When Wei Ran saw that he was expressionless, he was so frightened that he knelt down on the spot. So did several other maids. They trembled for mercy, panicked, and shed tears. In the face of this powerful and murderous young master, they feel that they are just a few weak lambs.

These people are not a few years older than Wei Ran. They are all 16 or 17-year-old girls. Although they gossip about others behind their backs, it is against their heart to really want him to be cruel. After a little thought, I think the root of the problem is not them. The deepest root is the patriarchal concept of this era. The shallower one is the fuel of those smelly Taoists.

He pointed to one of them and said in a cold voice, "you, go find my father and come to the West Wing building. You, go find my second mother and come here. Both of you come with me!"

They looked up in dismay and said, "Dalang, you go to the west wing, but you have to..."

"The west wing is for guest Qing to live in. I'm just looking for trouble with those bulls. It's not clear. Do you pay attention to me?"

"I dare not! But... Please spare your life, eldest childe. If so, if you let the mistress know... "

"It seems that you are only afraid of my second mother, but don't know that there are my father, my mother and my master in the prefecture?"

They said in panic, "no! If you let the mistress know... "

"Just let Er Niang know who she brought from the Wang family. Hum, you haven't started yet. Do you want to wait for me to kill you? "

Wei Yanyue said that the more severe his tone was, and with the momentum he killed from the sea of corpses and blood, several maids could resist, so they went away one after another.

Wei Ran took the other two maids to the West Chamber building first. He ordered one of them to call out Feng Xinyuan and several smelly Taoists. He sat in the building and quietly watched the artificial lake next to the building.

This was very rude. As a nominal disciple of Feng Xinyuan, he should have invited his master and several senior brothers in person, but Wei Ran refused to give this face.

When the maid cried and went to find Feng Xinyuan, Feng Xinyuan was very angry and snorted coldly. He didn't want to come out, but subconsciously asked the maid Wei Ran why he was looking for them.

The maid could only tell the truth. Feng Xinyuan's face immediately changed.

His original purpose was to secretly guide the people in the house and discriminate against Wei Ran with his life experience, while he hid behind the scenes. No matter how dissatisfied Wei Ran is, he can only punish the servants who chew their tongue. And because of the scruples of secular ideas, they dare not make too much trouble, and finally they can only swallow it.

I just didn't expect that this disciple who didn't get in touch with much in ordinary days was so hot. Did he really care about his life experience and destiny? I'm not afraid of making things big, which makes the county Marquis dissatisfied with it?

Wei Ran is such a character. He disdains playing tricks. He would rather take it straight than seek it from the song!

Something, face it squarely! Have something, take it openly! Yes, Yongquan reported! If you have hatred, you will repay it! A promise must be kept all your life! Love, I will never forget!

The maid led Feng Xinyuan and his three disciples to the small building, but saw Wei Ran sitting leisurely with a sobbing maid kneeling beside him.

Wei Huo glanced at Feng Xinyuan, smiled and stood up. "There was a teacher's father coming, but he wanted you to be a witness and let me settle a grudge with senior brother Mu who chewed his tongue in the house."

Feng Xinyuan looked at Mu Linsen. Mu Linsen snorted coldly, "what's your ability to embarrass several maids?"

Wei Ran said gloomily, "as the young master of the county Marquis house, how can several servants arrange wantonly under the instigation of outsiders?"

"You are a disaster! What's the matter with others telling the truth? "

"Shut up!" Feng Xinyuan scolded loudly.

Mu Linsen saw that his master was just scolding, but he didn't wave the dust and beat like he did in the morning. Obviously, he meant to pull the frame away.

Then he whispered angrily and mocked, "just an adopted son. To put it bluntly, in the door valve family, you are just a senior servant. It's ridiculous that you really regard yourself as the master."

In this era, there is a great deal of blood. The so-called adopted son does not have any inheritance right in the general family. Generally speaking, it is a senior family general who has been adopted since childhood. With brainwashing education, he makes him loyal to escort orthodox descendants.

Therefore, as long as people do not understand Li Chengye's real attitude towards Wei Ran, they will mistakenly think that Wei Ran is only a senior family general, which is completely different from the blood heirs like Li Guangsi.

"Linsen, do you turn a deaf ear to your teacher's words?"

The same is reprimand, there is no actual punishment.

Wei Ran saw it in his eyes and Ming was in his heart. He didn't want to argue with Mu Linsen so much. In terms of his temper, it's not as real as a fist.

"The Marquis of the county has the rules of the Marquis of the county. You are just an outsider. You can't interrupt anything. I've sent someone to call my father and second mother. There will be a judge later.

It's just you. You can't stay in my house anymore. So later, I will challenge you to continue the unfinished duel this morning. I hope you have the courage not to refuse. "

Wei Ran's tone was gentle and his look was calm. He couldn't see any publicity. He was introverted and hidden a murderous opportunity.

Feng Xinyuan has a wide range of knowledge and knows such a performance. He is called "mirror water stop" in martial arts. With such a martial state of mind, he will not be easily disturbed by foreign objects, and his momentum is easier to suppress the other party in battle.

Therefore, I don't want my apprentice to agree to the duel. I just want to wait for the county hou to come and make a delaying formula to drag the matter over.

However, Mu Linsen was not as knowledgeable as his master. Arrogant, he immediately replied, "OK, I just want to teach you a lesson, a disaster star bastard who doesn't know etiquette!"

How can these two words talk nonsense? Feng Xinyuan's face changed. He was about to wave the dust brush to teach this proud disciple, but he heard a very angry voice.

"Who dares to be so arrogant in the county Hou's house!"

It was Li Chengye and Wang who came with two experts from their hometown. They happened to hear Mu Linsen's words and were angry immediately.

When he came, he had already asked what happened. At that time, he was almost angry and nearly killed the maid on the spot. But Qiang Zi endured and thought of going to the west wing. He must face several people of Chunyang sect.

His attitude towards Feng Xinyuan is not as dissatisfied as it was five years ago, but he is a person in the Jianghu and can't be trusted. He brought two experts whose accomplishments are almost perfect the day after tomorrow. These are Xiake in his hometown. They are all of the same family name and are very trustworthy.

When Li Chengye walked into the small building, everyone saluted him, while Wang ordered four maids to kneel on the ground and listen to the lesson. She also knew the cause of the matter and was very dissatisfied with several people of the Chunyang sect, but she was calmer than Li Chengye. After all, she brought people from her home, and her master should also bear the responsibility.

Li Chengye pointed to Mu Linsen and said, "get out of Ben Hou immediately and never let me see you appear in Chang'an city!"

Mu Linsen's face changed dramatically. He came down the mountain to Chang'an city to pursue fame and wealth. If he was expelled by one word, how can he continue.

At first, he was forced by Li Chengye's momentum. He was a little worried, but his words aroused his anger and pride, so he wanted to speak with his head held high.

Feng Xinyuan immediately stopped it. Now Li Chengye is very angry. If there is a head-on conflict at this time, the two experts around him are quite frightening. If something happens, he may not be able to protect his apprentice.

At this time, other guests in the west chamber also appeared one after another. Looking at what happened here from a distance, it made things more out of control.