After Wei Ran led the army into Guancheng, he gathered his subordinates alone in the open space outside the headquarters barracks. While ordering the soldiers who were not injured to clean up immediately, he asked the Quartermaster for the military food and water needed by the whole battalion. And began to boil water and grain in public. The efficiency was much faster than that of other armed forces of Wuwei army.

Then he cleaned up and sewed up the wounded soldiers, picked a few soldiers with flexible hands, feet and mind, trained them to learn first aid technology, and counted the war damage.

However, with this arrangement, everyone in the whole army had dinner, and Wei Ran was still healing the wounded soldiers.

The performance of loving soldiers like children naturally gains the heartfelt recognition of many soldiers. Most noble generals don't like to use this skill. After all, they have sufficient resources, clear rewards and penalties, and don't greedy for ink. Their achievements can effectively boost morale, such as Huo Qubing, Yang Su and others.

However, for civilian generals who do not have much resources, sometimes the objective conditions are limited, and there is no clear reward and punishment at all. Then we can only learn from Wu Qi, sympathize with soldiers, love soldiers like children, set an example, and win the hearts of the army in this way.

Zhao Xuanqing happened to go down to the city to inspect the whole army. When he accidentally passed by the dare to die camp, he saw Wei Ran's use and layout of the outer space of the camp. It looked clear and extremely clean. It didn't seem to be what a Wufu understood.

Then she saw that Wei Ran personally healed the soldiers. A soldier next to him carried his food, but he kept persuading Wei Ran not to eat, while the other soldiers obviously looked like they had eaten dinner, which surprised her very much.

Even for generals of civilian origin, most of them live in a certain position and have power. The first thing they think of is themselves and their families. Few of them can set an example and care for soldiers. And those who can do this, as long as they don't die in battle, they will have the opportunity to make some achievements.

Zhao Xuanqing thought of fighting in the dare to die camp today, and the results far exceeded his expectations. Other battalion generals made some modest contributions on the battlefield today. As soon as they entered Guancheng, they came to their own side to boast their contributions. They wanted to bring the main reasons for the smooth operation into their own body.

On the contrary, it is the dare to die camp that has made the greatest contribution. This strange camp official has been low-key in treating corporal soldiers. He seems very calm. He is not in a hurry to ask for credit, but first wants to win over the hearts of the army.

This is a person who understands his basic plate. Zhao Xuanqing thought so and couldn't help looking at Wei Ran again. His martial arts and ability are not poor. He is just a battalion official, but he is wronged. But unfortunately, they are not the original people under the Liangzhou system. No matter how strong the ability is, it is impossible to enter the core.

Zhao Xuanqing finally took a deep look at Wei Huo, who was staring at the stitching wound, and went to another camp.

Wei Ran naturally felt Zhao Xuanqing's eyes. Everything Zhao Xuanqing thought was not difficult for Wei Ran to guess. He didn't want to integrate into the core of Hexi Jiedushi warlord system. He just wanted to be independent, so he paid more attention to the basic plate than anyone else.

Now that the military morale problem has been solved, find an opportunity to quietly solve the economic problem. Hum, just give me a state, and I don't need to see your face. Although ambition must be, it cannot be revealed before it is fledgling.

Of the 758 soldiers of the dare to die camp, only 547 returned. More than 200 people were lost in the scuffle. If it were normal, it would have collapsed. Later, however, the shield knife army provided timely support to help the dare to die camp stabilize its position. Wei Ran wants to come now, but he is still afraid. This is the end of insufficient training.

However, more than 200 enemy heads were brought back. If we really want to separate them, it will be enough for 40 people to atone for their sins.

Of course, Wei Ran is ambitious. He wants to take this dare to die battalion army into his trusted army and gradually develop it as the backbone. Naturally, it will not let those thieves withdraw so easily.

So I praised the whole army first, and then named the fierce soldiers who didn't step back one by one and followed them from beginning to end. I praised them in public. The spiritual encouragement under public praise can also raise a sense of honor and then produce a sense of identity.

Then he continued to roll call and distributed more than 200 heads to more than 100 "thief soldiers" according to the merit. Those who received the head reward were naturally excited when they redeemed part of their guilt and felt that they were one step closer to freedom.

However, none of them collected five heads. The one who got the most heads only got three, and most of them were only assigned one.

Although in actual combat, more than these enemies will be killed, but in each battle, the number of heads that can be obtained is always far less than the number of enemies killed. This is common sense, and no one is dissatisfied with it.

As for those who don't get the first level, they are basically located in the rear during combat. They don't have many chances to cut down the enemy, let alone kill. In the battle, every soldier looks at each other. Who is brave and who is cowardly is clear in the heart of every soldier.

Therefore, no one dares to put forward words of dissatisfaction in public. There will be a lot of slaps in the face and the speed will be very fast.

However, there are a large number of dissatisfied people in the bottom of their hearts. These people basically want to steal power by sneaking and playing tricks after their teammates kill the enemy. They can't kill the enemy, but they are first-class experts in internal fighting.

Fortunately, when Wei Ran integrated the military camp at the beginning, he blocked this loophole with the system and military agreement, and strictly implemented it, so that they had no loopholes to drill. Of course, there was no way to take Wei Ran.

For such moths in the army, Wei Ran only glanced at the expressions of the people at this time. He probably knew something in his heart and planned to send them to the front next time. I don't want to collect garbage when I'm fucking dead.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be done before going to war. That will affect the morale of the army, make the corporal doubt, and even doubt that the general has ulterior motives. It's not a good thing.

Therefore, Wei Ran plans to say it now, "brothers are lucky and bitter in this battle. Most of those who have been fighting with Wei in the front are wearing digital creations. Although the wounds have just been cleaned and sutured, they are not suitable for fighting on the front line again. "

The corporal looked at Wei Ran curiously. What he said was very reasonable. Those who dare to fight on the front line are all veterans and fierce soldiers. Naturally, they know how terrible it is after wound infection.

Wei Ran's method of cleaning and suturing their wounds is somewhat special, and the linen bandages used are also very clean. They all come from Wei Ran's reserves when he first entered the camp, which makes their wounds less painful than when they were injured before. He thought that they should not have a high fever at night and need to fight it hard.

"Therefore, if I play next time, the brothers who fight side by side with me today will retreat to the back to support. Those brothers who didn't get the head of Tubo barbarians today must have red eyes and itching hearts. They can't wait to kill some barbarians to make atonement, right? "

This sentence was polite and didn't embarrass anyone. However, every soldier has a clear mind about things in the army. Those who got the first level or disdained to fight side by side with Wei Ran were laughing.

As for ridicule or encouragement, you taste, you taste!

These words are high sounding, which makes it impossible for those * * who want to cheat and play tricks to get down, but it's hard to refuse in public.

Wei Ran jokingly but with a bit of seriousness, called the names of several teams and asked them to follow him in the next battle.

Not all of these teams are traitors and tricksters. Some of them have the courage to fight, but they have to guard the rear because of the battlefield environment and the tasks performed by the team.

After all, Wei Ran doesn't want to be followed by crafty * * who don't seriously fight, which will make him feel insecure. Naturally, we have to join some people who dare to fight. They are bound together with each other and face the enemy's weapons. Naturally, they can only use them in one place.

At this time, Wei Ran received a herald from the herald again.