There are also five thousand left Shence soldiers outside the camp. They have fought with the elite of the 10000 old camp for a long time and have been preventing them from supporting the Chinese army. At the moment, they see that the anti thieves in the Chinese army camp have collapsed like a flood, and the Shence elite cavalry in the rear have poured out one after another. All of them have great morale and shout Wansheng!

The elite of the 10000 old camp saw the weapons in Wei Ran's hand and the head of Wang Xianzhi. Like the veterans in the middle camp, they fell into chaos and collapsed completely with a counterattack by the Shence infantry.

Then Wei Ran marched around the whole camp under the escort of cavalry, so that most anti thieves saw Wang Xianzhi's head. The morale of the bandit army collapsed on the spot, and the internal and external camps collapsed like an avalanche. Even the Shence army dared not stop it.

Li Chengye was overjoyed, but he didn't lose his mind. First, he made people occupy the only three granaries left in the thief camp to prevent traitors from burning food. He also saved supplies for subsequent strategic actions and was invincible.

Finally, half of the sergeants were sent to pursue the thief army, leaving half of the sergeants to guard in place to prevent the thief army from counterattack.

After more than half a day of fighting, most of the thieves fled, and more than 10000 people were captured. Zuo Shence's casualties were not very great, but he was exhausted.

In the afternoon, they began to boil water, cook, clean the battlefield and bury the bodies.

Wei Ran was lying in Li Chengye's camp, with his upper body bare, and several military doctors treated him.

Although the injury has improved a lot under the mechanism of self recovery, it will take several days for Wang Xianzhi's true Qi to dissipate. Therefore, these days are not suitable for fighting and can only rest.

This also allows Wei Ran to find his own weakness. For the residue of enemy heterogeneous energy in the body, he lacks a rapid method to eliminate or eliminate it, and can only wait for his metabolism to recover slowly.

After paying attention to the eldest son's injury, Li Chengye determined that there was no serious harm before he began to deal with military affairs.

After using the prisoners to pack up all the food and grass, the army began to leave for Bozhou the next day.

Princess Shouning did not expect that in the past few days, the whole army had won a great victory. She was overjoyed. After squeezing some local powerful gentry in the city again, she rewarded the whole army wantonly.

The local tyrants and gentry were very happy to know that Wang Xianzhi was the first, and naturally they were half evasive about the princess's blackmail. After all, Zuo Shence army has shown such strong combat effectiveness in adversity. If it is not served well, it is easy to invite God and difficult to send God, wouldn't it be more sad.

After seeing his father leading the army and returning, Li Guangsi was so excited that he knelt down to meet him. This time Wei Ran didn't stop him. After all, it was his father who knelt.

Wei Ran created a miracle. Since then, Li Guangsi's attitude towards the big brother has changed greatly.

There was always a little dissatisfaction and jealousy in the past. Now I know that the two brothers are not on the same line in terms of military strategy and martial arts. In addition, Wei Ran saved the whole Li family this time. Li Guangsi's admiration and gratitude completely replaced those immature ideas before.

After entering the city, he personally accompanied Wei Ran, changed bandages and fed traditional Chinese medicine. The two brothers were more frank than before, but they were true brothers and sisters.

As for the experience of this war, Wei Ran naturally will not hide, and will teach some battlefield details and his own ideas.

The only thing he didn't say to his father and Li Guangsi was the investigation of military intelligence. He only prevaricated in the name of death. The story of his death was also painstakingly fabricated. It was another story. In short, it did not arouse their suspicion.

After all, Li Chengye's use of the army also occasionally used the dead. This is the common sense of the art of war and the content of the military strategy.

Li Chengye spoke highly of Wei Ran's military skills. Now he has seven points of the military situation and more than three points of military power.

As for the theory of military Yin and Yang, Li Chengye once again taught the two brothers how to judge the weather and celestial phenomena, mostly from the farmhouse. It's OK not to learn about Yin Yang and five elements, fortune telling, good or bad luck.

In the five days of the whole army in Bozhou City, more than Zuo Shence army lost a lot. Now, with the cavalry, there are only more than 21000 people. Therefore, Li Chengye lured him with rich treatment in the army and absorbed all the more than 3000 regiment training in the city into the army as a supplement.

Although the regiment's combat effectiveness is not good, in the Shence army, taking the old with the new can soon form combat effectiveness. As for the opinions of the local gentry and tyrants in Mazhou, hehe, can they be as sharp as knives?

After dealing with these things, Li Chengye returned to his residence and saw Princess Shouning coming out with Bu Lanshan. Knowing that they would visit their eldest son every day, I didn't think so.

After entering the room, Wei Ran lay in bed, while his second son Li Guangsi was teasing ah Li. He knew that ah Li was not an ordinary Fox and made great contributions this time. But the world is foolish and will mistake it for a demon. Therefore, it did not spread the news of ah Li's letter that day.

Li Chengye sat down at the bedside. His tone was somewhat unspoken. "Your Royal Highness sent back the news of our great victory to Changan several days ago, and asked the father to ask him to bring this message back, but... Well!"

Li Guangsi put down ah Li and said strangely, "this is a good thing. Your majesty and all the ministers should know that Zhang Zhenna eunuch is a straw bag. It is not enough to succeed, but more than fail. You have to rely on your father and big brother to save the country of the Tang Dynasty."

Wei Ran shook his head and said, "it's not that simple. Although my father and son had to counter attack and kill the enemy in order to survive. But after all, it is a great credit

Presumably, when the news of Wang Xianzhi's inauguration reaches the rear, the anti thief alliance composed of Wang Xianzhi's subordinates will fall apart, fall or kill. It only takes a long time to pursue exile and drive north, and the overall situation can be completely determined. "

Wei Ran inexplicably turned the topic to the subsequent war. Li Guangsi was puzzled, "isn't this... Very good? Peace will soon be restored. "

"Yes, my father saved Datang again, and he is already a county marquis. He is extremely grateful."

Li Guangsi was silent and knew what Wei Ran wanted to express, but he still had some expectations for the royal family, "isn't there a Shangzhu state above the county Marquis?"

Wei Ran and Li Chengye both looked at him and felt guilty.

"Who can get the Lord of the Duke of Zhu state except since the founding of the country? If your majesty really doesn't hesitate to give his father an upper pillar country, why should Zhang Zhen be asked to recruit envoys for Henan Road? My father has made great achievements, and there is no reward. "

Wei Ran finally didn't say what the Emperor didn't have much time to say. After all, it's really hard to explain to them where he learned the news.

Li Guangsi stood up and said in an excited tone, "in this war, the eldest brother planned strategies and made the merit of killing the thief chieftain, so he counted all the credit on the eldest brother. Isn't the matter of his father solvable?"

Wei Ran smiled bitterly, "in the eyes of outsiders, our Li family is a whole, and even has been called the door valve... What's the difference between my credit and that of my father?"

Li Guangsi sat down beside the bed, but Li Chengye smiled happily, "well, you don't have to worry about it. After the war, my father will try to blackmail the gentry, commit some stolen goods, leave a confession to the imperial historian, and then resign and retire. But it will hurt you both, and you will return to the countryside for a while with your father. "

With a little innocence, Li Guangsi stroked his hand and said, "it's so good. Anyway, my child is still young. It's a pity that my eldest brother has made such miracles. But you have a good relationship with your royal highness. Maybe you can help her to say something nice on the holy side. "

Wei Ran waved, "public return to public, private return to private, can't be confused. I live in seclusion. In fact, I don't have much interest in being an official."

Both father and son were surprised to see that what he said was not false.

Wei Ran thought that his father's self pollution way of self-protection might not have much effect. Think that he has just made great achievements. Even if an unworthy censor dares to impeach him, can the emperor move the general when he has just made great achievements? Not afraid to cold the hearts of other heroes?

The emperor had so many things to take into account that he would be in a dilemma. Plus he's dying soon, who knows what he'll do.