate opportunity to march to kuozhou in winter.

When he was planning to do so, at the end of November, Zhuo Lancang, the leader of Qixia sword sect, came to Hezhou City.

Her arrival greatly increased the righteous forces in Hezhou City. Wu Xinfei didn't want to be unhappy. She took the snow north to Lanzhou, but went to her master.

Somehow, Kongtong leader Chang Xuanyi also left Hezhou City in winter. According to him, he wanted to take advantage of winter to inquire about Tubo people in Hehuang area. Only two elder Kongtong sect elders are left here.

Wei Ran thought that a Li said that Zhuo Lancang seemed to have an old relationship with the blood River venerable. He wanted to play a big bellied monk to test it while there was no big deal during this period.

Just these days, two Kongtong sect elders always like to go to the hotel to warm some hot wine after dealing with the things given to them by the Wuwei army.

He thought that Xuehe venerable had a feud with Kongtong sect, so he wanted to play with them in the hotel to arouse Zhuo Lancang's idea, and then try to meet this person and beat around the past of Xuehe venerable.

So he found a dark place, exercised his bone shrinking skill, changed into the shape of Xuehe venerable again, changed his cassock, and walked into the restaurant carelessly.

In this weather, there are not many people in the hotel. Most of them are soldiers who take turns.

The two elders were conspicuous among a group of * * on the second floor. As soon as Wei came up, he sat next to them.

The two men looked up at Wei Ran, but there was no expected panic.

One of the Taoist priests with a goatee twirled his beard and said with a smile, "your honor is all right?"

When Wei Yanli noticed that the situation in the hotel was bad, he immediately remembered that although Zhuo Lancang was very famous in the right way, Wu Xinfei didn't need to leave Hezhou City at all. At most, she hid and disappeared. After all, the right way still has to sell the face of Wuwei army. It's impossible to do it directly to her.

Then Chang Xuanyi left, also very deliberately. He and Zhuo Lancang are old acquaintances. It is impossible for him to leave Hezhou as soon as Zhuo Lancang arrives, which makes outsiders seem that he has a contradiction with Zhuo Lancang.

Moreover, two Kongtong sect elders, whose martial arts are not perfect the day after tomorrow, wander around the hotel all day. It's obviously fishing.

Wei Yanzhen really wanted to slap himself in the face. Recently, he used too much God for military training and military strategy, so that he didn't see such a simple trap and plunged into it.

Instead of continuing his foolish greeting, he jumped out of the window.

However, I didn't know when there was an ambush outside the window. With a slap in the air, Wei Ran came back.

When Wei Ran was helpless to return to his place, the man outside the window jumped in against the wind and snow. He took off his hat, which was Chang Xuanyi who reportedly left Hezhou City.

"Brother Meng, why are you in a hurry to come and go?"

Wei Ran was so nervous that he didn't even care about the common name of Xuehe venerable Meng.

At the same time, Wu Xinfei also came up from downstairs. It was rare to see her walking side by side. Shuangshu, one evil and one positive, looked at Wei Ran trapped in the field with a smile.

At this time, the group of * * also stood up. Unexpectedly, they were all Wulin people from all sects and factions in Guanzhong.

"My teacher had an old relationship with Mr. Meng. He didn't want to see the scene where Mr. Meng would die if he did more injustice. At this time, he was waiting for news outside the building."

Bu Lanshan bows to Wei ran without any hostility. However, Wei Ran feels the strong sword meaning brewing from her sword.

Wu Xinfei covered her mouth and said with a smile, "since leader Zhuo doesn't want to see his old friend die on the spot, why sit outside the store and stop at any time? In the final analysis, I still don't want to see the great desire Tathagata sect continue to be passed on. "

Then he turned to look at Wei Ran, "master, Xinfei deliberately pointed out your identity that day. Do you know what it means?"

Wei Ran put himself in the position of Xuehe venerable and said, "you little girl is much more sinister than your master. No wonder you didn't kill the bulls of Chunyang sect. You just want to release the news so that my former enemies can find some bad luck one by one."

"It seems a little late to remember now. After all, I don't want to see the great desire Tathagata sect resurrected in the western regions. "

For a moment, Wei Ran thought of the interests of Tianmo sect. In recent years, the basic plate of Tianmo sect has been placed on the western region business road. The vast majority of these border and herdsmen in the western regions believe in Buddhism.

The great desire Tathagata sect is the magic of Buddhism in the Central Plains, but in this place of the western regions, people's minds are simple. Compared with the inherent concepts of the people in the Central Plains, it is easier to accept some Buddhist sects, even magic sects.

There must have been many followers of the great desire Tathagata sect in the western regions, so it will appear again, so that the Tianmo sect will not hesitate to join forces with the righteous Wulin forces to destroy it.