Shopkeeper, no, it should be said that the hu man GUI Nu came here. He didn't care about the fox. He just saw that the second ancestor was dressed in silk, gold, silver and jewelry. He must be a good upstart who cheated. I'm really sorry if I don't squeeze him out today.

"Oh, this gentleman is a talented man, but he is very green. Isn't it his first time to come to our store?"

Wei Ran looked at each other and threw twenty Liang silver ingots into his hand.

"I'm a friend and classmate of this childe. Can Zhang Jing and childe Zhang be there?"

The shopkeeper took the silver ingot and smiled. The main trade currency of the Tang Dynasty is copper money. Gold and silver are rare and usually not used as currency for daily transactions, so they are very valuable.

Although the shopkeeper was very happy, he didn't know that these twenty Liang were the trouble expenses paid by Wei Ran in advance. Later, he might annoy Dama, but he wouldn't give another penny. Thinking of the consequences of the trouble, these twenty Liang silver was definitely not enough to compensate.

Under the personal leadership of the shopkeeper, Wei Ran came to a very closed private room on the second floor.

The light here is no better than that on the first floor. Wool blankets from the western regions are hung everywhere, obscuring the windows.

There is not much light coming in, and pink ribbons are hung around the floor. Under the candle light, it looks quiet and ambiguous. Men only need to smell it with their nose to know what business is really running here.

From the door of Zhang Jing's private room, you can hear the sexual waves Yu, the sound of whip, and bursts of wild laughter.

Wei Ran stood at the door holding ah Li and looked at the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper showed him an ambiguous smile, "young master, do you want to choose another one to go in? I remember when childe Zhang went in with several CHILDES, he only brought a Hu Ji. Old man, there are all kinds of Hu Ji here. I'm sure you're satisfied. "

A Li said vaguely, "tut Tut, which type do you like? Do you want to do things before beating people and let the beaten people pay the bill? Oh, forget you're only 13 years old. Maybe you don't have this ability. "

Wei Ran listened to the green veins on his forehead, but said gently to the shopkeeper, "you can't guess my taste. All right, shopkeeper, go yourself. I'll go in. "

The shopkeeper nodded obediently. For the sake of twenty Liang silver, he didn't care about the absurd affairs of the powerful children in Beijing.

Wei was about to kick the door open, but he heard the voice inside.

A familiar voice asked in the room, "five days ago, the Li family was robbed and killed. It is said that the boy surnamed Li was in charge of the pass and killed almost hundreds of thieves, including some good players in the Jianghu. Brother Zhang, you were there. Did you ever see him? "

First, he heard the sound of a whip beating the flesh, and at the same time, he heard a woman's depressed groan. Then Zhang Jing replied, "the thief battle is really huge, but since he didn't trouble me, he naturally left first. He didn't see how the boy surnamed Li fought behind. But he really has a big life, so he can survive. Hum, if... "

After only half of the conversation, he took the initiative to stop, and then said, "today is to be happy. Why do you mention those disappointing things. The boy surnamed Li made us lose so much face in the Academy. Although he survived, he must be dying in bed now. No matter how powerful he is, he can't be as happy and comfortable as we are, ha ha... "

Another person said angrily, "this boy is really strong. There were so many of us at that time... Hey, don't mention it. However, I think there is a reason why the Li family was robbed! "

Zhang Jing asked, "why do you say that?"

The tone has some inexplicable meaning, like suspicion and interrogation.

The man was not so sensitive, but smiled and said, "it's not a rumor. The dead had a fetus, the fox demon was born, the long star crossed the sky, and the family went to the yellow spring. It is also rumored that he was the younger martial brother of today's national teacher. When Taoist Feng accepted him as an apprentice, he thought that he was the fate of Tiansha lone star. Hehe, even so, it's hard to say that this disaster was brought by the boy of the Li family. "

Another whiplash came from the room. Zhang Jing said happily, "ha ha ha, brother Wang is right. That boy, his grandmother's is a disaster star!"

Wei Ran narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly, but instead of kicking the door with violence, he put down ah Li, put his hands on the door, and exerted the soft strength in the method of holding the door. This is a kind of luck method that he failed to master in his previous life.

Enter through the door, gently break the internal door bar, then gently push open the door, walk in, and then bring the door back.

There was only one lantern in the room, and the scene in the room was very dirty. Four men and four women are all naked. Some are having sex and having fun, while others are playing games with unique tastes.

For example, Zhang Jing is holding a whip in his hand. It seems that it is not a whip that is easy to hurt and kill people, but a whip with special interest. Opposite him, a fruit woman was hanging by the wall with her hands tied.

At this time, everyone heard the sound of pushing the door. They were wondering who opened the door when it was clearly bolted?

Then he saw an acquaintance dressed in colorful silk and satin and looking like the second ancestor, looking at them with a smile.

"It's just that everyone is naked and doesn't bother me to work as hard as last time."

"Li Dingguo!"

Zhang Jing screamed. He was so scared that he lost his whip in his hand. Wei Ran noticed why he liked to play this special game. It turned out that normal people can stand tall. He can only hang it soft.

The other three companions were stunned. Their crotch was still doing some indescribable movements. At this time, they were completely still on the ground. For a moment, the sword below was soft.

Wei Ran said with a laugh, "Zhang Jing, right? You seemed arrogant that day and bewitched a group of people away. Well, my family's more than a dozen private uncles are not over seven years old. Their orphans and widows wash their faces in tears all day. We need to have an explanation. "

"You, you, you, what do you need?! What happened that day has nothing to do with me! "

Wei Ran moved a stool and sat against the door. Ah Li jumped on him again. He touched ah Li's hair and asked slowly.

"It has nothing to do with you?" This pun can refer to more things.

Just now, when eavesdropping outside the door, Wei Ran felt that there should be some information hidden in his words by virtue of his stronger spiritual perception than ordinary people, so he planned to cheat him again and observe the other party's Micro expression.

"How can it have anything to do with me!" Zhang Jing said angrily, staring at Wei Ran, as if he was going to attack him at any time.

Wei Yan kept looking at each other without expression for more than five seconds. Zhang Jing still had this expression, just as his body seemed to freeze and his expression was deliberately maintained.

Maybe ordinary people can't see anything, but according to the hint made by ah Li: ordinary people maintain a normal expression for no more than five seconds. If they exceed, it is very likely to be a performance.

Obviously, Zhang Jing is performing.