There is only an insignificant mound here. The terrain is flat. As long as a big pit is dug nearby to bury the body, there is no danger of a plague.

At this time, the prisoners also felt that things were wrong. Didn't they go to Xingyang? I passed Xingyang just now. What are you doing in the wilderness?

Some of them saw fan Heng's gloomy and ferocious face, as well as the covetous faces of the officials and soldiers on the side. They faintly noticed that something was wrong, so someone shouted.

For a time, the voice of the officers and soldiers trying to kill the prisoners resounded through the 100000 prisoners!

Fan Heng ordered the army to move forward and killed a group of noisy prisoners. The prisoners had no strength because they ate only one meal a day. They were connected by ropes. They couldn't escape if they wanted to escape. They had to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Fan Heng felt happy and thought, I'll kill half of him first, then let the other half dig a pit to bury people, and then bury the other half alive in the pit. Hum, it's all over!

However, when he ordered the prisoners to dig a pit on the spot, the prisoners naturally did not obey. They knelt or sat on their knees and cried for mercy. Some people even suggested that when Li Chengye captured them, he only killed the chief villains. These prisoners who were willing to cooperate with the officers and soldiers could live in the future. How could the imperial court go back.

Fan Heng was angry. Li Chengye did agree to the prisoner's surrender on behalf of the imperial court, and the relevant memorials were sent to Chang'an. However, the imperial court did not give an official reply recently. He fan Heng wanted to take advantage of this time point to kill people, so as to make a gesture against Li Chengye's political views to the emperor.

He ordered the eloquent ones to be twisted out and beheaded alone. When the executioner's knife was about to fall, he rode out of the dust, counted arrows from a distance, and shot down the big knives in the hands of several executioners.

Regardless of the external right Shence army's obstruction, Wei Ran led dozens of horses and rode in. No one could stop him. He rode directly to the earth hill where fan Heng was located. Then he got off his horse and saluted.

Wei Ran originally wanted to go to fan Heng after receiving the news yesterday, but there was no evidence. There would be no result if he went, and he couldn't convince him when the other party was obviously hostile.

Therefore, he arranged for the scouts to speed up the whip overnight to convey the news to his adoptive father. He believed that Li Chengye would make appropriate suggestions to the court and would stop fan Heng's nonsense.

But what I didn't expect was that fan Heng sent 100000 prisoners of war out of the customs early in the morning, but he chose to kill them today. This disrupted Wei Ran's plan to wait for news from the imperial court. He had to follow these people and observe secretly.

Fan Heng really brought people to the evil array. Wei Ran thought that if fan Heng wanted to kill, he would certainly think of the epidemic prevention after killing the prisoners. He would certainly order the prisoners to dig a pit first and then kill.

If the pit is dug to a certain extent, the evil array will appear. Fan Heng may notice the abnormality and stop the massacre.

I just didn't expect that the prisoners of war lacked strength and tools and couldn't dig the land at all. With a quarrel, fan Heng decided to kill first and then dig a hole, which disrupted Wei Ran's plan. He had to bite the bullet.

"Fan liushou led all the prisoners of war here. What is his intention?"

His official rank is far lower than fan Heng, so he can only be polite before the soldiers.

Fan Heng squinted at Wei Ran and recognized Li Chengye's eldest son. He sneered and pretended not to know, "who are you? Dare to break into the army? Don't you think I dare not kill your arrogant and fierce general? "

Several riding generals beside Wei Ran were all angry. Their left Shence army attached great importance to honor. How could they endure being threatened by a civilian official who did not know the military? Many people's hands had quietly touched the handle of the knife.

Wei Ran said quietly, "the lower officer is a school captain riding General of Zuo Shence. Seeing that the right Shence army is good at killing prisoners of war, he broke in in in a hurry. It is indeed a violation of military law. According to the order of Shence army, he needs to accept 50 military sticks."

His men didn't expect that Wei Ran should take the initiative to take the military punishment. They were all a little stunned. One of the riding generals nearby couldn't stand it. He shouted: "major general is the eldest son of the county marquis. Fan liushou should have seen it!"

Fan Heng's eyes were triangular, more white and less black, and his eyes stabbed the man, "did I let you speak! The eldest son of the county marquis is no more than a seventh grade captain. He intrudes into the commander's army without a military order, and will be dealt with according to the military law. Li Dingguo, can you be convinced? "

Wei Ran took off his armor and revealed his upper body, which surprised everyone. His muscles were well-organized, just like carved ones, full of power and beauty.

"Willing to be punished!"

Fan Heng looked at Wei Ran unexpectedly. Although he deliberately pretended not to know or even despised him, it doesn't mean he really underestimated Wei Ran. After all, the reputation of the single rider array to kill Wang Xianzhi has spread all over the army. It is the plan to counter attack Wang Xianzhi's array. It is also the hands of this man. He is both wise and brave. How can he despise it.

Just bullying Wei Ran's young, his anger must be difficult to restrain. He provoked his anger with contempt. If he committed another act. Fan Heng could directly order his close guards and the right Shence army to capture him on the spot. When he was locked up in prison, it was also a humiliation to Li Chengye and strengthened his position in the emperor's heart.

But now I didn't expect that Wei Ran was able to bend and stretch, and he volunteered to be punished. The plans secretly planned by the bottom of his heart were useless. The tiger father has no dog son. He is calm and will be a strong enemy in the future.

In fact, Wei Ran is not ten steps away from fan Heng now. If there is a conflict, Wei Ran can directly capture the chief officer with a sudden advance. No matter how many soldiers there are around, they are only local chickens and dogs.

It's just that Wei Ran doesn't want to implicate dozens of generals who came with him. If a conflict really breaks out, there will inevitably be casualties. It's not worth it at all. This offends the name of Shangguan. Let him resist alone. There is no need to jeopardize the future of others.

The right Shence army rarely had the opportunity to deal with the Colonel generals in the left Shence army. Naturally, it was very excited. The executioners were two strong men with internal skills.

They were born in power. They were not afraid to offend the Marquis of the county. They just wanted to seriously hurt Wei Ran, which could be regarded as a face to the right Shence commander.

The two men took turns to strike with heavy military sticks that were thick and soaked in water. Each stick used all the internal and external strength to make a sky shaking dull sound on their bodies. What they thought was that Wei Ran was so strong. I'm afraid ordinary strength could not work at all, so they should use all their strength from the beginning.

Wei Ran's body was motionless, and he secretly made it bad. Every time he pulled a stick, he would meet it behind his back very covertly. In this way, if he pulled it on his body, he would return part of it.

As a result, the two big men not only failed to hurt Wei Ran, but went down with more than a dozen sticks, and their tiger's mouth was red and swollen enough to hold the military stick. They looked at each other and were surprised. With the feeling of hitting, they knew that Wei Ran didn't use his internal power to resist, so they couldn't find a reason to punish Wei Ran, so they had to change people to continue hitting.

After hitting the fifty army staff, the staff was cracked, but Wei Ran did nothing at all, and even the muscles on his back were not red. On the contrary, the people who executed the punishment changed three waves, which made the left Shence army proud, while the right Shence army was surprised and angry, but could not find a reason to attack.

Wei Ran stood up, put on his clothes and armor, and turned to look at fan Heng.

"I've been accepted by the fifty army staff of humble position, but I have one question to ask. Fan liushou ordered all the prisoners of war to concentrate here, but he wanted to kill the prisoners? "

Fan Heng didn't expect that Wei Ran's face remained unchanged. He also called the right Shence army to lose a big face and felt miscalculated.

"I don't need to report what I have done to you. Now that you have finished the military law, why don't you go back to the camp and stay here? "

Wei Ran looked at the prisoner of war below his eyes and said in secret: human life is vital, and it involves the soul grabbing node. He must be stopped.